
there is no "trigger radius" just "if it hits" which if shotgunning with multi projectiles, just be in melee range.
K, I just wanted to make sure that it would still shotgun with concentrated effects.
IGN: Iolar
BRavich wrote:
Can someone tell me whether increasing fireball's area of effect also increases its trigger radius? That is, will increasing its area affect make it more likely to shotgun a single foe?

Not that I know of. I believe the collision box for projectiles don't actually have a "radius" parameters - i.e. it's fixed. On that related note, freezing pulse has a giant collision box contributing to its premier status. I also suspect Arctic Breath has a slightly larger cross-section than fireball, but ice spear slightly lower. You can test this with LMP-projectiles and check whether all projectiles hit when firing at the target, a point before, or behind.
hasturgrunk wrote:
Multiple fire witches/shadow builds trying to work out viable fireball based builds (which dont get owned when swapping out FP into FB slot (even when holding dedicated fire nodes and no ice nodes, YES THIS IS A HUGE MOTHER FAULKER PROBLEM).

Uncertain if the devs are even reading this forum;

Fireball in a nutshell:

1) cost more mana that FP, This difference amplifies horrifically when scaled with support gems.
2) slower cast than FP, again this different scales poorly with faster/slower casting.
3) vastly... VASTLY slower than FP(and other spells) in travel speed(very important value vs fast moving mobs)
4) the aoe explosion is a joke, maxed nodes and support gems and it struggles often to hit multiple adjacent mobs (it should be atleast able to hit all adjacent mobs within range by default before nodes/support gems).
In comparison to the area of damage influence to Freezing pulse (fp) it is 1/14th as good.
5) Its damage needs to be atleast 1.5 FP as it doesnt have neat side affects like slow/freeze etc (or lightning shock stun etc). Stacking burns seems to still not work, and burn damage seems trivial in comparison to actual damage (also reliant on crit/ignite landing).
6) Bonus from quality is not as decent as other skill gems.
7) Still no "Clear" indication of actual AOE size(should be rendered on ground for caster only).
8) plays poorly with a few support gems. Why cant fireball explode multiple times if linked with pierce/chain etc.
9) Actualy numbers seem hidden heavily (intentional or not, or restricted by code, this needs to be addressed else it all becomes conjecture as to wtf is actually happening).
10) Hit rego still seems poor, Some spell projectiles hit monsters/players when they shouldnt, yet fireball seems to actually fly past the models and not even hit. (the ice/frost fireballs in vaal pyramid sare a prime example of hit regeo).

As listed above, fireball seems like it was the first spell created by the dev's and all since have been more "tuned" offering neat features with similar or better damage with all of the above listed bonuses. Even the lastest frost projectile spell 1 ups fireball by frostring the ground ontop of being an ice version of fireball......

Please for the love of the game can we get some feed back from the dev's and atleast a SERIOUSLY HUGE overhaul onto the balancing (at least match the cost/cast speed/AOE potential against FP).

PS: if projectile speed increase of 100% increases FP AOE by 900%, can we atleast have AOE nodes or the base fireball AOE drastically improved ?

What he said.

Fireball currently has too slow projectile speed, too slow cast speed and too small explosion radius. Firestorm, which has lower dps is actually far better on moving targets than fireball.
I haven't reached the point where I have a 5L armor with lmp,cast speed,spell totem etc., but so far the state of fireball is miserable.

Leap marauder in comparison. He may be vulnerable to attacks when he leaps but he has insane damage to make up for it. In addition fireball has such slow cast speed that even if you have range, creeps will get to you within 1-2 casts.

Leveling with it is a bore.

zharmad wrote:
Careful there, there are mobs that also use fireballs. They do hit adjacent mobs on the server, although adjacency is not necessarily same between server and client. In general adjacency is only guaranteed for some AI-types, like monkeys (which will come in-range and throw rocks) and your own minions.

GGG designed it to be more like a D2 fireball and not a D&D fireball - and the likely first course of action is to decrease freezing pulse's current OP-status rather than bring a whole lot of other skills up to match.

They'll get around to spell balances after fixing all the realm-crash and instance crashes, have some patience. In the meantime, find a concentrated effect gem.

I see you're not speaking from experience and only observation. Have you even tried it past the first couple levels? Sure, multiple projectile bosses can be a hassle but even then you can dodge the fireballs with impunity, due to slow projectile speed.
If fireball was anything like the D2 one, it'd have a much larger explosion radius and a lot faster cast and projectile speed.d
My experience here with Fireball also finds it wanting in several areas.

Not the least of which is simple TTK. This can be handled multiple ways:

1. Fireball projectile and casting speed is increased dramatically.

2. The AoE on hit is increased dramatically and/or has a much higher chance of causing burning.

3. The Fireball spells works better with certain support gems alowing it to say cause chain explosions on impact, giving it a better AoE presence.

The primary drawbacks I've experienced with Fire Ball are:

1. Fireballs cannot pass through MoBs, pierce or otherwise hit targets behind the front line. Sinec the AoE blast is so small is makes it unreliable due to many small fast moving MoBs that will take the hit instead of the fireball landing where it needs to for the best result. This is even worse in situations where the back line or archers, casters and/or necromancers are the real threat. Causing an automatic switch to another spell to deal with those first.

2. Fireball casting speed and projectile speed make it a last choice against most bosses. They either charge you, summon adds or regenerate shields/health at a pace that makes Fireball just plain bad. I don't know how else to put it, but just try spamming fireball against someone like Med's 1st form and see how bad it is due to her movement speed, counter-casting and melee abilities. Not to mention her shield regen should 1 or 2 miss their mark.

3. Scaling in general. Fireball never gets "better", it stays as this sort of mediocre ability and never peaks as either an early game, mid-game or late-game spell.

Sure hope Fireball gets some love or we'll be spamming Ice and Lightning for our remaining days.
My take on improving fireball:

1. Make AOE bigger.

2. Increase projectile speed.

3. Make fireball also detonate on arrival at target area.
Why don't you try fireball with element proliferation?
Just consider fireball itself a match.
Usually I cast one fireball to kill half a dozen mobs.
My opinion on the Fireball spell is that it certainly is a powerful alternative to other direct damage spells, however I agree when min-maxing the general consensus that it is somewhat underpowered is correct. I am running a somewhat unorthodox build around the use of fireball. I have a marauder focused on sustainability and the sole use of fireball with the addition of blood magic, it is surprisingly effective in merciless however lacking the clear speed which is so crucial to this game.


.Creating a support gem that allows for the ignite debuff to deal its damage instantly instead of over time. This change would see greater use of the ignite keystones on the passive skill tree and would surely raise fireball's damage numbers to an acceptable level.

.Changing how fireball interacts with chain allowing it to explode on each of the individual chains.

.Changing the quality bonus to something with more substance such as increase to cast speed, increased radius blast, increased projectile size and hit box or even bonus damage to explosion, all of which offer more interesting game play mechanics and make the spell more enjoyable to use.

.Increasing the projectile size would greatly increase it's aesthetic as well as its feel in game.

.Optimizing the performance of this spell. Fireball is often regarded as one of the "lag skills" along with the likes of lightning arrow, changing this would make it a much more attractive option.
What I am confused about is what Fireball offers over other spells; and the Fire damage type in general. For example, compare the three starting elemental spells the game has to offer: Freezing Pulse, Fireball and Spark.

Freezing Pulse, having the ability to freeze, offers more utility to the table in single and group play; but also along with its much quicker cast speed compared to Fireball, and its mobbing potential, has an overall better DPS than fireball.

Spark has the ability to shock, amplifying damage and thus giving a large boon in group play. It also has a much larger damage spike than fireball when critting as a result of the shocked state.

What Fireball currently offers is a longer range; the damage over time only allows fireball to keep up with the dps. It does, however, off utility in terms of chance to flee against certain mobs. There needs to be something to allow Fireball to be brought up to par; as there is just no real incentive to choose Fireball over other spells.
IGN: Flickerdart
Lvl 4X Templar, Fire/Summoner/Totem build

I've been trying very hard to make this skill work for me. Even with the fire nodes, it is clearly out-dpsed by skills like Arctic Breath, Ice Spear or even Arc. The damage itself is mediocre for Fireball, and even with Faster Projectiles you'll miss a bunch when targeting mobs farther away. I've also been trying to use it on my totem, but again, there's a lot of alternatives that offer better bang for the buck.

Most importantly though, Fireball is definitely outclassed by Firestorm in every regard. Firestorm offers more damage, a much better chance to hit, a larger area covered. The only advantage of Fireball is that is deals its damage in a single blow, making for more burning damage. However, this won't really do a lot for you since the only mobs living long enough to actually take the burn damage is bosses - for those, you're definitely better off with other skills.

All in all, the skill has very little to offer for me. The fix I'd propose is to have fireball leave small (!) patches of burning ground behind doing low (!) fire damage. That would skill make it a bad choice for direct damage (but fire isn't necessarily meant for that), but offer more strategic options.

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