[2.0] Ryuzaki's LL BM CoC Tank +11k ES + Enfeeble + AA + MS + IC - Ez Atziri/Bosses w/ Video Guides
![]() Greetings! I am Ryuzaki, this is my CoC build I hope you enjoy! What is this build? This is a CoC LL BM Dual Curse build that is optimized for defenses and able to tank and kill some of the hardest endgame bosses while still having a very high DPS and clear speed. You can achieve higher DPS but this build is set up to have the most defenses while still maintaining a strong offense. A million DPS wouldn't mean anything if you have no forms of defenses and low ES and just get one shot or die while leveling at high levels. If you're leveling +90 or +95 you'll want as much defense as possible to level safely and still not have to skip all the hard bosses. With this build it may seem like we lose a lot of DPS by increasing our ES and defenses, however, I notice no difference in clear speed because packs just die instantly in one shot anyways and we are able to tank bosses and kill them easy as well. With the CoC mechanic we are able to achieve a much higher DPS than if we self cast the spells, this allows us to spec heavily into defenses giving us a much higher survivability than other builds plus having insane DPS still. Why make build guide? There are other CoC builds, this is just my own personal version and opinion of a LL BM CoC AB + FB build after experimenting. This is what works for me for great defenses, safe leveling, easy bosses, and great damage. When people ask about my build I have nothing to show them or point them too. So it's easier to make a guide to show the build, gear, and tree than explain each time. I made mainly just to show friends or people asking about my build, but I hope it can help anyone that is interested and you enjoy it!
Build Influences
First, a thanks to these other great CoC build guides! They have influenced my build. Without them my build wouldn't have been possible. Like all CoC LL BM builds my build is similar but I have made my own personal adjustments. Tom94's 1.2.4 Shatterchuck build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1020597 The original CoC build! Shatter everything! Millions DPS! Cap's 2.0 "Circe" LL BM CoC EE Dual Curse build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1343523 Caps amazing LL BM Dual Curse CoC build, must check out!
Differences with my build
I alter my build to be more tanky with increased defenses +11k ES achievable with no mirrored gear or legacy Shav Wrap armour (+12.5k ES achievable with BiS gear) Added Arctic Armour Added Granite Flask of Iron Skin (constant 52% phys reduce) Added CWDT curse Enfeeble (with dual curse Warlord's Mark) Added CWDT Molten Shell Added CWDT Tempest Shield Added Double Vaal Discipline (with increased duration) Added Decoy Totem (versus tough bosses only or for boxes) No EE, Haste, Ele Weakness curse Different auras/tree/Jewels/gems/etc... No enlighten gems needed I am a Shadow, but build can be Witch or Scion too Similar gear though (same gear can be used for either build) Both builds are LL BM CoC Dual Curse
Videos: Build/Atziri/Reflect Guides + Full Maps & Bosses
2.0 Build Guide Build Guide Video With Boss Kills 1:04 Double Piety 76 2:33 Dom 76 3:24 Forest of Flames - Volcano 77 3:32 Double Crematorium Boss 78 4:06 Double Academy Boss 78 4:42 Village Ruin Bosses 79 5:34 Abyss Boss 82 Also, gear, gems, auras, tree, jewels 78 Springs Ele Reflect Full Map 100% Reflect Proof! Atziri Video's Atziri Guide @99% Exp Lvl97 100% Deathless No Risk! New Atziri Run video at 99% experience level 97 to show that I am at no risk of dying 100% deathless Atziri Guide 100% Deathless Guaranteed (at no risk of death) I am at 90% exp level 97 in this video
Old Atziri Videos
Atziri Run (Old Video with Maligaro's) *Hope Drop Hype!*
Old Video w/ Maligaro's (1k Less ES) 3 Purities (no Herald of Ice) Freezing Pulse instead of Fireball (less range) 7 Aura's (no room for defenses setups) No dual curse Enfeeble Still an easy run but this old setup is more risky Atziri Run No GMP (Old Video with Maligaro's)Same as other old run video but with no GMP EK + AB + Freezing Pulse Full Map Videos 79 Village Ruin Full Map w/ Boss Kill 78 Academy Full Map Double Boss Kill 78 Crematorium Full Map Double Boss Kill 77 Plateau Full Map Double Boss Kill
Build Features Pros/Cons
Pros: Very good DPS and defense balance Very good clear speed, and single target dps Very tanky, facetaking high level bosses Safe for high leveling +95 and high level maps Easy Atziri 100% deathless super safe and tanky Reflect Proof 100% deathless reflect map (with modifications) No enlighten gems needed (save $$$) Extremely fun and satisfying destroying everything on the screen! Surgeon's prefix flasks allows constant flask usage Offensives: Righteous Fire 60% MORE spell damage (+1 Voidbringer) Pain Attunement 30% MORE spell damage (with LL) Anger (+1 Voidbringer) Herald of Ice (+1 Voidbringer) Clear Mind Jewel 60% Increased Spell Damage (with BM) Attack Speed Jewels (2.30 APS) Ice Golem (+3 with Empower) Atziri's Promise Flask Defenses (very important for DEATHLESS endgame leveling + boss kills): +200% ES From tree (219% with jewels) +11k Energy Shield Pool with no mirror gear or legacy Shav Wrap Armour needed Discipline +3 with Empower Enfeeble 29% less damage taken Arctic Armour 13% less physical/fire damage when hit Granite Flask of Iron Skin 52% phys damage reduction constant up time Double Vaal Discipline vs boss (with inc dur gives 10 seconds of god mode) Decoy Totem vs boss Molten Shell CWDT (monsters can't kill us they just die to MS) Imortal Call CWDT Tempest Shield CWDT 3 Endurance Charges (from Warlord's Mark) Good leech from Atziri Promise leech pot, Warlord's Mark, wand Crafted, and Doryani's belt 67% Phys damage reduction with flask, endurance charges, MS (screenshots below) Cons REEEEEP: Expensive Needs 6L Shav's Wrap + Legacy Shav Rev Ring + Other gear/gems Build needs about +100ex with Shav armour (6L) + Shav ring (legacy) + other decent gear The build scales very well with a higher budget +200-300ex (higher es/dps/resist but not necessary) (Still very good and strong/tanky with no mirror gear) Budget Estimate: Shav Armour ~30-45ex Shav Ring ~30-40ex Shield ~1-25ex Helm ~1-20ex Wand ~1-10ex Boots ~1-10ex Amulet ~1-20ex Ring ~1-20ex Gloves ~1ex Belt ~1ex Low end ~68ex High end ~192ex (no mirrors/headhunter) (Plus cost of gems and jewels if you don't have, but can always level your own) Requires high level character +90 Since this is an endgame build, should be +90 or preferably +95 to achieve higher ES. Requires high level because of all of the nodes we need across the tree. You can still level with it but need at least +75 and will be much weaker and lower ES/DPS of course just have to be careful. May lag weak PCs Laggy, not as laggy as discharge but some parties don't like CoC. Harder to get into groups/rots (because CoC lag). It's not really that laggy at all but only in large packs, shrines, and boxes can be for some people with old PCs. (you can swap gems to reduce lag, just take out GMP and put EK and use different spells like Glacial Cascade, Freezing Pulse, or Arc)
For Atziri
Mirrored Gear Example
Gems 6L Setups
Main links Barrage all in one set up (GGGBBB): Barrage, coc, gmp, arctic breath, fireball (use this) Best balanced all around solid set up for fast clearing and bosses all in one Great if you're lazy and don't want to swap gems Other Spell Swaps Options: Arc + Freezing Pulse Pros: Great for mapping and clear speed, nothing to block spells Cons: Not as good for single target vs bosses, less range Arctic Breath + Freezing Pulse Pros: More cold damage for cold leech and freeze Cons: Need closer range with Freezing Pulse for more dps Ice Spear + Freezing Pulse Pros: good for clearing both spells pierce and freeze Cons: Less single target dps for bosses Optional single target vs bosses Quick swap EK for GMP for EK + Artic Breath + Fireball Other Combinations: EK + Flame Surge/Fireball + Freezing Pulse EK + Flame Surge/Fireball + Arctic Breath EK + Flame Surge/Fireball + Glacial Cascade EK + Arctic Breath + Freezing Pulse/Glacial Cascade EK + Glacial Cascade + Freezing Pulse Non GMP combos only give about the same or slightly more dps than main setup but less range and aoe Ice Spear dps is too low, but more cold damage for freeze and leech Freezing pulse has to low range for max dps, but more cold damage for freeze and leech
Optional Other Kinetic Blast Setup (GGBBBB)
If you really want to use KB you can try it but I personally don't recommend it. It's good for fast clearing on linear maps so you can keep RF up and 1 shot everything killing rares fast; but would still have to skip some tough rares and in high level maps because it will take to long to kill higher rares and RF will degen you. You can use if you are doing a speed run. But I wouldn't use it for mapping since it's so annoying how slow it is for single target and rares that take forever to kill when barrage gmp clears just as good one shots packs and great dps for bosses single target. Plus since I use Voidbringer for the extra ES to be more tanky the mana cost of KB is a lot more to sustain. And gem swapping every boss fight is annoying. Mapping Kinetic Blast, coc, gmp, pcoc, Arc, Freezing Pulse Pros: Amazing clear speed with big packs Cons: Horrible versus single target, smaller packs, rares, bosses, gem swapping, high mana cost Single Target Barrage, coc, pcoc, Arctic Breath, Fireball/flame surge, Freezing Pulse/Glacial Cascade Pros: Amazing single target dps with 3 spells Cons: Horrible AOE, clearing, only for single target bosses, gem swapping
Auras + Buffs + CWDT Gems
Auras/Buffs Aura Calculator: https://poe.mikelat.com/#spveMOf/kg8WmOW/JgvS2-k Discipline, Arctic Armour, Vitality, Anger, Herald of Ice, Purity of Fire Ice Golem Righteous Fire If you can't cap resists with gear, 16% res all from tree (Nullification, Faith and Steel), and jewels; you could drop Herald of Ice for a purity to max resists. CWDT Warlord's Mark + Immortal Call Enfeeble + Molten Shell Tempest Shield + Vaal Discipline Vaal/Other Gems 2 Vaal discipline with Increased Duration Decoy Totem Amazing vs bosses provides basically 10 seconds of god mode +16k ES and instant regen plus a decoy and most bosses only take a few seconds to kill anyways. These aren't required to swap or needed vs most bosses but with them it makes usually rippy/risky bosses 100% deathless risk free! We basically can't die and can facetank any boss with our Vaal Discipline up and decoy. Situational vs tough bosses (optional) Swap out IC for Decoy Totem Swap out CWDT and Tempest Shield for 2nd Vaal disciplines with Increased Duration Swap out One Vaal Discipline for Purity of Lightning vs Atziri since both are blue gems and turn of Herald of Ice to fit in Aura Swap out shield for Saffell's vs Atziri or any hard boss with elements Swap out a Vaal Discipline or Herald of Ice for Purity of Ice/Light vs any ele boss if needed Swap out a Vaal Discipline for Purity of Elements if needed in ele weakness maps Swap out granite/quicksilver for sapphire/topaz flask vs boss if needed
Example Linked Gems
Armour GGGBBB Wand RRR Or Shield RBB Or Or Gloves GGRB (+1 From Voidbringer) Or Boots RRGB Helm RRRB
Shadow Tree at Level 97 Shadow Tree at Level 91 Shadow Tree at Level 100 Must Get: BM + Mortal Conviction Pain Attunement 30% more spell damage Unwavering Stance so we can never get stunned 3 Power charges in tree + Spell Damage per PC (7 total PC with Alira) 22% reduced mana reserve for auras + 42% increased aura effect for PoF Whispers of Doom for Dual Curse defenses Alchemist node for flasks to run RF +200% ES in tree with jewels Jewel sockets for attack speed jewels and Clear Mind Jewel Crit nodes Assassination + True Strike Arcane Vision so we can do dark maps and see Should be at least level +90 and for lower levels of the tree you would either just have less dps or ES depending on which nodes you take. Witch Tree at 98 The Witch is probably the best option for the build. The tree is the same but you don't have to take the Shadow start dps nodes so you have more options. You can either take the same Shadow start nodes, or you can take the other dps nodes for spell crit, or you can get more ES for defenses. Scion Tree at 98 The Scion works as well. It's the same you just get another jewel that could make up the ES and damage. If you are lacking APS you can choose to start from the attack speed nodes instead of spell damage. Templar Tree at Level 97 You could still do the build as a Templar. It's not the most efficient but if you already have a high level one or just really want to play the class here's the tree.
Main Mapping Flasks Setup These will cover everything for mapping. Ruby Flask of Staunching for RF + remove bleed Granite Flask of Iron Skin for more armour since we don't have any on gear Quicksilver of Heat for speed and remove freeze to be safe Atziri's Promise for DPS boost + life leech pot Life Flask of Dousing for reduce regen maps and to turn of RF Make sure to get all with Surgeon's mods so they will always be available. The Granite Flask is important so we can tank those +10k physical hits easily since that is our only weakness to get one shot because we don't have armour on our gear. So with the Granite of Iron Skin gives us 52% physical damage reduction on top of our huge ES pool, AA, and Enfeeble (MS and Endurance Charges). This is what allows us to easily tank those big hits that would one shot other builds with lower ES and no physical mitigation. You could use a Rumi's instead but I use the Granite for the Surgeon's Prefix so that we can have it always up and available for safer mapping, although you can swap Rumi's for Trio if you want for the block. We also have a Sapphire and Topaz Flask in our inventory if needed. For Atziri and Trio Situational in Inventory
Skill Point / Skill Point / Power Charge (help Alira) Pretty simple and standard for CoC. You can take the resists in normal if you really need it or the attack speed in cruel if you really need it too. But you shouldn't need them with the gear will cover resists and jewels can cover attack speed.
Offense Screenshots
Barrage No Charges
Barrage With Charges
Arctic Breath No Charges
Fireball No Charges
Arctic Breath With Charges
Fireball With Charges
Arctic Breath With Charges + RF + Atziri's Promise
Fireball With Charges + RF + Atziri's Promise
Defense Screenshots
Defenses are very important to tank DEATHLESS! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() + Arctic Armour 13% Less Physical Damage + Enfeeble 29% Less Damage + Molten Shell + Tempest Shield +3% Block + Immortal Call + Vaal Discipline +16k ES
Defenses In Hideout No Buffs
![]() We can tank huge physical damage with: 52-67% phys reduction + Arctic Armour + Enfeeble + 11k ES
Defenses With Granite Flask
Defenses w/ Granite+Endurance Charges+Molten Shell+Tempest Shield
![]() We can be immune to any element with: Flask + Empower Purity + Saffell's
Defenses With Just Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz Flask
100/100/101 Max Resists Immune to Elements
Map Mods
Elemental Reflect Maps (See Video Guide Above) Easy. We are 100% reflect proof for ele reflect maps with some minor modifications. We just need to change some items/gems and be careful. Put on a Saffell's, Purity of Ice (turn off HoI to make room), and swap granite for Sapphire Flask, and we are good to go. Just be careful for big packs and keep flasks up and it's exactly the same as a normal map. And to be even more safe you can swap GMP for EK and use Glacial Cascade and Freezing Pulse. In normal mapping if you run into a reflect rare it's no problem we don't need to change any gear/gems just use the Ruby Flask and Atziri's Promise if it's up but even with just Ruby Flask they won't hurt. Elemental Reflect with Minus Max Resist Maps This is probably the worst map combo we can roll, but we can still do it as long as we are careful. We just do the same modifications for the ele reflect map above. Use Saffell's, Purity of Ice, with EK, Glacial Cascade, and Freezing Pulse. Furthermore, we can take off Anger so we can still use HoI so we don't have any fire damage just physical and cold and we can take out the Ruby Flask and not use RF and use two Sapphire Flasks instead so that it will always be up. Then just keep a Sapphire Flask up when you attack and be careful and slow on big packs and you should be fine. But if it's a really high level map I would just avoid it since no one rolls these map combos and there's no reason to do it. Minus Max Resist Maps Easy. Just be careful and watch out for reflect rares and as always flame/frost/lightning bearers and flask, and don't use Righteous Fire. Elemental Weakness Maps Easy. If not resist capped just swap in a Purity for which ever resist you need or Purity of Elements. Blood Magic Maps Easy since we are BM. Reduce Life/ES Regen Maps Easy. Just use life pot and can turn off Arctic Armour and/or Herald of Ice for more life pool. Also, don't use RF for the entire map but can still activate for quick boss kill. No Life/Mana Regen Maps Easy. Same thing as reduce life regen, just use pot. Turn of Vitality since we can't regen ilfe, and you can also drop HoI and or Arctic Armour to free up more life. Vulnerability Maps Easy. Just keep granite up for physical protection and ruby flask up for bleed protection. Don't use RF for entire map but can still use for quick boss kill. Immune to Curses Easy. We still get leech from Atziri's Promise and wand/belt, plus the regen from shav ring. All other map mods should be no problem and easy.
Minimum Stats
+10k ES should be easy to get with lesser gear than mine and at high level +9k ES minimum if lower level and with lower gear$$$ (+12.5k ES possible with BiS gear) +80% Barrage Crit +80% Barrage Accuracy +2.10 APS (Ideally 2.20-2.30 APS) +5k Artic Breath/Fireball Damage Per Use (no charges/buffs in ho) Max Resists of course mandatory 6L Shavs + Legacy Shav Ring Level 3 (or 4) Empowered Purity of Fire for 82% fire res, 95% with flask for RF Level +95 for more ES All these stats should be achievable with fairly cheap non mirrored gear and you should be able to clear endgame content and bosses easily as seen in my videos with this build.
Optional DPS Glass Cannon Version
If you want to sacrifice your defense for more offense you can. I have already tried the glass cannon version but the tanky version is much better in my option. It clears just as fast and is a lot better and safer for leveling at high levels and killing harder bosses deathless. Or if you want you can do a mix and add just a little more dps to your preference without going full glass cannon. Shadow Level 97 Glass Cannon Tree This tree will provide the maximum amount of DPS with the cost of ES for defense. So you will lose a lot of defense with about 7-8k ES, plus no enfeeble for that huge defense boost because no dual curse. You will kill bosses in a couple seconds though and do an insane amount of dps but still get one shot on occasion so I wouldn't recommend it for leveling +95 but it's up to you. Gear: Same gear, but can use enhance gem with RF and use 3 enlighten gems (with one level 4) to add another aura to use a purity to make up for resistances loss from tree. Can drop Arctic Armour and might need to use purities for resists and to keep Herald of Ice. Will have to drop the defenses CWDT Enfeeble and Molten Shell and the double Vaal Discipline Increased Duration setup to make room for enlightens and another aura. Auras: Discipline, Vitality, Anger, Purity of Fire/Cold/Light, Herald of Ice Can drop a purity if you don't need the resists and add Herald of Lightning for more dps or AA. Or just drop the aura if you don't have the level 4 enlighten. Videos with 7.5k ES Maps and Bosses Montage (without mirrored wand) Atziri Run (without mirrored wand)
Questions FAQ
Uber viable?
Like any build for Uber requires really good and expensive gear, a lot of practice, and some luck. It is doable, however, this is not a specific Uber Atziri farming build. You could easily just make a SRS build or something to farm Uber with. We can do normal Atziri easily 100% deathless but for Uber would require a lot more practice and luck. She can be killed but I am not going to waste the ex to do it and might have to make some adjustments like use a life leech gem with 2 spells to survive. You can do it if you want but deathless would be hard even with fully mirrored gear with any build but possible.
However, I don't really see much of a point to run uber to waste a lot of ex just for the sake of doing it. This is my own opinion but I personally don't farm Atziri or Uber since it's just not worth it, I did +60 Atziri runs and got not one hope drop. And if you were to do Uber even 20 runs and get an acuity just in the hopes that's 6*20=120ex in hopes you could have just bought the gloves and that's only 20 runs it may take 50 runs. Of course you may get other items, drops, and map drops to make some of it back but that's all RNG and it's just like gambling the chances aren't that good. TLDR: Not worth the ex to run but you can do it if you want
Why not EE?
You can use EE for a huge dps boost. I am not using in the build because if you play with groups they will run their aura's like anger anyways which would nerf our EE. Also, I have cold damage on my ring and amulet, so you would have to find gear specifically for it. It saves a couple points in passive tree as well for more ES, dps, or jewel. With EE we won't be able to use Anger and Herald of Ice which gives us a huge dps boost, instead we would just use haste and can use dps jewels instead of attack speed jewels.
TLDR: Anger + HoI for DPS, Jewels for attack speed, save 2 skill points, can play in groups with aura's, don't need specific gear.
Why not Haste?
I tested both and Anger seems to give a lot more DPS so we just make up the attack speed with jewels which also give us ES.
TLDR: Use Anger for DPS, attack speed jewels for APS.
Why no Acuity/Maligaro's?
Voidbringer The most stats best balance offense + defense. These give me +1k more ES than Maligaro's, about the same damage on AB and FB, but I only lose about 5% crit on barrage with power charges. So I get a huge ES boost with only a little crit loss. The stats wise are just better with Voidbringer you get more stats and a lot more defense. For example, if I were to use Maligaro's and try to make up the defense of ES on tree it would require a lot of skill points to gain 1k ES but with voidbringer it would only take a couple points to gain that tiny bit of crit or dps loss. So overall Voidbringer's are the best option for the most stats offense/defense. The mana cost is no problem with barrage low mana cost and we have life pot if needed for reduce life regen maps. The +1k ES is huge since it will give us higher ES pool for our regen and also so we can tank those big hard hits safely. I don't even notice any dps loss when using these gloves since the Trio still goes down in 5 seconds and clearing is the exact same, and we gain a huge ES boost. To give you another example, if I were to make up the difference of Maligaro's by using Voidbringer on the skill tree, I would only have to spend 3 skill points 1 for 30 dex and then 2 20% crit nodes by Assassination to make up the crit loss or can get any other node for more damage on spells to make up for the crit loss. However, if I were to use Maligaro's and then try to make up the 1k ES defense loss on tree, 3 skill points wouldn't even give me half that. So it would require a lot more skill points to make up that ES making the Maligaro's tiny dps boost just not worth it. Maliagro's Slightly more offense but no defense. AB and FB damage are about the same, but lose 1k ES gain about 5% barrage crit and the dex. The evasion is worthless to us so this provides no defense and only slightly more damage. Since this is a tank build and we want to be able to facetank deathless the more defense and ES the better so these gloves don't really seem worth it. If you were to use these gloves and try to make up the +1k ES in the passive tree it would require a lot of points to get that much ES, compared to using Voidbringer and can easily make up the small dps loss. So Voidbringers seem better for the build and the best in terms of offense and defense stats. Maligaro's are only better for only offense, but the absolute zero defenses makes them worse overall stats wise. Acuity's These are also a great option if you already have them or are just rich. Don't bother buying them unless all your other gear is already perfect, since for the price of just these gloves you can gear up all your other gear with good high ES/resists gear. These gloves will give less dps and ES than Voidbringer but the defensive instant crit leech is good, but doesn't seem worth it for the price since it's really never needed and we lose ES and DPS. TLDR: Best stats offense/defense with Voidbringer
Why not run 3 Purities?
I used to use all 3 purities, but if you can still cap your resists without them then we don't need them. We only need purity of fire is required to run RF. Purity of Lightning is only needed versus Atziri. And Purity of Ice is not needed if you have max cold resists. If you can't cap your resists with gear then you might need to another Purity or Purity of Elements. But without them we can use Arctic Armour for more defense and Herald of Ice for more offense for normal mapping and still keep max resists.
TLDR: Not needed for mapping, AA + HoI more defense/offense.
Why not run 7 auras/buffs?
I tested and tried it and we can run another aura with the build, but it would require us to use a level 4 enlighten (which are expensive as well) and 2 level 3 enlightens for all of our auras. Plus the extra aura would be 4 total gem slots and by not enhancing our RF gives us 5 gem slots. With these extra gem slots we can improve our defenses more with the CWDT and Vaal Discipline setups with the build. And those defenses setups allow us to kill the hardest bosses with no risk of dying and provides safer mapping.
TLDR: Waste 4 gem slots needed for defensive setups.
Why not 97% fire res?
We can achieve 97% fire res with flask if we get barbarism and 60% aura effect nodes, but I tried it and it is not necessary. We can maintain our RF with 95% fire res and this saves us a lot of skill points in the tree so we can get more dps/es.
TLDR: Waste points, only need 95% for RF.
Why no Vaal Pact?
Vaal Pact wouldn't be worth the investment, we would need 6 more points to get there, but we would get an extra jewel slot and more dex so that would free up 3 points if we took out the 30 dex node and a jewel socket. So it would cost us 3 points to get it, and then we would have to drop vitality aura because we won't be able to regen life and then would have to rely on constant life flask and life on hit jewels to maintain casting. It just doesn't seem worth it, because without thornflesh reflect it's not needed. I am able to kill all the bosses as seen in my videos without instant leech and reflect rares are no problem.
TLDR: RIP 3 Passive Points, no life regen
Can handle reflect?
Yes, reflect rares are no problem just use ruby flask and Atziri's Promise if it's up. And reflect maps are doable just keep flasks up. See Reflect Maps under Maps for more info.
TLDR: Yes, use flask.
How to leech? Enough leech?
We leech with our CWDT Warlord's Mark gives 2%, plus 0.2% from Doryani's cold belt, 0.2% from crafted wand, and Atziri's Promise Flask adds a lot of leech when needed. Just use flask as a pot and it fills your ES up full in one pack.
TLDR: CWDT Warlord's mark, Atziri flask, wand/belt leech.
Hardcore or new league viable?
Although this is a very tanky build and safe the problem would be the gear required for the build and the high level required for the build. You can do this build in a new league but would have to start as life based until you can get the Shavs and ES gear. You can do this build with no mirrored gear no problem, but we need the legacy shav's ring, so in a new league you would just have to change the tree to get 97% fire res so the RF doesn't degen us. And in hardcore you would need at least a level +90 character and also a lot of good gear and the Shavs but it is doable.
TLDR: Requires high level char + gear$$$$.
Kinetic Blast or Barrage?
See Gems 6L Setups for info.
Life Leech gem?
With our 6L setup it's not possible unless you were life based with Voll's Protector to remove PCoC. The only way to use the life leech gem is in a single target setup with no gmp and 2 spells but it is not necessary only for Uber.
Blood Rage?
We don't use blood rage. With the blood rage nerf it's not worth it anymore. We won't be able to sustain the degen anymore with RF it's too much and too risky and not worth it. In normal mapping you can use it but then we wouldn't be able to use RF and RF is better anyways. Also, it would still hurt us so we would have to constantly try to find packs to heal even with our 4% regen.
Frenzy Charges?
Without Blood Rage we have no way to gain charges. It would be to slow and not worth it use use Frenzy Gem, and we can't use The Blood Dance boots because we would lose a lot of ES and resists which we need in our boots.
How to get enough attack speed with no haste?
From our jewels as stated in the guide.
TLDR: Jewels.
How to sustain Righteous Fire?
Level 21 purity of fire and empowered (level 3 or level 4). 42% increased aura effect from tree Alchemist node cluster from tree for ruby flask Legacy Shav's Rev ring gives 4% ES regen This gives us 95% fire res with flasks TLDR: 95% fire res + legacy shav ring
Why switch from Freezing Pulse to Fireball?
As I leveled I switched to Fireball, because it has good dps and good crit, and also mainly because with AB + FB we can attack from long range. As I got higher level I wanted to be safer and with freezing pulse you need to get point blank range to get the most DPS. So with FB you can be accross the screen and still do a lot of damage while being much safer.
TLDR: Safer, more range, good dps.
Why are you a Shadow and not a Witch or Scion for the build?
I just like the Shadow. Either works.
Build Budget Version
Armour - 6L Shav required (they're cheap now after increase drop rate patch) Wand - 10.5-11% crit, 1.5 APS, +50% spell damage, +75% Spell Crit, Crit Multi if you can get it too, and leech if you can craft Shield - +400 ES, resists, spell damage and/or spell crit if you can get Gloves - Voidbringer or Maligaro's (legacy) are good Helm - +300 ES, resists, +200 Accuracy if you can get Boots - +200 ES, resists (movement speed if you can but not needed) Belt - Doryani's Invitation Cold Amulet - Crit, Crit Multi, crafted ES%, and spell damage and/or accuracy if you can Rings - Diamond rings for crit, high accuracy, ES% crafted, and dex/res/+ES if you can get Other Ring - Shav Rev ring legacy or just use rare without RF
Build Expensive Version $$$
Headhunter Belt - amazing for maps Armour - Legacy 6L Shav Wrap armour Mirrored Wand - Apocalypse Thirst Mirrored Shield - Entropy Charm, Behemoth Spell or other Mirrored Amulet - Rune Medallion or other Mirrored Helm - Doom Visor or Blood Ward or other Mirrored Boots - high es, tri res (with or without movementspeed) Acuity gloves - for leech if you want but not needed
Detailed DPS Calculation with Spreadsheet
Kappa Kappa Kreygasm DEEEEPS!!! Thanks for reading my guide and post any questions or comments below! Last edited by Ryuzaki1337#4195 on Oct 23, 2015, 3:58:13 PM
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Wouldn't a mjolner be better for this? You're only proing .82*.83*.69=47% of the time, and with a mjolner you could use a life leech gem.
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" Hey, that is true. Sure you could use mjolner if you want but that's a whole different build. This is a CoC build with barrage, I don't play discharge because it's too laggy and I have more range with barrage CoC. Damage isn't a problem for me, I could get +90% crit/accuracy but would also lose defenses. I already kill bosses in seconds and facetank them anyways. |
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" Kreygasm |
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Hey Ryuzaki! Just to share my new tooltips with your tweaks and some of mine to our old Shatter Chuck!
KREYGASM'S HARD MAN LOOOOL Arctic Breath + RF + Atziri's Flask
![]() Fireball + RF + Atziri's Flask
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Hello, I have a doubt about his build,
it is viable with the Piscator's Vigil wand? and, how much damage you lost if you use the Piscator's Vigil? Thanks in advance. | |
" Much Kreygasm's! Such DEEPS! Very wow! Very nice man, thanks for sharing! I used to have 26k AB with RF + Flask in my old videos with the glass cannon version, and that was with my old rare wand without mirror wand, and level 95. " 3nz0, I wouldn't recommend it since you can buy a better rare for cheap 1-few ex. A rare wand will give you more crit on wand (get +10.5 crit, 1.5 APS on wand), plus spell damage and spell crit and possibly crafted leech and crit multi as well if you can afford. This will help improve the damage of our spells. The increased weapon ele damage in Piscator's won't benefit us because it will only help barrage (attacks) and not our spells. Although the accuracy is nice, but we can get that on our helm and ring/amulet, but you can still use it until you find a better one I guess. |
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Hello :)
I did this build with a few tweaks, but i still need a lvl 21 Purity of Fire. I play this "on a budget". DjSall's LL Tank Crit EK: 1568944
Youtube Channel: http://youtube.com/proksalevente |
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Oh how shotgun nerf has destroyed builds like this. I bet you can't even do uber on a 300ex budget with this build. Clear speed is pretty trash too since APS is garbage. With only 2 spells, the effects don't even look cool. Not sure what the point of this build is.
Last edited by Alpha23512#3159 on Oct 17, 2015, 3:15:39 PM
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