Exiles Everywhere Events and New Unique Teaser

1 week blamt next please
i hate you redditors, you know who you are

This is amazing unique for MF builds
Telbisjr wrote:

This is amazing unique for MF builds

Only if this is well rolled. Almost all of them will be vendor trash ( except if its rarity is high enough, ie a value significant higher than dozens of divine orbs )
IGN TylordRampage
The "unkillable" beast met divine

It's pretty much unkillable, don't try to get perfect rolls with divines.
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
Merluza wrote:
1 week blamt next please

Oh lord.
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Malone wrote:
Telbisjr wrote:

This is amazing unique for MF builds

Only if this is well rolled. Almost all of them will be vendor trash ( except if its rarity is high enough, ie a value significant higher than dozens of divine orbs )

This above ^

All and all, it will be awesome to hunt for that great roll, cause, seriously, divining this thing to a great roll is risky risky business, although it might be worthed depending on the drop rate. P
Its a potentially BIS unique, as, for most MF oriented builds, a well rolled Ventor's can overshadow even things like this

Probably won't be a common item to drop though and well rolled, it will be worth a damn lot.

I am just wondering how GGG alowed the tease message contain a so self-centered off-topic line, I mean, "ventor meets his new trophy" wtf? Who cares?
Also, that unique smells Ventor, but I'll give you that, the range of the mods in the ring made it all more interesting.
"Hey man, nice shot"
Brisa guild leader,
"All challenges" seeker.
Last edited by guipumi#3315 on Jun 19, 2015, 8:50:49 AM
Chris, why would these leagues become void leagues?

There isn't any reason for it honestly. You still have to kill each exile, legacy uniques and descent race uniques aren't dropping, you aren't handing over eternals and exalts as level clear rewards.

So.... any drop you get is legitimate and even more impressive considering it's a fresh economy, yet you limit what we can do?


I've magic found solo at 100/300 for over 30 in game days and haven't had exiles drop more than 10 uniques, all of them crap. Why are regular exile drops considered so overpowered that they shouldn't be part of the regular economy?
CorranHorn wrote:
Chris, why would these leagues become void leagues?

There isn't any reason for it honestly. You still have to kill each exile, legacy uniques and descent race uniques aren't dropping, you aren't handing over eternals and exalts as level clear rewards.

So.... any drop you get is legitimate and even more impressive considering it's a fresh economy, yet you limit what we can do?


I've magic found solo at 100/300 for over 30 in game days and haven't had exiles drop more than 10 uniques, all of them crap. Why are regular exile drops considered so overpowered that they shouldn't be part of the regular economy?

I know I'm not Chris, but,...

It's not because of the items.(Well, maybe only the jewelry)
It's the currency.
Alterations/chaos/regals, to be exact.

Avert thy gaze, child!

IGN: Shadowrope

Standard Warrior
Last edited by Ravenstrider#5435 on Jun 19, 2015, 8:37:39 PM
And then this dropped in the void league...

"Im smartest. Your stoped. Dael wiht it."
seems like a really sweet skin transfer to me , unless it can get up to like 70% rarity or something

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