[2.2] The Wild Spellblade | Elementalist | Pure Elemental Wild Striker
" Does this actually work? I was under the impression that Herald of Ashe is not a "hit" and will not work with "on hit" gems. |
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" just did testing, you're right. The herald of ash does not apply curses strangely. IGN: Standard League - Dark_Captain Last edited by lDantonl#7148 on Mar 5, 2016, 6:14:38 AM
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Do you do kill all for all 3 difficulties? For the bandits.
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So, is this build really viable? I so want to play that, but i'm kinda too lazy to test it out. Will it be OK for starting the new league?
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I testing this now, but can you add leveling passive skill tree? Like 30 points, next 60 or something?
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Love it. Bandits? Passive / Attack Speed / Passive?
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I always loved the wild strike and this build looks promising.But people who started to new league w this build can have some trouble through to top of the tree.I would be really glad if you can share level trees and bandits etc.Thank you.
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Uhm, sorry to ask this bluntly but... Can this kill Atziri? And uber?
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Stuck at lv 46 with this built. Cant beat the labyrinth yet!
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Hello? Is this thing on?... Ok here we go.
-==DISCLAIMER!==- -==I'm not the most knowledgeable person, nor can I theorycraft that hard but here's what I came up with==- Not sure if this is still being updated by the OP, but here are my findings on a 68/69 Witch, decent-ish ES gear, not everything is optimal though. -==This should be leveled as something else (Flame Totem, Lightning Tendrils, Spark, anything easy to level with Elemental Damage, swap to WS at around lvl 60 to 65 at least, level the gems on alt gear==- My DPS tooltip with Herald of Ash + Elemental Overload was around 8.5k on Wild Strike 5l (with, MS, AF, WED, LtF, however, the tooltip for this skill is not representative), which is honestly not too special, however considering I have no ascendancy points yet, it is actually not bad, and can get pretty interesting once those points are acquired. However, the problem here is survival, with my shittily slapped gear, and Discipline, I had 4.6k ES or so, on the Dried lake, was able to facetank the hits from Voll, and some packs, others... Not so lucky. The kick is not on resisting initial hits, but sustaining your ES while you're in the middle of the pack or against a tanky enemy, since the build lacks Leech in any significant way, and pumping a Life Leech gem is pretty sub optimal, the only alternative is Warlord's Mark, which works pretty nice, except you have no real way to apply, CWDT is garbage for it, and Herald of Lightning while decent, only works in packs, since you need to kill a shocked enemy to proc, and to boot, if you have the gem Elemental Focus you can't shock with your main attack... Making it nigh impossible. The solution? What I've found works well is Blasphemy, since you're in melee range anyways, you'll be tagging everything with your WM, making it possible to sustain not only mana but ES as well. Unfortunately it's not as clear cut as such, since it reserves 35% of your mana, while you CAN run Discipline, HoA and WM Blasphemy, it leaves you with next to no mana (in my case, enough for a Whirling Blades cast or 2 WS as long as I was hitting something), and the leech rate is not enough to keep with WS spam. So... so far we've fixed one thing and ruined another, let's fix another thing then! Solution to running Blasphemy are as follows: * Drop a Herald (bad for your dps, since your damage is elemental and it adds elemental damage...) * Drop Discipline (don't even think about it, unless you don't mind the trip back to town every blue pack) * Use a Enlighten (it requires the gem at level 2 or higher, and it takes a LONG time to level it, buying one leveled is Exalt expensive) * Use the Less Mana Reserved nodes on the Passive Tree (more on that later) * Alpha's Howl (also not a great idea, less ES and Armor = less survivability) * Go for Hybrid ES/Life and reserve auras on Life (more on that later as well). So let's take a look at how to change the passive tree to fit those requirements... Here's what I came up with, also note that I got the Elemental nodes on the Templar side 'cuz it seems interesting, I haven't tested it out yet, but maybe, just maybe, you can Shock/Freeze/Ignite using those nodes EVEN WITH Elemental Focus gem (doesn't seems to work, I invested in 10% chance to inflict those status ailments and saw no result in a run of Dried Lake) also Weapon Elemental Damage on the tree affects WS without elemental damage on the Weapon itself, and it boosts the damage of possible auras you might have. Hybrid Aura on Life - Balls to the Walls
This, is a hybrid setup for the build. It requires Shavronne's (stupid expensive), Solaris Lorica (less but still expensive) OR High Chaos Resist (75% on Merc, or as close to that as possible), Chaos Resist is actually very viable and cheaper a lot of the times, specially since ES focused gear tends to sell lower when it rolls CR (most ppl go CI they assume). However keep in mind that if you do opt for CR rout then you have to be careful not to reserve TOO MUCH of your life, since Chaos will still do damage, just a lot less...
This setup will allow you to allocate Discipline, Blasphemy and a Herald to Mana, plus 2 Heralds/Hatred combination on Life (maybe with Reduced Reserved Mana Nodes/Enlighten you can even run all 3 Heralds and Hatred on life). http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMBAW8FfQceDXwOSBB7ES8RUBGWFr8YXRslHNwdqiLqIvQo-ioLKjgrCi1VMoky0TW5NsU62DzvRUdGcUbXSVFJsUuuVkhXKVfJV-Jca1yKXfJfamZUaPJsC20ZbWxwUnC7cYVyD3X9d-V3_XxLf8aDCYRIhG-Fe4nTi3qMC4w2jxqP-pAbkyeUb5UuoS-io6cIpyut8bQMtUi2hriTuXy-Or6KwGbB88M6w23K09DQ1ELXz9gk2VvbGtvU34rhiOL353To1ukC6f7quutj6-7sGOw47LDtIO-I8NX5Nw== Hybrid Aura on Life - Tanky version
This version will give you the most survivability I believe, since it does give you a significant buffer of ES and HP, however you're not able to run as many auras, if you're confident you can run one or two Heralds on Life, not recommended tho. Also this passive tree needs some skimming, I'm not sure what to remove right now, but after I test the WeD and Status Chance nodes on Templar it might get a lot lighter on points, for now, keep in mind you should get LAST the WeD nodes, and focus first on survival.
http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMBBAcEswV9Bx4NfA5IEHsRLxFQEZYWvxhdGjgbJRzcHaofAiLqIvQmlScvKPoqCyo4KwotVTKJMtE1uTY9NsU6WDrYPO9FR0WdRnFG10lRSbFLrlNSVUtVxlZIVylXyVfiWfNd8mHiYqxo8mwLbIxtGW1scFJwu3GFcg935Xf9f8aDCYPbidOMC4w2jxqP-pAbkFWTJ5UumuCdqqEvogCnCKcrrfG0DLVIuJO5fL46vorAZsM6ytPXz9gk2VvbGtvU34rhc-GI53To1ukC6f7quutj6-7sGOyw7SDviPDV-Tc= I hope this helps ya'll and the OP. If you need and want to use any of this in the guide, feel free to, it's your guide, and this response belongs to it. Also, feel free to bounce up ideas on to me. Last edited by Hlokk#6714 on Mar 6, 2016, 7:48:12 PM
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