Glacial cascade should do better damage without critting though since it doesn't have the inherent low minimum damage that lightning spells have. Also could you explain why you think ZO is worth it? Can't make up my mind on that one or dropping purity of flesh + ZO for more ES, especially since we don't pick up that much Life regen anyway. And what do you think of Mind drinker versus Deep thoughts in late game?
Last edited by JuicedG#4675 on Sep 22, 2015, 4:04:22 PM
Posted byJuicedG#4675on Sep 22, 2015, 4:01:30 PM
JuicedG wrote:
Glacial cascade should do better damage without critting though since it doesn't have the inherent low minimum damage that lightning spells have. Also could you explain why you think ZO is worth it? Can't make up my mind on that one or dropping purity of flesh + ZO for more ES, especially since we don't pick up that much Life regen anyway. And what do you think of Mind drinker versus Deep thoughts in late game?
TBH I was recently editing the build because I screwed up by reverting to an earlier version of a guide and forgot.
I was about to explain why ZO was important and I just ripped 2 mins ago because my char didn't have it.
ZO is very handy during stuns, you have 1,8% regen which regens ES instead of life, providing you with IIRC 50% stun avoidance. Right now, I just died to drop bears stunning me before I could whirling blades away or use my logout macro. If I had ZO ( which is best used with a good ES pool and blood dance instead of blood rage ) I would have avoided at least one of the stuns since I'd constantly regen ES to reroll the stun avoidance and had escaped, preventing the RIP.
Mind drinker only applies to physical attacks, so it wouldn't work.
Last edited by Qwark28#7687 on Sep 22, 2015, 4:37:20 PM
Posted byQwark28#7687on Sep 22, 2015, 4:35:37 PM
Qwark28 wrote:
JuicedG wrote:
Glacial cascade should do better damage without critting though since it doesn't have the inherent low minimum damage that lightning spells have. Also could you explain why you think ZO is worth it? Can't make up my mind on that one or dropping purity of flesh + ZO for more ES, especially since we don't pick up that much Life regen anyway. And what do you think of Mind drinker versus Deep thoughts in late game?
TBH I was recently editing the build because I screwed up by reverting to an earlier version of a guide and forgot.
I was about to explain why ZO was important and I just ripped 2 mins ago because my char didn't have it.
ZO is very handy during stuns, you have 1,8% regen which regens ES instead of life, providing you with IIRC 50% stun avoidance. Right now, I just died to drop bears stunning me before I could whirling blades away or use my logout macro. If I had ZO ( which is best used with a good ES pool and blood dance instead of blood rage ) I would have avoided at least one of the stuns since I'd constantly regen ES to reroll the stun avoidance and had escaped, preventing the RIP
Mind drinker only applies to physical attacks, so it wouldn't work.
Ah overlooked that, dumb of me on the mind drinker part.
And about zealot's oath, I did not know the part about stun avoidance. That defiately seems worth it. Sorry on the rip.
Posted byJuicedG#4675on Sep 22, 2015, 4:51:44 PM
JuicedG wrote:
Qwark28 wrote:
JuicedG wrote:
Glacial cascade should do better damage without critting though since it doesn't have the inherent low minimum damage that lightning spells have. Also could you explain why you think ZO is worth it? Can't make up my mind on that one or dropping purity of flesh + ZO for more ES, especially since we don't pick up that much Life regen anyway. And what do you think of Mind drinker versus Deep thoughts in late game?
TBH I was recently editing the build because I screwed up by reverting to an earlier version of a guide and forgot.
I was about to explain why ZO was important and I just ripped 2 mins ago because my char didn't have it.
ZO is very handy during stuns, you have 1,8% regen which regens ES instead of life, providing you with IIRC 50% stun avoidance. Right now, I just died to drop bears stunning me before I could whirling blades away or use my logout macro. If I had ZO ( which is best used with a good ES pool and blood dance instead of blood rage ) I would have avoided at least one of the stuns since I'd constantly regen ES to reroll the stun avoidance and had escaped, preventing the RIP
Mind drinker only applies to physical attacks, so it wouldn't work.
Ah overlooked that, dumb of me on the mind drinker part.
And about zealot's oath, I did not know the part about stun avoidance. That defiately seems worth it. Sorry on the rip.
Die and learn, better to rip and appreciate another defensive mechanism. Good thing you pointed out ZO because I hadn't even originally thought about the extra layer of protection until I saw you said I had specced into it.
Posted byQwark28#7687on Sep 22, 2015, 4:57:46 PM
Would MOM be an option without EB or would that require heavier investment in mana? You could save quite some points by not speccing into blood drinker and that jewel socket there. You could spend those on mana stuff for MOM?
Last edited by JuicedG#4675 on Sep 22, 2015, 5:14:02 PM
Posted byJuicedG#4675on Sep 22, 2015, 5:11:24 PM
JuicedG wrote:
Would MOM be an option without EB or would that require heavier investment in mana? You could save quite some points by not speccing into blood drinker and that jewel socket there. You could spend those on mana stuff for MOM?
It is an option but I would rather have over 7.5k EHP than about 6.500 EHP at the same point investment since the mana nodes are going to EB anyway to sustain mana just slightly easier while making use of only 30% of your ES pool.
Posted byQwark28#7687on Sep 22, 2015, 5:35:04 PM
Qwark28 wrote:
JuicedG wrote:
Would MOM be an option without EB or would that require heavier investment in mana? You could save quite some points by not speccing into blood drinker and that jewel socket there. You could spend those on mana stuff for MOM?
It is an option but I would rather have over 7.5k EHP than about 6.500 EHP at the same point investment since the mana nodes are going to EB anyway to sustain mana just slightly easier while making use of only 30% of your ES pool.
No I mean MOM without EB. As an extra layer. You could go templar start with life and mana regen, soul syphon, with start mana and mana regen or something.
Maybe 2 15% mana and 0.4% life regen nodes are even better than the 2 spend on deep thoughts. You have a lot of int so a lot of mana and that extra 0.8% life regen will be really nice with ZO
Last edited by JuicedG#4675 on Sep 22, 2015, 7:45:33 PM
Posted byJuicedG#4675on Sep 22, 2015, 7:32:12 PM
JuicedG wrote:
Qwark28 wrote:
JuicedG wrote:
Would MOM be an option without EB or would that require heavier investment in mana? You could save quite some points by not speccing into blood drinker and that jewel socket there. You could spend those on mana stuff for MOM?
It is an option but I would rather have over 7.5k EHP than about 6.500 EHP at the same point investment since the mana nodes are going to EB anyway to sustain mana just slightly easier while making use of only 30% of your ES pool.
No I mean MOM without EB. As an extra layer. You could go templar start with life and mana regen, soul syphon, with start mana and mana regen or something.
It wouldn't work, even with dynamo and deep thoughts I could just barely sustain a 6L cascade.
With MOM you want a huge mana pool that's at least 35% of your base life, you'd need 1,5k unreverved mana on top of all the auras you're going to run. MOM requires investment. Mana regen doesn't matter if there's not a pool that makes that little % a significant amount, say something hits you for 3k, are you going to wait 3s or more to be able to cast GC once?
The reason MOM is so good with EB and ZO is because you get a form of defence that takes a while to recharge and you use it to forgo mana problems and to still keep a good part of it.
Last edited by Qwark28#7687 on Sep 22, 2015, 8:05:42 PM
Posted byQwark28#7687on Sep 22, 2015, 8:03:03 PM
why not phase acro? i think if u invest into acro avoiding spells is even better and only 4 points away
even tankier build
Posted byruzga#5270on Oct 7, 2015, 8:30:54 AM
ruzga wrote:
why not phase acro? i think if u invest into acro avoiding spells is even better and only 4 points away
even tankier build
i've explained this in the previous page, 4 points for phase acro is not really worth it over 2 jewels or HP nodes.
10% extra dodge is meh and 30% spell dodge is not that useful considering how few enemies use spells that actually do anything dangerous.
I much prefer 2 7% life jewels with 75+% increased damage, especially in 2.0. The danger comes when you suddenly get surrounded or something gets near you for chunks of damage and spell dodge won't help you whatsoever in that situation while an extra 300 life will.
Last edited by Qwark28#7687 on Oct 8, 2015, 3:01:43 PM
Posted byQwark28#7687on Oct 8, 2015, 3:00:02 PM