Filtration ♦ Item Filter Script Editor ♦ [ v1.2.2 ] ♦ Updated 2019-09-11

SayyadinaAtreides wrote:

Yeah, I know, it would just be handy to not have to do that. An optional display panel like the Block Group Browser which displays the script text for the selected block is how I'd imagined it, though that might clutter the UI a bit much. Maybe a footer like Firebug when you're inspecting webpages?

It would also be handy if double-clicking on a block would expand it instead of just selecting it.

Noted - I'll see what I can do :)
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Added Filtration support to my item filter, if you want to add that to your list.

Also noted a small bug (already submitted to github, just noting here for other users) that if an existing script contains a line such as "Rarity Normal Magic" (or "Rarity Magic Normal") in a block, it is displayed in Filtration (both the expanded and summary views of the block) as applying only to Normal items.
"Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch

Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) -
Added your script to the list in the OP - thanks for the support!

I've replied to the Rarity issue on GitHub but I'll mention it here just for people who cba to head over there:

I wasn't aware of the Rarity BlockItem supporting that syntax and there's limited benefit to it as "Rarity Normal Magic" is the same as "Rarity <= Magic" and you'd never want "Rarity Normal Unique" as far as I'm aware. That said, I will look to support the syntax as Filtration should support whatever the game supports.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
like always i'm bored and got nothing to do, so i made:

for some reason forum background ripped those GIF's, you can check the normal url and see how they should look like :(

More experient ( now with black stroke around ):

also fail

those 3 work :

IGN: MENT - My Loot Filter
Last edited by MENT#6466 on Jun 17, 2015, 11:09:52 AM
Development Update

Right, another development update! Development on Filtration is coming along nicely - there's been a slowdown in feature additions over the past couple of weeks as I've taken some time to refactor various parts of the code to ensure that it's maintainable and a solid base for future development.

I'm hoping to put out another release some time this weekend, which will contain two main new features:

Firstly, an optional real-time output preview window for blocks. This was a feature requested by SayyadinaAtreides, and has been enabled by some of the afformentioned refactoring (BlockItems are now aware of how to translate themselves to text, rather than that logic being separate in a translation class).

Secondly, Theme support! This started off as me just spitballing ideas with Antnee on IRC but the more I thought about it the more it seemed like a great idea. The basic premise is that script creators add "Color Groups" to their color lines like so:

SetTextColor 255 0 255 # Unique Item Text
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 # Valuable Items Background

These markers provide "swap-out points" for themes - the Theme Editor will load up all Color Groups for a script, and allow users to make changes to those colours globally. Once a theme has been created, it can be then exported and shared with other users of the script. This lets users of scripts leverage the fact that a great functioning script shouldn't be tied to the way it looks visually - a lot of that can come down to personal preference. The script creator locks in how Blocks will be related visually, but end users are free to change the end result.

Additionally, there has been some tweaks to how the Block Group Browser functions - "Advanced" Block Groups are now hidden by default and only visible if Show Advanced is specifically enabled by a user. Alongside this, checkbox cascading in the TreeView now works for Advanced Blocks (this was disabled as a stop-gap whilst Advanced blocks weren't hidden by default).

Following this release, I'll probably do a development push towards making Filtration more powerful for creating scripts from scratch, rather than just editing existing scripts. Whilst I imagine 90% of Filtration's users won't be creating scripts from scratch, I feel that the 10% should be equally catered for. There are currently several limitations that I'd like to address - you can't create Block Groups currently for example, they're only available if loaded on an existing script.

That's all for now - as always please let me know if you've got any ideas for future additions or if you find any bugs in the current release.

PS: Ment - I appreciate the effort but I'm not sure glittery animated gifs are the look I'm going for :/
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Sorry about the late reply, I wasn't checking PM's lately.

I actually like filtration, it's a neat handy tool and one of the better ones I saw, however there are some things I think need improvement:

1) Let's take the following example.

Rarity Rare
SetBorderColor 255 255 0

Filtration preview will display a white item, with a yellow border. Ingame you'll see a yellow text item, with a yellow border, because the basic text color was NOT changed. I'd like to see the tool know basic colors for different item types and rarities. It'd be also nice to see fitting item preview captions, not just "Item Preview", but actual item names.

2) I know it's a lot to ask, but what really would make the tool shine is a similar function to the online item filter preview site with setups for different item/drop levels or maybe even a "loot explosion generator".

3) I'd like to see the item sizes in the previews, it's one of the most important tools for highlighting items.

4) There's this rather popular tool: I wonder if it'd be possible to implement this preview/visualization mode for filtration

Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Jun 24, 2015, 5:26:58 AM
NeverSink wrote:
Rarity Rare
SetBorderColor 255 255 0

Filtration preview will display a white item, with a yellow border. Ingame you'll see a yellow text item, with a yellow border, because the basic text color was NOT changed. I'd like to see the tool know basic colors for different item types and rarities. It'd be also nice to see fitting item preview captions, not just "Item Preview", but actual item names.

The problem with showing rarity-based colours in the preview is that they're only relevant if you have a Rarity "equals" BlockItem - if the BlockItem was "Rarity <= Unique" then what colour should be shown in the preview? Also for blocks that don't have any Rarity BlockItem, what colour should be shown? Those Blocks could apply to any item rarity.

Edit: As for actual item names, what names would you expect to be shown? A filter block can apply to thousands of items so I chose the generic "Item Preview" text.

NeverSink wrote:
2) I know it's a lot to ask, but what really would make the tool shine is a similar function to the online item filter preview site with setups for different item/drop levels or maybe even a "loot explosion generator".

That's something I've thought about but I decided to prioritise the actual editing of filters due to the existence of the web-based one. It'd require Filtration to have an item database of some sort too. It's certainly something I'd like to implement in the future but I think focusing on the core functionality should be the priority right now as there's a lot to be improved.

NeverSink wrote:
3) I'd like to see the item sizes in the previews, it's one of the most important tools for highlighting items.

You aren't the first person to request this so I'll look into it - the reason I've not done it so far as addressed in a previous reply in this thread but I'll add this to the todo list.

NeverSink wrote:
4) There's this rather popular tool: I wonder if it'd be possible to implement this preview/visualization mode for filtration

Could you elaborate on this? I'm aware of WinDirStat but I'm not sure how its visualisation would be applied to item filters? The visualisation in WinDirStat is based on disk space usage to spacial mapping of sorts, how would this work with item filters?
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Last edited by AtomYcX#4601 on Jun 24, 2015, 5:42:29 AM
First off, thank you for taking the time to develop a very nice tool. Filtration is a wonderful program and takes a lot of the tedium out of editing filters. I currently plan to use it mostly to toggle blocks during gameplay, as in the case of switching to/from an Animate Weapon character, and I have of minor questions relating to preserving my own editing conventions.

First, would it be possible to add a toggle for the script output to place one line break between blocks instead of two? See below:

     Class "Currency"

     Class "Fishing Rod"
     Class "Currency"
     Class "Fishing Rod"

This is a very minor aesthetic option, but would be very much appreciated.

Second, am I reading the thread correctly that any comment only lines between blocks will be removed from existing filter after saving with Filtration? I read your response to Antnee on the same question earlier in the thread and I would just like to confirm.
Thanks - appreciate the feedback! To answer your questions:

Navarin wrote:
First, would it be possible to add a toggle for the script output to place one line break between blocks instead of two?

Sure, that should be pretty simple to implement - might give me an excuse to get the Settings dialog created and implement persistent settings storage, something that's been on the todo list for ages.

Navarin wrote:
Second, am I reading the thread correctly that any comment only lines between blocks will be removed from existing filter after saving with Filtration? I read your response to Antnee on the same question earlier in the thread and I would just like to confirm.

That's correct - and something that's unlikely to change. If it's not associated with a block, there's no place in Filtration's internal object model for it, and I don't like the idea of creating "fake" blocks just to store those comments (and subsequently having to manage their position within a script). That said, Section comments and Block descriptions -are- saved and provide places to put comments throughout a script. All comments above the first Show/Hide block are also kept (as the Script Description).
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Sweet, good to hear about the line breaks. My issue with the comments between lines was only a readability one (not being able to use multiple hashtags before "Section:" to clearly mark a section for when I'm scrolling over large amount of text), but not having white space between blocks and only between sections should be reasonable enough.

EDIT: The more I use this filter the more I'm enjoying it/using all the features it has to offer. The tiered blocks in the block browser is brilliant - is there a way to have that apply to sections too?

For example, I have a Flasks section. Within that section, I have a bunch of blocks filtering obsolete life flasks based on item level, and then I have a bunch of blocks doing the same for mana flasks. I know I can toggle them separately, but I don't necessarily want to see all three entries all the time on the section browser. Could

# Section: Flasks - Life Flasks

generate something like what the block browser does for the same notation?

EDIT #2: Would it be difficult to put "Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons next to the "Filter to Selected Block Group" button in the block group browser?
Last edited by Navarin#3572 on Jun 24, 2015, 11:22:04 AM

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