Detonate Dead
I think it should.. Hatred acts on "Physical Damage" which seems to mean all forms of it.
But 15% of the low Phys Dam of DD wouldn't do a lot. |
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" Yes, Hatered also works on Etheral knives, so it should work on this as well. "That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
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it'll also benefit from added fire support. however both hatred and added fire would not improve the scaling of this skill. simply going through the game improves the scaling of the skill... which is one of many reasons people leave it at lv 1. the physical damage is pointless, cost is dramatic, % based damage of foes corpse is heavenly regardless of what the result really is.
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all this hate for DD... you guys are doing it wrong.
support with totem and this supposedly underpowered spell shines with the light of a thousand suns. cast DD totem, attack group with main attacking spell/attack, i use a plain old poison arrow with blind and faster attacks, DD totem automaticly cleans up the whole mess once the first body hits the floor. whenever some poor mob wanders in range of a corpse, DD totem is there to take them out. it's clear DD doesnt work as a main attack but is just great as it is when used as a crowd control totem. i actually did level mine up and really dont care about the mana cost as a totem. my build has no applicable damage passives of any kind, no plans to get any either. tl;dr totem support fixes DD /thread waiting for OP to deliver.
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the fire damage is pretty damn strong, it's the physical that isn't strong at all. and the fire damage is same strength no matter what level...
of course use a totem that spams it XD, that just makes it insanely easier and convent so you don't waste time spaming the skill yourself lol. |
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" Wrong. Enough fire damage, aoe and concentrate and elemental weakness can make it over 100% monster hp as fire damage. Just need to ignite it ;) (few corpses) I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
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I think this is a useless skill.
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Oh no, far from it. It's EXTREMELY effective, but on a Fire build.
Even if you don't go to 100% HP, you just have to tenderize the mobs a bit then begin Detonating. After a few clicks, there's nothing left but a pile of guts. It casts fast and you just have to point in the general direction. No, my issues with DD are about its worse than useless (IE detrimental) progression and its "identity" : It works and feels like a Fire spell (thus Blue) but its color and scaling point to an assassin's trick. |
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Been using this on my Shadow for a few levels now.
Totem + Detonate Dead ( at level 1, of course). I'm trying to replicate the experience I had with the Assassin class from D2 (Death Sentry). My biggest issue with this skill is that the radius is too small. Often enough, mobs don't get hit because they're just outside the blast radius -- even the mob that triggered the totem's cast. Because of this, I think Concentrated Effect support gem doesn't work well with this. I'm experimenting with the Increase Radius support gem now, but it seems like with only a 14% increase in radius the mobs now get hit reliably by the blast. IMO, it should at least hit reliably from a totem without the need for any support gems. Does +Increased Radius of Area skills% passives work with this? If so, cool... but, that's still pretty deep into Witch territory for a Shadow. I like the animation for it. More gore bits, please. :D Now, regarding damage: The static +physical damage is pointless, and leveling the skill raises mana cost way too much. 18% of mob life is also too low, but I realize we're expected to boost this using passive skills. As I understand it, currently only +fire/elemental% damage passives have any effect. This situation really sucks for Shadows. Please change it to allow +spell damage%, and (maybe) +spell crit chance/damage to affect the 18% portion of damage. Otherwise, this skill will really pale in comparison to the alternatives. Last edited by Daemonjax#0396 on Aug 6, 2012, 12:12:50 PM
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um... the fire damage can crit last i was told... it's how people can make one dd take out 90% of nearby monster's hp. it is also why the crit base for the spell is so low (4.5%). that or the burning from a crit is what puts mobs to critical hp.
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