2.1 Conta/Ess Drain = The Purple Puragu : cheap and effective Atziri killer/mapper (SC/HC)
Why don't you pick Mind over Matter, it's just 1 point away... ?
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" I don't have the mana pool/regen to handle that. With some chamges and better gear it might become an option though. Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
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I understand.
Another build i had found previously was using MoM and Eldritch Battery, but i don't quite understand the final result... Could you please explain how this (might) work and what the benefits are? The way i see it, you'd get this: - 30% of the damage you take is subtracted from mana (so your HP will take a 70% hit) - You will use your ES instead of your mana for casting skills (does that apply for auras etc too?) - When you get hit your ES will protect your mana, meaning it will block the 30% of the hit that would go to mana. However it will NOT protect the remaining 70% that will go directly to your HP. I don't really see all this as much of a boost, but i dunno... Next question - Is Inc Duration a good or a bad idea to use with Contagion? And final question - Isn't Poison a better option to link with Contagion (rather than ED), since it will apply to a huge area that will also spread? |
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" to get MoM/EB you need to find a way to get the regen for it. Yes it will protect 30% of your life and you will be able to reserve 100% of your mana for auras. BUT you need to invest quiet a lot to make it work. I also like having the ES protecting me directly. Even if you don't cast a lot with this build, you still need some regen to not run out of ES. For increase duration, i think the 50% in the tree are enough. With more duration, the spread will stop because of the lack of ennemies rather than the duration of contagion itself(with the current 50% i have contagion is already 7.5 sec). On top of that you would need duration on ED also as ED is shorter than contagion. Poison doesn'r work with contagion becauise the skill doesn't hit the ennemies, it is simply a dot like righteous fire. On hit stuff like culling, curse on hit and so on won't apply. Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
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Thanks for the info :)
We are currently ~lvl 58 with my wife, she's playing a caustic arrow ranger and it's really working well together with my dots + wither, she's casting Temp.Chains with frenzy-gmp, clearing trash has never been faster :P Only thing i don't like about the new skills is that it's kinda hard to tell if an enemy is affected or not, and since PoE doesn't show "buff/debuff icons" on enemies when you hover them, it can be confusing. Do you cast ED again or not? Did your ED bolt actually hit or it missed/hit something on the ground... ? But so easy on the eyes, elegant and nice :) |
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Just activate mini life bar on enemys (at UI Options).
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Mini life bars can help yes, but when in team it's a problem. I'm currently levelling a RF version of the build and it adds a third layer of dots and it makes things even harder to see.
You'll have to get used to the speed at which enemies degen to know by what spell they are affected. Having a large aoe radius helps as you can cast contagion on a lot of them, making the ED bullet easier to aim. Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
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Yeah, i got the hang of big mobs already, it's more about single target bosses that are kinda hard to know if you should re-cast ED on or wait 1-2 seconds more. Considering how hectic some of the bosses are, making you run all around the place, trying to keep a dot on is a bit shitty, i just end up casting all my shit every occasion i get, just to be sure.
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Have started doing maps with this build, it's so good. Getting a 5 link and adding poison made it so both aoe and single target enemies die really fast. My only concern is survivability in higher map tiers, I'm used to playing even higher life/es. Not sure if I should take some more life nodes, finish the chaos cluster below the shadow start, or go for fatal toxins.
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Added a quick summary with gear+tree+video for the RF version i'm currently playing.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
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