[2.4] Pure SRS *Cheap* *Atziri* *Magic Find* *Endgame Viable*

dgamer11 wrote:
This build still viable on 2.5 ?

I've run this build in Essence (got to level 90 with it), and i got a very good comparison between patch 2.4 SRS power level and 2.5 power level.
In my opinion it was a buff, especially the fact that you will be able to focus on positioning instead of trying to keep 50 SRS at the time.

You can check my gear and tree, to see my approach to this build in patch 2.5
Hey, anybody got good ideas for MF items yet? I was thinking about ventor's gamble or greed's embrace, but I'm unsure about how much survivability it would cost you and what items would do the best job for this build..
Hey, I'm interested in this build, can someone tell me how it does in breaches/ clearing breachlord domain with let's say all the gear except using a 5l searing touch?
Second-class poe gamer
I have been using it, level 84 right now. Breaches have been hard and my primary source of deaths. I have done a lot to get my HP up and avoid damage and they have gotten much easier to survive. Clearing to the breachlords has been very easy but the breachlords themselves can be hard. Esh and Xoph are pretty doable but Tul just destroys me.

5L is pretty good. I just started using a 6L with empower lvl 3. It is good, but in order to use it you need high mana and high mana regen. You can use a 6L sooner with something besides empower.

I am now at 4056/4370 HP with auras and content gets continuously easier as I get that up. I am interested in how an ES or CI build would be but that is a whole different set of gear...
generosity cost me 900 dam i think it doesnt work anymore
BTFU wrote:
I have been using it, level 84 right now. Breaches have been hard and my primary source of deaths. I have done a lot to get my HP up and avoid damage and they have gotten much easier to survive. Clearing to the breachlords has been very easy but the breachlords themselves can be hard. Esh and Xoph are pretty doable but Tul just destroys me.

5L is pretty good. I just started using a 6L with empower lvl 3. It is good, but in order to use it you need high mana and high mana regen. You can use a 6L sooner with something besides empower.

I am now at 4056/4370 HP with auras and content gets continuously easier as I get that up. I am interested in how an ES or CI build would be but that is a whole different set of gear...

I've had the same experience with the breachlords. Getting to them is super easy but actually killing them is really annoying if you die since you can't setup beforehand once you aggro them. I used my first breachstone way too early and I got esh to 25% before dying but just couldn't get setup again when going into his arena. It was easy when I went back later and had more than enough dps but that first time was pretty frustrating.

I'm doing the hybrid version and am at 3.6k life and 4.5k ES and while I wouldn't call it tanky with zero leech it's still a nice buffer so you can run away from most things. You don't get to run anger but I haven't missed it with my current setup of a 6L +2 and a lvl 21 SRS.

The build has been pretty fun so far for my first time playing with SRS. Clear speed in maps has been great for me, you just run around with vaal haste the whole time with the souls quickly chewing through everything as you run by summoning a few for each pack.

I'm also interested to see how it does with uber lab since the trials are so easy but I just can't find that last freaking one.
Last edited by supremePINEAPPLE#3832 on Dec 14, 2016, 7:04:45 PM

I'm leveling a witch for this build and i have a question.

I have :
summon ragging spirit
+ Melee splash damage
+ Echo spell support
+ minion damage support

with that stuff, DPS of skulls are 241,5/second

but if i change minion damage with added lightning damage support (+13 to 253 dmg), dps go up to 1186,5/sec

actually, with minion damage support, dps of the skulls don't change at all.

Is it normal? or i've done something bad with the stuff?


2nd question :
In the video of the build, the player can go up to 40 skulls. I can only go to 20, what should i do to go to 40?
Last edited by taolek#2739 on Dec 18, 2016, 10:33:00 AM
Ok, first of all... THANKS! It's a great build and finally delivers what it promises. A budget build with incredible clear speed. I just rushed through Normal - Merciless in Breach League like I've never done before and I tried a lot of builds. Also the cost is really manageable. I spent maybe 1 Ex all together till now and most of it were for the Jewels, the Minions + Cast speed Jewels are really expensive in Breach.

I just killed Act 2 Boss in Merciless in 3-4 seconds and I'm only using 2x 5-Link!

Ok now for the main reason I'm writing this. You wrote this build is endgame viable and I believe that based on my experience till now. But how do you handle Merc and Uber Lab? In Normal and Cruel it was nearly impossible for me to do the tasks in encounter 1 and 2. It didn't matter because I just rushed over him and was happy about the 2 extra keys. But I don't think this will be doable in Merc not to speak of Uber. Especially the encounter were you have to kill specific targets is very hard to do. I tried it with Multistrike (single dps) and staying behind the target (Portal, etc...) But still around 50% go for Itzaro and I mostly get only 1 of the targets down before Itzaro looses 1/3 of his life. Any tips for that encounter?

Second thing is mostly a problem with the incredible clear speed :)
I'd say, that before the Item-Filter with sound warning came, this build would just be annoying because so many kills happen off-screen. I am not sure but did you encounter a "max-reach" were you get the sound-warnings. I have the feeling that I don't get the sound if the kill happens around 2-3 screens away but im not totally sure. Any experience with that?

Again, great work and the guide is very detailed and helpfull, a big Thump Up for this one!

Just had another thought. Why do you use spell totem + Arc for Ele Equi? If we have Hatred running SRS should do additional cold damage and that should trigger Equi already or am I wrong? Could free up some slots we could use for defensive stuff or so.

Last edited by Gambit79#1124 on Dec 18, 2016, 7:11:22 PM
Just had another thought. Why do you use spell totem + Arc for Ele Equi? If we have Hatred running SRS should do additional cold damage and that should trigger Equi already or am I wrong? Could free up some slots we could use for defensive stuff or so.

The raging spirits dont triger the Elemental Equilibrium, the totem isn't a minion so it trigers.
If u dont want to use a totem for it (it cast the spell automaticly, less to worry) u can use the spell yourself.

Played this build in standard and it realy took off around lvl 75 with every gem in his place (i didnt use equilibrium im lazy, offering and srs for the win)

For Breach im collecting gear to make it a shield build with one less aura (hybrid life/es ,bone helmet, scourge/essence crafted minion damage) for superb tankiness and srs killing power :D
@FliegenTod Thanks for build , absolutely love it, never played Necr b4.

Question: Im lvl88 atm but i dont get how u can summon up to 50 raging spirits.


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