[2.4] [Assassin] Qwark's Shock nova build - Cheap, Very high DPS, HC viable, 7,5k+ EHP.
Thank you, did some changes and now dps is better and feeling more strong.
Still need to buy better armour though, my resist is not good enough to use dodre for second curse. BTW, may i ask which jewel are you using? I am not using any jewel for now. level 61 Gear
Planning on using these daggers once hit 64
Tree Last edited by commonjunks#6835 on Oct 17, 2015, 5:53:12 AM
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" These are the jewels I used on the original character, crafted them myself so only one is good, the rest meh. I'd go for 7% life jewels Update on the 1MHC flashback, this is my gear and currently destroying anything I encounter @ lvl 63, tooltip DPS for Shock nova is 2.8k with innervate up and 2,1k on flame totem. 4,5k EHP.
UPDATE #2 Farming dried lake @ Lvl 68. Tooltip DPS - 7K EHP - 5.5K
Last edited by Qwark28#7687 on Oct 20, 2015, 4:21:08 AM
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WIP Thoughts.
Last edited by Qwark28#7687 on Oct 20, 2015, 4:21:50 AM
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Alternative gloves could also be Surgebinders. I used them in warbands on my shock nova witch and it pushed DPS up quite a bit (i had 21k on 6L with 6th link being Power Charge on Crit).
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662 Last edited by Mannoth#4185 on Oct 20, 2015, 10:25:25 AM
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"Yes, It's in the original post. Facebreakers would still be ideal, especially a very badly rolled one. |
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Considering using Vaal clarity instead of EB and MOM and spending those 5 passives in jewels.
Here's a showcase at lvl 72. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UCDS08ZO_k |
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hello there sweet build...
I have a lvl 90 shadow at the moment that i want to respec into this build. What do you think of dual void batterys? and a 6link carcass jack im on standard so my budget is pretty high ign: aryatheshewolf add me! |
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"Will do once I'm on. Void batteries offer less crit but higher spell damage while having no multiplier. E.g 60 crit ( 160 with +2 pc) 145 spell dmg 20 cast speed Vs 189% crit per dagger 70 something spell dmg 38 crit multi Ele dmg for spells If you already have the VB I would test the damage difference as I'm curious myself. Probably adds about 4.5k per. As for carcass, if you're sustaining the mana cost you're good to go. Last edited by Qwark28#7687 on Oct 21, 2015, 2:36:41 AM
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Hi Qwark !
First, thx for your build ! I've been playing it for 3 weeks now and I'm enjoying it. I always loved crit-based / "bursty" kind of gameplay. First time playing PoE for more than one week and higher than lvl 50... _________Two questions I would like to ask you__________________ 1/ I bought a 6L chest yesterday and put the faster casting gem inside. (I played with a 5L before). With 194% cast speed modifier on Shock Nova, it feels more instant than instant and that's a cool thing. But I would like to know what is your opinion on the "Concentrated Effect" gem. 2/ With ~40k dps fully buffed and 5k7 EHP, I own pretty much everything on my way. But I feel quite squishy against physical damage such as goats jumping/stun-locking my ass and so on. Whirling blades brings a really good mobility but sometimes, its not enough. So what ? -Dropping my Innervate gem on Herald of thunder in order to sustain Arctic Armor ? -Shield ? -1k ES and then looking for some armor ? Have a good day ;) | |
" Conc effect is not very good for shock nova, it increases damage a bit but you already have more than enough and then it requires you get even closer to mobs. VS goats and etc you should be making them whiff their first attack or killing them on sight. If there are too many enemies and some get close and stunlock you, that's a problem pretty much every caster has to deal with and the only way is to play in ways that you avoid that. Your DPS is more than enough to 1 shot even high lvl map mobs and whirling blades is easy enough to use against attacks with startup so I can suggest playing preemptively. Positioning is vital, you should try to avoid letting anything get past the second ring which is easy enough against most mobs since the "wall" they have to pass is the one doing 50% more damage and a tooltip of around 40k translates to a bit over 100k actual DPS once you included curses, penetration, shocking, critting etc. I would advise life on every single jewel you have and a good shield if you die too much, preferably one with high crit chance, life and ES. Innervate I wouldn't advise to drop since onslaught's most important benefit is 20% increased movespeed which allows you to clear and dodge faster. It's great both offensively and defensively. I'm currently experimenting with a different version of sustaining mana which is vaal clarity. If I can get it to work consistently then I'm going to change the build to be a bit tankier. |
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