[2.1.0] Self Cast Crit Poisonstorm (100% Chaos Firestorm) [Atziri Viable]
Thread update: Added Vinktar Square Unique Map Run
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
"Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson |
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Anyone try this with FireBall? I know FireStorm is prob superior but fireball could be interesting.
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Hey guys, theorycrafted a very similar build yesterday and gonna start it today.
Rly looking forward to it :) Took your build and the trap cousin variant to get few values for what is possible and so on, so thx for posting and updating your build! " Fireball wont be nearly that good, because this build takes most use of synergies like duration and the more and more dmg dipping. For example: 50% increased duration makes 10 more hits for firestorm from a single cast without taking spell echo into account. At the same time it increases usability of the skill cuz it stays longer while youre able to recast-stack more firestorms at the same time. Also it increases the duration for the poison effect and other usefull things like author already said, vaal haste, abyssal, immortal call and even curses are affected. @Author: I would like to know what you think about using HoT with the BM passive variant. Would take 13% life with the upsite to get lightning damage to be able to shock for 40% increased dmg taken, what is like another MORE multiplier. Also we could run CoH with it. So we can go for assa mark to get more dmg and also powercharges this way. Would be not as solid as a PCoC but would work very good for fast clearing packs. Another thing im not rly sure about (rly need to lvl char and test it) is the gem linking. FS-Conc-Echo-void mani is indiscussable, but im not sure if added chaos or controlled destruction would be better in 5L. CD gives 40%+ more while dropping 6% crit while added chaos even at 30% effectiveness will give over the dumb 100 dmg PER hit (without taking our extreme increased and more chaos dipping into account). So with our many more and more multis i think more base dmg is ways better then another more or not? So i would guess added chaos is the way to go.... /edit: I think your math is wrong at many points to be honest. You dont factor your crit multi with your spellcrit chance and also the poison will stay at 10% of the hit dmg, scaled up with increased and more, sure, but you calced it like the base of 10% gets higher. But maybe i did a failure myself :) I think to make an exact calculation for this build and mechanics behind, it would take hours or days of research to be 100% sure, if all data needed can be found....sometimes thats not the case :) /edit: After some researches i think your poison calc is right, another double dipping :D wiki says it benefits from chaos, damage over time and poison increases. So 10% of the increased and more dipped hit, again increased and more dipped then. My fault. Also taking poison duration for dpS into the calc is right, cuz it stacks. Another thing i first thought isnt correct. I think i was confused cuz the math looks ridicilously crazy. But it looks like this is all fine, assuming you always crit. So to clearify you should add a more visible note for "CRIT calc" or "assuming always crit" like with the "assuming all firestorm projectiles hit". Last edited by Valkahar#6452 on Jan 19, 2016, 9:17:24 AM
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" Thanks for the feedback! HoT will deal too low lightning damage to shock things that matter (blue mobs and stronger). I've linked a screenshot of the lightning damage component on my firestorm with a Lvl 19 HoT. Tiiiiiny. Also I'm using Vaal Lightning Trap to shock things anyway. I wouldn't recommend HoT+CoH Assassin's Mark combo, it requires you to be reasonably close to mobs for the lightning bolts and they do not strike fast, if you're going to get up close to generate power charges you might as well just go for my Blade Vortex setup that instantly generates max charges. You can still use Assassin's Mark as self cast if you like though. Also 12% max life sacrificed is quite a lot. For the 5L, I tested Added Chaos vs Controlled Destruction, screenshots below. 5L Controlled Destruction 5L Added Chaos "so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson "Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson Last edited by Kenzorz#6970 on Jan 19, 2016, 6:51:57 PM
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" Good Points! I think i will give your vortex pc method a try, maybe its not that uncomfortable like i think and otherwise i will curse manually. I guess Controlled Destru or Added Chaos is a question of other stat values then. Need to test out what is better at some states then, what isnt a problem cuz theyre both blue :) Also i forgot to mention that i will try consuming + binos (i know, shame on me ;P) So my tree is only matching yours around 70%. But i think i will drop this plan cuz i tried to get poison dmg and dmg over time too, what cant be worth it, when i give it a second thought. So i guess i will go for MoM/EB too to get that defense buff for free. Letting the ES stay at the life pool will be kinda waste for sure... Its also very nice, that there are so many options to do this build. Not every build can change around that lot, very positive. At last i got one more question and one more thing in your calculation i dont understand. Q: Would you recommend to take the other duration 45% cluster too if i have the points without dropping anything else important? Or will a 3,8 S firestorm a bit too much, so maybe good mentioned but wasted? I mean that would mean 38 potential hits per cast, sounds nice in my opinion. Calc: You calced x2 for spell echo. As far as i know and i did some actually research now too, it doesnt casts twice in the cast time. For example: 1,0 cast time without any speed from anywhere then spell echo 70% more speed it would be 0,3~ cast time. But in these 0,3 you dont cast twice, it just repeats for free and gives the speed. Or did you made the 2x for incr. cast speed x more cast speed, so ~x2 for the speed gain? Would be interesting to know if im right with this and how and why you calced it that way. |
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" Well from my build the 45% duration cluster is at least 6 points away which is quite a lot and I feel it isn't really a necessary investment, late game it's more important to priortise survivability (and if you look at my build, I still have most of the Scion life wheel available to take) than damage since things hit really hard late game. I guess if I wanted to respec 6 points I could respec out of 2 jewel sockets (3 points to the left of Scion wheel, 2 points at the Witch or Shadow jewel sockets) and 1 5% life node. This is sort of what the maths would look like if I did carry out this 6 point respec It's difficult to say how worth it it is since 45% duration both does and doesn't increase actual DPS, I say this because having more fireballs dropping from a single cast from Firestorm doesn't actually mean more DPS but when you stack them it does due to more overlapping Firestorms, additionally Poison lasts longer so you will have more overlapping poison stacks but these things only matter against things that take long to kill, if you kill things fast already then you won't feel the benefits of increased duration at all. I'm not going to go too indepth in the spell echo calculation, I know for sure it's inaccurate since spell echo really isn't just x2 casts since I haven't accounted for things like cast time and the time it takes to cast an echoed spell, the "Maths" section on my guide is just rough work :p. Your numbers are probably more realistic for spell echo. "so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson "Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson Last edited by Kenzorz#6970 on Jan 20, 2016, 12:16:25 PM
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Thats exactly what i expected :)
More dps on paper doesnt makes more clearspeed in every case.... Thx for fast replies, it was very helpfull! |
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What would you think about dual-wielding Consuming Dark + Bino's for the regen and poison prolif?
The poison prolif might be a bit useless with firestorm already hitting such a large area, but the regen most likely wouldn't be a bad thing. Just comes down to "Is the lost defense + spell damage from the shield worth it?" IGN: ShadowMorph_
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Is this viable and good in 2.2?
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" Yes and it's even better with the Assassin's ascendancy class, speccing into the additional base crit chance per power charges. "so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
"Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson |
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