[2.4] Pure SRS *Cheap* *Atziri* *Magic Find* *Endgame Viable*
" I'm also using frost wall and it is pretty nice. You need to be very friendly with your flame dash button, but the spirits don't have much trouble getting around the walls and finding their targets. I think frost wall is easily the better choice, at least if you're not also running a rumi's to get your block up to / close to cap. Bonus because it means you're not over-writing your flesh offering. " EE is really just for hard targets (bosses). On trash like you say there's no way the fight is going to last long enough for it to matter. " The trouble with this is you can't actually change your route and save points. You're literally only saving the one point from EE. If you want to pick up more life you're going to have to sacrifice something more meaningful. Like cast speed. |
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" Not necessary, you can go SRS straight away and it will be plenty strong. Reverberation rod is the unique of choice, will ride you through 'till you get your 5L +2 staff. Goldrim and wanderlust are of course handy. Gem setup for reverberation rod is just srs + melee splash + minion damage. Can swap melee splash for melee phys on bosses, if you're the sort who doesn't mind gem swapping. I like zombie meatshield while leveling, at least until you can get your CWDT setup. If you can afford a tabula of course that will be more damage than reverberation rod. You'll probably need reduced mana as your 6th link in order to pay for it, so it is really only functionally 1 more link than reverberation rod, and you lose the +1 skill, so it won't be as big of a difference as you might think. |
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Has anyone attempted to use a bone helmet rolled with an Essence of Loathing? (Deafening gives 7% reserved mana reduction)
The reduced mana reservation is also a global stat so there is potential to socket the gems elsewhere even. Last edited by Vonwarr#1371 on Sep 14, 2016, 9:31:05 AM
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" Thats a bit difficult, you could of course take the helmet and run all the auras with the 7% less mana reserved, but Alphas Howl also gives +2 to the aura gems. The three auras in the helmet are all important for the damage of our Spirits. The up to 40% Minion Damage may seem high but maybe the +2 aura gems mod is better. Does somebody have a working and complete SRS damage calculation that also includes the Auras? I will update the Guide with the Frost Wall CWDT setup. What do you guys use for your complete setup, mine is CWDT-Summon Skeletons-Enfeeble-Frost Wall atm? ooops...and it's a ranger again
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How do you deal with having such low-life 3-4k? Do you just try to off screen everything?
Also, what's the viability of this build doing high tier maps, Shaper, Uber, etc...? Last edited by rickpollock#7751 on Sep 14, 2016, 4:07:03 PM
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I still dont have every item possible you listed but I am reaaly close to your build but i am experiencing some mana problems when I am standing still and casting srs as fast as possible. I am new to srs, is this expected or am I doing something wrong. Sure I can always just stand for a second to regen and cast again but i am just curious.
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" I don't have a working calculator, but we can back-of-the-envelope it. Additive Portion: The build has +195% increased minion damage. If you have quality gems you get another 25% increased = 220%. The 10% damage per aura is boosted by aura effect nodes, so we'll have more than 40%. Two gems are not on generosity, have 34% bonus, those effected by level 22 generosity have an additional 41%. That gets us a final "increased" damage number of: 220% + 20%*1.34 + 20% * (1.34 + 0.41) = 282% increased damage. With 20 generosity, but with +40% from hat, that becomes: 220% + 20%*1.34 + 20% * (1.34 + 0.39) + 40% = 321% increased damage. That's 421/382-1 = 10.21% more damage from hat bonus. Multiplicative portion: So the question is then whether the +2 on the three auras is 10.47% more damage or not. Level 25 SRS is average damage 911.5 base. Minion damage works on anger, but melee phys doesn't, so we'll need to multiply melee phys in here before we account for anger. Level 21 melee phys is 50% so 1367.25 damage. Level 20 anger (with 70% damage effectiveness) is 89.5 damage. Level 22 is 103 damage. Level 20 hatred is 36%, level 22 is 37%. Both of these are subject to the full 75% aura effect with level 22 generosity, or 73% with level 20 generosity. L20: 1367.25*(1+ 0.36*1.73) + 89.5*1.73 = 2373.61 L22: 1367.25*(1+ 0.37*1.75) + 103*1.75 = 2432.79 That's 2432.79/2373.61-1 = 2.494% more damage from hatred and anger due to +2 aura levels. Now haste, that's going to require some estimating to factor in, because weighting cast speed is difficult, and because cast and attack speed fluctuate with flesh offering. Lets naively assume that you take full advantage of cast speed (you don't) and that you average 10 corpses consumed by flesh offering. Level 20 haste with 34% aura effect is 21% cast and attack speed (rounded down) Level 22 haste with 34% aura effect is 23% cast and attack speed (rounded up) I'm not 100% sure if the game rounds, truncates, or uses fractional attack speed, but my numbers will show the most possible benefit, essentially. I'm also unsure if there's breakpoints, couldn't find any info on the googles about that, but I'll assume not. Build has 51% cast speed, another 30% from flesh offering, 20% because we assumed 10 corpses, 31% from 4 auras (again assuming the game rounds, generosity level washes out in rounding), and lets say 10% from gear = 142% cast speed before haste. Build has 12% minion attack speed, 30% from flesh offering, 31% from 4 auras (again assuming the game rounds) = 73% attack speed before haste. Level 20 haste: [1 + 1.42 + 0.21]*[1 + 0.73 + 0.21] = 5.1022 Level 22 haste: [1 + 1.42 + 0.23]*[1 + 0.73 + 0.23] = 5.194 +2 to haste is at most 5.194/5.1022-1 = 1.80% more damage. Damage gained from +2 skills on hat is then 1.0180*1.02494 = 4.34% more damage. TL;DR: Even though we made some assumptions rather favorable to +2 auras in our haste calculation, we still see only 4.34% more damage from +2 auras, while we see 10.21% more damage from 40% minion damage on hat. Add to that the fact that a crafted hat can have better stats than alpha's howl, and it would appear to be the clear (if more expensive to get a good one) winner. Obviously when playing in a group this changes considerably. +2 auras is obviously going to win if you're sharing those auras with 5 other players. Depending on your mana pool, the slight difference in mana reserve may or may not cause you to drop below 2 SRS casts per pool, which can cause casting hiccups. I can't really factor that in here, because it is fairly specific to each player's gear. " That's what I run, and it is pretty nice. Just remember not to use frost wall in labyrinth / trials because it can screw you up in traps. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Sep 14, 2016, 8:49:32 PM
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Okay so deafening essence of loathing, the wiki says 7% mana reserve reduction, but in game it is only 5%.
You could still make it work with a conquerer's efficiency jewel, but at that point you're probably giving up too much. Still, if you got a GG craft with good life and tri-res, might be worth it, but it would take a pretty good one to give up not only the +2 auras but the jewel socket as well. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Sep 15, 2016, 1:34:38 AM
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Hello and big thanks for a guide. I ran thru game very fast, without any problems. Now doing T10 maps, but i start to feel a bit squishy. Can some profesional srs player please check my char - Babka_Korenarka and tell what to change or upgrade??
Thank you very much! https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Abeoucz/characters Last edited by Abeoucz#1989 on Sep 15, 2016, 4:49:33 AM
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I would also like for someone to check on mine too.
I'm doing T10 and T11 with a bit of difficulty. If their bosses get me I'm done, but to kill them takes a while, if someone have teleport than I'm done. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/H2OBenta/characters (It's public already) Last edited by H2OBenta#2906 on Sep 15, 2016, 8:15:16 AM
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