2.1 Conta/Ess Drain = The Purple Puragu : cheap and effective Atziri killer/mapper (SC/HC)

LaRevenant wrote:
Have you thought of using the Consuming Dark Dagger and dropping the poison gem? I am personally looking to try bino/consuming dark dual wield once I get this character up and running and manage to get currency (hard this league due to real life commitments atm).

I am doing something similar to this but am going acro and planning on DW with frenzy charges with blood dance and see how that works out for me.

The problem i see with the consuming dark dagger is that you can replace the Poison support but at the same time, you will loose the big poison damage boost it offers. Im curious to hear from you from the results tho.

Jesus christ just replaced my chest with Carcass and get my hands on a bino. It is totally worth using bino. Especially the spread is much better. Almost no need for Conta.The single target dps melt down Voll on lvl 65 in under 8sek. ED is in a 4L for me. My gear is crap, my skill tree was focused on getting AoE and i ignored 2 DoT nodes. Really nice build.

Try this : shoot one of the adds spawned by voll, and the poison from all the dead adds should kill Volls instantly because he will receive all the stacks from all the adds ^^

It's still important for me to use contagion as the radius and spread is way bigger than the one from the bino.

Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Is Bino's really that good? I bought one for 2ex and tried it out but didn't notice much of a damage difference. Maybe I should have tested it a little more though.
im about to get binos as well still deciding tho, is it 100% worth it ?
Yo, since it seams like you are quite active here, can you do like a leveling tree ? Where to go first and where to go last, 'cause im not too sure when i should approach the templar area, would be enough if you tell me a ~level aswell since im very new to this kind of build, mostly did physical builds only.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't just give up contagion if you're using Bino's can you? The poison damage is equal to 10% + modifiers of the initial hit of the actual spell being cast. The damage is chaos but you aren't getting the massive damage dot from essence drain.

Or is the damage from poison enough for trash and then you just use ED on tougher mobs?

Another question, how does the double dipping work?

Does chaos damage increase the projectile damage thus increasing the poison damage as a % of initial hit PLUS the fact that the poison damage itself is chaos?
Ser0ven wrote:
Yo, since it seams like you are quite active here, can you do like a leveling tree ? Where to go first and where to go last, 'cause im not too sure when i should approach the templar area, would be enough if you tell me a ~level aswell since im very new to this kind of build, mostly did physical builds only.

I said i would not give a levelling tree, as i think it all depends on the gear you have, the league you play in etc. However, I choose to rush AoE radius from the witch then the Inc Duration.

It looked something like this roughly :



Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't just give up contagion if you're using Bino's can you? The poison damage is equal to 10% + modifiers of the initial hit of the actual spell being cast. The damage is chaos but you aren't getting the massive damage dot from essence drain.

Or is the damage from poison enough for trash and then you just use ED on tougher mobs?

Another question, how does the double dipping work?

Does chaos damage increase the projectile damage thus increasing the poison damage as a % of initial hit PLUS the fact that the poison damage itself is chaos?

As a lot of people ask about the poison/bino, I will try to explain why i choose to use this weapon for mapping and how the poison will react with ED.
I might be wrong on some points as it's a new mechanic for me but from what i saw happening, i think i get the rough idea of how it works.

Poison damage is based of the initial hit. It is, according to the wiki 10% of the initial hit per second for 2 seconds. This damage is then modified by the DoT damage on the tree/gear, the chaos damage and the poison damage."If poison is applied by a projectile, then its damage is also modified by the Projectile Damage stat." In the case of the spread from the Bino it MIGHT (really not sure about this point) be affected by area damage. It is also improved a LOT by the support gem itself becaue of the bonus it gains from levels.

Where Poison becomes insane (as if a quad deeps wasn't enough) is that it STACKS !!! Skill effect duration will become really effective as it will help you stack more instances of poison.For the sake of exemple for the bino spread let's say that my Poison DoT damage is 100.


You hit mob 1 once, with a 1k Essence Drain hit resulting in a 100 poison dot damage.The Bino then spread the poison dot to 2 and 3 for the same amount of damage(2 and 3 won't take ED degen as we don't use contagion in this exemple). Mob 4 will take 200 Poison damage as it will receive the dot from both mob2+mob3 instances. Mob4 will then spread the 200 dot to 5 and 6 making 7 take 400 poison damage per seconds. Not that in this exemple, Mob4 is too far from 1 to directly take the Bino spread from it, and too far from 7.

Is it enough to give up contagion ? No, unless the mob pack is really tight as the Bino spread is tiny compared to Contagion. It is a matter of getting used to know what pack is tight enough so we don't have to cast Contagion.
Contagion remains king for trash clear, as you will sometimes trigger chain reactions that will clear several screens of mobs(if you follow it or stops if it's too far from your position) with a single Conta/Drain combo cast.
However, the bino poison spread will sometimes give you an insane boost of damage from its spread. Voll on dried lake won't like taking all the poison instances from its adds at once for exemple ^^.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Last edited by Kagari#0130 on Dec 22, 2015, 2:16:44 AM
What do you think about The consuming dark dagger instead of binos?
Lukin wrote:
What do you think about The consuming dark dagger instead of binos?

I think i would have to try to test it but the increased poison damage from the gem is worth keeping.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Kagari wrote:
Lukin wrote:
What do you think about The consuming dark dagger instead of binos?

I think i would have to try to test it but the increased poison damage from the gem is worth keeping.

So I did some research and with the consuming dark you can spam essence drain and it will take the target down a little faster because of using poison without having to use the gem. It seems like a really good option for those who are only using a 5 link and is better than dropping one of the other gems like slower proj/rapid decay to use poison. For those with consuming dark and a 6th link I am not sure what would be good to go in there. Maybe an empower would be good as a 6th link but I don't have either this league to test and would have to go into my standard stash to possible test.

Granted I am going acro with grace aura and using arctic armor and not blasphemy but instead a cwdt curse. I might end up going cdwt dual curse and drop some nodes but I am not entirely sure yet. So my ideas might work better with my build since it is more defensive and is going to probably use frenzy charges and blood dance end game. Still have some tinkering with my tree and gear before I figure out what is best. Although I'd say that a good spell damage wand/dagger and a shield are definitely the way to go until you can afford a bino's.

Either way this build is strong no matter which way you go when I was leveling I was doing areas 5+ levels above me solo with little effort using only a 3 link and all self found gear.

If anyone can back up or refute my claims please do. I'd like some people testing different things to see if what I said was right or I am just crazy. Also I apologize in advance kagari I don't want you to feel like I am stealing your thread. :)
this is what i am going for, lvl 73 so far and 10k dot on ED


i dont get the area and radius notes because that will scale only contagion not ED.
using a binos and can kill packs only with ED for most of the times
got some nice jewels il use later on :D
and the regen from binos if you are near the monsters is insane, 3,5k HP and 2k ES with OK gear.

edit: i used ur build as a template, no to take away the work you put in the guide just wanted to share my "idea" :D
Last edited by skinnyD_D#5085 on Dec 22, 2015, 4:12:36 PM

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