Budget Fireball Elementalist
switch to cont des and conc effect. Taking out spell echo and I think I actually prefer that set up. More single target damage and more burn.
When I get a six link I'll throw spell echo back in. I think with this set up though I will try to get a 4'th rolling flames jewel. |
hey, I did everything like you, all items and gems, but why your fireballs in video are bigger than mine? I mean, your fireballs exceeds the monsters.
Tooltip DPS only went up maybe 20% with the 50% more damage at lvl 20 buff.
Took a look at the Shaper fight and there is absolutely no way this build will even come close to killing Shaper. Maybe if you did GG gear with double Void Batteries and went one of the crit builds. But even with all that, Fireball is probably too bad to kill Shaper. Definitely not killing him with any Fireball build in HC leagues. Maybe have a chance at the guardians, but I suck and would definitely die too much. The skill is still not great compared to the more popular skills. Nothing to shotgun on. Sigh, sorry to anybody who had their hopes up (like me T-T). Leveling with Fireball is still atrocious no matter where you start. Still need to use leveling/better skills until like lvl 50 or so to make it even close to how fast you go with the other skills. Really disappointing. Kind of mad and babyraging about it, sorry. " Are you using Dragon mtx on your fireballs? Because the mtx shows the aoe really clearly as opposed to the regular animation. But don't worry. It's still doing the big aoe even if you don't see it clearly. Last edited by meest#0162 on Sep 7, 2016, 5:36:27 PM
actually I dont know what is this lol
I don't know if fireball will be good enough on higher tier maps, but on yellow maps, it's still pretty good, i clear maps quite fast with crap gear. I am currently lvl 86 playing hardcore essence league and sitting at around 5,8k life without Kaoms. On bosses, when there is nothing to shotgun, the damage is a little low, but not horrible, but since most bosses spawn little monsters or are in some kind of arena, most of the time i can find a way to shotgun it, and when i do the damage is quite high, even with crap equipment.
This is my skill tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEDAAN1A9YEBwSzBsMOPBBYEQ8UIBRxFm8aOBpsHwIkqiTYJbwnLylPKo0snC3SMjQ2xTbYNuk6WDrYOw09_EWdRtdJG0yzUEdTUlXGVkhYY1h3WfNfBF8_Y_1mVGaeZ5toZWjycYVyD3Kpdqx65n31ggeCm4PbhW2HZYzPkFWRK5HOlG-aO5rgna6fPp_fogCmo6cIrJisqq4-r7exQrl-u-29YMBmxPbGBMauxtjPftAf1YHVptgk2XzaudtP37_gw-Fz42rkIuRR6hjr7uw47FXvDu987-vwH_Fs8932SPcy-Os= I wen Oak-Skill Point-Oak and got Chieftain for ascendancy. On these next points i plan on getting the 2 remaining jewel slots and Blast Radius. This is my gear: Before i got Pledge of Hands i was doing 4L infernal mantle with dual wielding wands. I only got the pledge of hands because i plan on going Kaoms Heart, because if i didn't i would stick with dual wielding and getting an 5L infernal mantle, because the dps is considerably better. Last edited by pedrofell#2812 on Sep 7, 2016, 8:10:30 PM
drop the two int nodes above the jewel socket above the witch tree and pick up deep thoughts instead. straight up better.
EDIT: wrong thread Last edited by maxthemace#5277 on Sep 8, 2016, 12:32:03 AM
" It's not better, because i have blood magic, so it's the same. I also saw that after i grabbed the first int node. =) |
I am also running a blood magic marauder with fireball similar to pedro except I chose berserker for the 40% more damage. I opted to grab extra a little extra life regen rather than more damage on the tree.
This is what my tree looks like: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVBBQU1CQWdBQWVzYllXR005X01SWTlraGZQeFFnN3c2UnpvSUgyWHpQZmhSeERqemZ2OXRQNE1NbHZDZnRCZzdVZkFuMnhQYkdyZ3hmSEtkVHBXank4Qi1pQUFTendHWThCZTk4bjktYU80S2I3RGlGZTJaVWxHOXlEeWxQMWFhZHJnTjFrU3RZZDE4RXB3allKRXl6bDVWU1V6MWZnOXRWeGpwWXJKanhiRGJZU1JzcWpleFZQQzJEekxjLWcxXy1DdGk5R2ppUVZTY3ZMZEpRUjJhZVZraEZSekxSNi01WGxMdnRqMGFib2ZmWEVRODdEZV9yMEItYTRFV2RVMUtGYmRXQkpOaHlxYXlxV2ZQa1VXZWJyajc0Ni1vWTl6SjJyQm8tOGlfejNXaGxuejRZWGEzeFFZZjU2UGhmWDlBaGtPb1F2d2drTjhOb2Zmcz0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA= I'm planning on using several uniques including: Pledge of Hands Kaom's Heart Kaom's Roots Essence Wyrm Winds of Change This setup severely starves my available gem sockets as both Kaom's Heart and Kaom's Roots will provide 0 sockets. Rare Helm: Leap Slam - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Enduring Cry Winds of Change Gloves: CWDT - Immortal Call - Inc Duration - Molten Shell or Lightning Golem (haven't decided yet) Pledge of Hands: Fireball - GMP - Conc Effect- Fire Pen - Faster Cast - Controlled Destruction Essence Wyrm Unset Ring: 21 Anger / 21 Purity of Fire swap A nice benefit of berserker besides the damage and free life leech is the 25% instant heal from using a warcry and the reduced cooldown. This will allow me to instant heal for 25% while gaining 6 endurance charges for a bunch of damage mitigation and for consumption by immortal call. Immortal call should last for close to 5 seconds whereas my warcry cooldown is only 2 seconds. Theoretically this should allow me to have close to 100% uptime on immortal call while in larger packs. So far I'm using double wands and a garbage 5-link ES chest and I'm reaching around 18k GMP fireball with 2x Rolling Flames. Can't seem to 6L my Pledge of Hands :( Fresh builds all day. Last edited by DarthPwn#1332 on Sep 8, 2016, 2:39:22 PM
I believe for this build to start shining you really need 3 or 4 threshold jewels.
" Hmm, that's interesting, i forgot i could use leap slam with pledge of hands, i might change that up to benefit from fortify. I also think i will have to change to an essence wyrm ring(with purity of fire) later on when i 6L my pledge, because i am already suffering a little bit with elemental reflects rares. The closest i got to dying was to a reflect rare that i shotgunned. Also, i am not grabbing much extra life regen on the tree because with the chieftain ascendancy i got plenty, with 6 endurance charges my life regen is close to 10%. Last edited by pedrofell#2812 on Sep 8, 2016, 6:03:19 PM