Cheap Prolif Flameblast, HC viable - 2.3 updated
thanks for all mate.
What you think about this guy build : compared to your. Its hybrid with 5k life 10k es .. I think damage is pretty much the same. Hes not using ele prolif cause beacon but thats not the point here :). And final question with your build for hars high hp pool bosses you swap Inc aoe and eleprolif for conc and chance to ignite i guess ? <= EDIT : u explained it in ur build ^^ sry Last edited by doppelski#4064 on Jun 1, 2016, 3:19:25 PM
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Hey I read your build and i see you mention that you must avoid Elemental reflect maps.
Couple weeks ago i would of agreed with you on that point but ever since they changed the Paragon of Calamity node in the Ascendancy tree to reduce by half the reflect damage taken, i think running reflect maps with the proper setup would be possible. Incoming poor Napkin Math. (Lets assume the mobs we hit have 0 fire res)(i excluded the curses and fire penetration to make the calculations easier) Lets take your highest damage tooltip here : quote : 5,281 ele overload + pendulum of destruction + on kill effect from boots Lets assume you decide to 10 stack this with all the buffs up (which you probably would never do anyways in a reflect map ! :D) 5,281 x 12 = 63,372 fire damage at ten stack. Now lets assume we swapped to a rise of the phoenix for these dangerous reflect maps. That would put our fire res at 75% + 1% from tree + 5% from purity of fire level 23 + 8% from phoenix. We are now at a total of 89% fire Res. So that makes 63,372 x 0.13 (map reflect %) x 0.11 (fire res left) x 0.5 (half reduced by paragon of calamity) = 453.11 damage reflected per mob that we decided to 10 stack for some reason. With around 6.5k hp we could 10 stack around 14 mobs without dying. So if my calculation are correct ? running reflect maps while being careful would be possible ? Side note : running 1 or 2 ruby flask with the flask nodes in the tree would make this even safer. Quick math done with flask up : 63,372 x 0.13 x 0.03 (97% fire res with flask + flask nodes) x 0.5 = 123.57 dmg reflected per mod. (we could hit a whopping 52 mobs with a 10 stack flameblast without dying ?) Please correct me if my math is completely wrong ! IGN : FatJanitor Last edited by LazyJanitor#6809 on Jun 1, 2016, 5:06:35 PM
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Just checked the first 10 pages, so sorry if the question has been asked already:
Why do you use Lightning Golem, the most obvious choice to me is Fire Golem? Also, secondary question: how much damage would I, as a lazy guy that doesn't like to use more skills than one, lose if I ditched Mastermind of Discord for Liege of the Primordial and use Lightning and Fire Golem with it (I hate recasting golems because they feed)? Last edited by Karyoplasma#1337 on Jun 1, 2016, 5:53:17 PM
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You need to consider in flammability and 65% fire penetration. So, assuming average damage hit, 0% res mob, Mastermind of Discord up and a non-curse immune mob:
5281 * 12 * 2.13 = 134982 damage Let's say we have Paragon of Calamity, lvl 20 PoF, and RotP, so 88% fire resist and 50% less reflected damage taken. That means we take damage equal to as if we had 94% fire resist. Highest tier map reflect is 18%. So: 134982 * 0.18 * 0.06 = 1457 1457 damage taken per 1 mob hit. I don't like the idea of relying on flasks when it comes to reflect maps, but let's do this: A normal ruby flask, buffed by 30% (flask nodes), so additional 7% fire resist. Now that puts us at 95% fire res + Paragon of Calamity, so, I guess, effectively 97% fire resist. 134982 * 0.18 * 0.03 = 728 809 damage taken per 1 mob hit. 6.2k life sounds fair, so let's assume this is our pool. It would take only 9 mobs to kill ourselves, even with PoF, RotP, Paragon of Calamity, and a Ruby Flask up. Well, I guess it would be possible to still do them by simply gimping the damage (taking off fire pen, turning off the curse) but it doesn't convince me at all. Frankly I would just rather reroll them and be done with it :P " Overall,h is build looks pretty damn good. I tried hybrid 2 or 3 times since 2.0 and I swore to myself to never do it again though. I just can't stand ES without any sustain (leech/high regen). " Mastermind of Discord provides vastly more damage than a buffed Flame Golem. If you strive for more defence, get Paragon of Calamity as soon as possible, go Version III of the build and run Enfeeble. Buffed, it causes enemies in the blasphemy range to deal 42% less damage, have 42% lower critical strike multi, be 51% and 35% less likely to hit you and crit you, respectively. " I found Lightning Golem to be better since we already got plenty damage, so another 20% doesn't add much. More cast speed on the other hand, is always welcome. It's really hard to tell how much damage you lose by not going Mastermind of Discord. I'm afraid you'll have to see that for yourself. CET Timezone Last edited by Sivluu#3816 on Jun 1, 2016, 6:02:04 PM
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Oh so i was a bit off on my calculations. I didn't expect the fire penetration to have such a big effect to be honest haha.
Although i agree with you that reflect maps are sketchy i do however still think they are doable if you only 5 stack or less packs IGN : FatJanitor
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Indeed, but that still is very, well... sketchy :P Look away for a fraction of a second and next thing you know you're on standard.
CET Timezone
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how exactly does this function at bosses(wasteland - seems like istarip if you start flamebalst together with boss charge, excavation, t15, atziri, etc)
ye, and izaro too. No rest for the wicked
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" Assume I choose Version III, do you think I should use my Cruel Ascendency on Paragon of Calamity so I can drop PoF and start running Enfeeble ASAP? Does the build do enough damage without Pendulum and Mastermind to do, say, Tier 7/8/9 maps at a reasonable pace? I ask because in 2.2, I didn't attempt Merc Lab until I had been mapping for a while. Or would it be better to use Cruel Ascendency on Pendulum and run PoF until I can complete the Merc Lab? |
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Cruel or Merciless, that's up to you. Obviously you'll be able to use Enfeeble earlier if choose Paragon of Calamity on cruel.
It works just fine without Mastermind of Discord. I hit lvl 99 on my first flameblaster without it. " You simply position yourself in a way you won't take too much damage, it's really as simple as that. Just dodge, don't get hit. Most of the bosses can be one shot with the single target setup. CET Timezone
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Last edited by mindlapse8#6656 on Feb 19, 2020, 6:09:47 AM
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