www.HackSlashRepeat.com - ARPG fansite/forum

Hi all,

I have recently set up a new forum specifically for Path of Exile, in an attempt to provide an alternative (and less "official") means of game discussion.

At the moment the forum is just exactly that, a forum, however I do intend on potentially adding a portal and wiki, of sorts. The website is in it's very early stages so it's quite basic (*cough*ugly*cough*) but that will soon change.

The first key focus that I really wanted to concentrate on was to start getting some character build guides together, so I would really appreciate some being posted up if you have any decent builds ;)

I have also noted that there is a vast range of players from places around the globe (see German and Swedish threads), I would certainly be receptive to setting up dedicated forums for discussion on a more local level, if this would interest anyone.

For now it would be super if you could at least have a look, sign up, say hi and let me know what you think.

The website is www.pathofexileforums.net.


Last edited by maxwolfie on Feb 10, 2012, 4:20:38 AM
registered :) thanks for the forums!
Fun things, Sad things... We can't share everything, But what we can, we should share... That is what it means to be a guild. A single persons happiness is everyone's happiness. A single persons anger is everyone's anger. And a single person's tears are everyone's tears.
Thanks for joining/posting scriptmonkey :)
That fixed it :)
Fun things, Sad things... We can't share everything, But what we can, we should share... That is what it means to be a guild. A single persons happiness is everyone's happiness. A single persons anger is everyone's anger. And a single person's tears are everyone's tears.
Last edited by scriptmonkey on Dec 14, 2011, 7:33:42 AM
Thanks, yeah I was fiddling with redirects. Clear your cache and it should be good to go :)
Had a few issues today (redirection problems), site is back up :)
Well done, i'm in.

Charlottery - Witch
Great, welcome :) And thanks for posting :)
I'm looking forward to it. Once the game finalizes, a wiki will def. be needed, so great idea.
Wiki is now up :) You can access it on the main forum page.

Anyone can edit it at the moment, even if you don't have an account.
Last edited by maxwolfie on Dec 18, 2011, 4:54:34 AM

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