[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
@Kelemn since so much of your gear and tree has to change from my build to run what you're doing its hard for me to say.
Regardless of what your running fingers of frost is a bad idea though. The nature of icestorm doing rapid hits means that the freeze chance from hypothermia is plenty. Getting more damage will give longer freezes and feel like more freezing then fingers of frost will, as well as being actual damage. |
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Thanks for the fast reply and the advice :) probably i should only farm until i get better items.
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One of the best builds I have seen in a long time, great job.
With the duration nodes on the passive tree the nerf isn't noticeable at all. I'm just using this build for atziri for now. I left out vaal pact and ghost reaver to get all the points I can for intelligence. I run a spell totem with summon raging spirits supported by increased duration/minion life/faster casting/blind. I also have a chaos golem with fortify/minion life/minion resist. Basically I just drop a totem and 13 SRS tank while I kill stuff offscreen. My resists are pretty much exactly 81/81/82. Needed all purity and conqueror 3% aura jewel and faith and steel and evade/ES/resist node. Got >50% efficiency including tree. Other jewels are 3x brute force and one energy from within. Atziri went down so easily I didn't get touched by trash mob the whole map, vaal constructs died before they fully spawned, trio just run 4x quicksilver with anti bleed and rumis stand in middle top left for enraged bleed guy, atziri just follow regular mechanics. She dropped a hope. I will probably attempt uber atziri in a couple levels only 87 right now. only hard part would likely be the atziri fight itself against those spears in split phase. It's almost worth pre casting storm before the split appears but the 25% chance of getting the reflect guy = death Last edited by link1313#3590 on Sep 16, 2015, 12:51:36 AM
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" Thanks for the kind words :) icestorm is a really good atziri killer. I farmed her really easily for a while, only death was when I got impatient and stacked up storms on the mirror atziri :P 1 in 4 chance of death but insta kill if its not the mirror one is pretty tempting. |
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Sold all my gear on my old character to try this build, even after the nerf. The investment was pretty heavy but leveling was an absolut blast and after playing around with jewels it's working out really good at level 74. Thanks for the guide!
Ingame: ReExist
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It is possible to play this build with no expensive items?
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never playd in es build, but i got a few question.
is it worth it to get +1 Wanderlust, instead of sin treck? i mainly would use it because of immun to freeze,due i die alot to chests with freeze nova ... ( pots dont help me, to stupid to use it, most of the time ^^) also why die the mob so fast with only 3k base o_O? i currently running with a 30k arc, and it feels i am way slower then you 30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006424/page/1
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF ) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1637690 1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1761162 |
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@deadbyt3 Thanks for the words. Hope it goes well for you :)
@Chlebo2199 Well the real expensive part is the shavs. Dropping that means dropping several auras and changing alot so I'd probably just build it very different @KillerKrug I'd probably recommend something a bit simpler to play and build then this until you get a bit better at the game mechanics and how to deal with things like freeze :) In terms of the DPS question you should only really use the tooltip to compare like with like. So seeing if it goes up when you change items on a build. Its not that good at comparing different builds to each other. Ice and firestorm hit the enemy a random number of times based off the AOE size of the hits, enemy hitbox size and the random number generator. Because of this the tooltip does not display damage per second but the damage per hit since its impossible to know how many hits per second will occur. Trust that the DPS of the storm is much much higher then it displays and only use tooltip to compare icestorm to other icestorm or firestorm tooltip. Also hypothermia and penetration gems are the biggest DPS boosts that this build gets and both of them do not appear in tooltip numbers as they apply depending on the status of what is hit. |
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Hello there I just got my full set of uniques for this build and it looks awesome!
I would like to ask you something though, I know its a bit wierd but could you do a Scion version for the skill tree? It's because I'm tired of playing with witches haha, almost all my characters are witches =P, anywhale I love your build and I'll look foward to playing with it! |
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warbands is soon to be done and i managed to corrup these:
i am so hyped to try this build, i have everything ready, even a full set of 20/20 gems i lvled myself. |
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