Explosive Arrow Marauder (Updated for Release)

Almost gave up, but i did it! :)

I always try to avoid running ele reflect maps. And if I do, i basicly shoot one arrow and focus on blinding them mobs.

i stopped using carcass for that, i dunno... really like the burrrrrrrrrrrrn
evantrees wrote:
Also anyone else completely miss the 30 dex node near bloodmagic?

good tip
Level 79, Slowly upgrading my gear, stuff is so damned expensive. But I'm off to a great start. 5 linked my armor and my bow last night. (480 fusing on the quill, 5 linked 3 times. 40 fusing on the jack to 5 link).

My path strayed away from most of the posters in this thread. I do not use elemental equilibrium and I do not use blind. Crazy right? hear me out :)

With windscream boots I have the option of using a second curse. Enfeeble with quality is in my opinion the best curse for survivability in game. Using enfeeble on difficult packs makes them a joke. Elemental weakness with quality (I don't have quality yet) reduces the max resist by 59%, which is higher then EE without having to apply the pesky debuff.

Running dual curses does have its downside however. Enemies that are immune to curses take MUCH longer to kill. Unique bosses have reduced curse effects.

No need for blind allows for a 6 link set-up with split arrow, removing the need for ranged attack totem or 2x split arrow 4 links.

Chest will eventually have:: Split Arrow - Chain - Culling - Life on hit - IIR - IIQ.

Not taking Elemental Equilibrium makes group play a lot easier and the rotation extremely simple.

Current gear (getting close to being done, still a work in progress & gems are messy):


Trying to get my hands on a high Aurseize & Andvarius. New quiver / ring / belt / gloves will come later when im not broke-ass.
Last edited by Gryphyn#2650 on Jun 25, 2013, 5:20:10 PM
I totally agree with you that EE is better to leave out if you plan on grouping lots.
I personally use my EAer as a pure MFer in groups anyways, spamming split arrow. I have to respec out of EE every day.

Just be super careful against lightning thorns -- I was spamming my split arrow culling strike (no chain) on a lvl 77 map and lightning thorns took me to 30% in an instant. Probably would be instant death with chain.

An update on my gear, btw:
IGN: @Deltrus
My build and gear: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/462131
Last edited by DeltruS#2041 on Jun 26, 2013, 1:30:49 PM
Just found a 12% elemental proliferation. Would it be smart to use 8 gcp's to get it to 20% ? Or is buying a higher quality one cheaper ? Anarchy league by the way.
A question: ¿does the damage from LE HEUP OF ALL (% increased damage) applies to the initial explosion AND the burning damage?. I think It should, because is % increased damage, not elemental damage.

MajorMudfish wrote:
Just found a 12% elemental proliferation. Would it be smart to use 8 gcp's to get it to 20% ? Or is buying a higher quality one cheaper ? Anarchy league by the way.

Quality on ele Prolif gives you increased ignition duration on mobs. My advice: Leave the 12% as it is, level it and use it. For 1-2 gcp u want to get a ~15% Flammability gem, because we know from the PoE-Wiki:

Elemental Prolif: "+0.75% increased Burn duration"

Flammability: "Each percentage of quality adds Burns on Cursed Enemies have +1% increased Duration."

So under the line Flammability is WAY cheaper to get, because it is a very common gem, plus it is even more effective in terms of the quality added :)

... Next topic ...

I once again got down to the theorycrafting and looked deeper into which gems would make sense if you got a spare 4L left in Anarchy league, HC or Standard (as you obviously cant get a Kaoms Heart in Anarchy). And I came up with 'Immortal Call', which turned out to be reeeally amazing for EA. I will explain:

You will most likely use Enduring Cry already, to get a bit tankier and cap resists that arent capped yet. You could then ofc use Ranged Attack Totem + Split Arrow + Blind + Chain, but instead I prefer this combination a lot:

• %Enduring Cry + Decoy Totem + Faster Cast + %Area of Effect

• %Immortal Call + Flammability + %Faster Cast + %Increased Duration

As both Enduring Cry and Decoy Totem say "AoE" in the title, they both benefit from 'Increased Area of Effect' gem, and ofc Faster Cast. If you now got 5-6 Endurance Charges, the Immortal Call becomes REALLY strong for you. With 6 charges, a quality Increased Duration and Quality on Immortal Call itself, it makes you completely immune to all physical attacks for aprox 12-13 seconds! Even longer if you got any "+increased buff duration" nodes in the passive tree. These lets say 10-14 seconds are enouth time to use your increased area of fx Enduring Cry for another 5-6 Charges. So you can - if there are enouth mobs around - just perma immune yourself and tank stuff like a baws. Additionally u will link Flammability with it, so it benefits from both Increased Area and FC as well.

This also works nicely to fight hard physical bosses or melee exiles. Just leave yourself a few mobs in the closer area to the boss, run there, cry for 6 charges, go to the boss and use Immortal Call. He can't do shit to ya. At the end of the effect use a Granite for security and run back to re-charge.

Works perfectly for me and saved my life a few times now. Will make a video on it later as well.

Last edited by DJSRP#5494 on Jun 28, 2013, 4:26:30 AM
I tried it with IC a while back then and i didn't seem to like it.
Generally phys dmg shouldn't be the main problem of this build, but ele reflect.
If u use IC, u will consume all your charges and lose 16%-24% all res which are very valuable in many maps.
Furthermore to sustain the charges needed for IC permamently, it might be necassasry to use 2 endurance cry gems.

For certain bosses like Hillock in maps it might be a good option, but even then i feel like enfeeble+blind is more reliable.
Last edited by LuckYEiner#3192 on Jun 28, 2013, 5:07:44 AM
On the topic of enduring cry / Immortal call. I really like the concept; however, I actually don't ever use enduring cry... enfeeble or blind pretty much negates all damage from physical as it stands.

Hillock for example (solo), with enfeeble and blind becomes a bunny rabbit, jumping around dealing laughable damage. I have not tried any bosses in 71+ maps yet (damned RNG), so I can't comment on any of those bosses.

I have a spare 4 link in my boots, the only problem is i'm out of buttons on my bar :O

I'm going to try toying around with Molten Shell, I don't use EE so I'm not worried about the fire damage from explosion.

Molten Shell - Iron Will - Faster Casting - ??

Also today is a damned fine day, finally got the 6 link after exactly 700 fusing.

Total cost:
1 GCP & 3 chaos to purchase bow, 65 jewelers, 26 chromatic, 12 stacks of stones, 700 fusing
Last edited by Gryphyn#2650 on Jun 28, 2013, 1:08:41 PM

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