Filtration ♦ Item Filter Script Editor ♦ [ v1.2.2 ] ♦ Updated 2019-09-11

Supporting commented out BlockItems is something that I could easily support (perhaps I could add an Enabled flag to the ItemFilterBlockItem class) but I suppose the question is then how the users interact with those - it would be easy enough to dim them in the editor and have an Enable/Disable button in the Block Editor but it sounds like you'd like the ability to turn them all on and off in groups?

Now that I think about it, this ties into something I was discussing with Antnee yesterday related to "Theme" support. The idea was that you could have "Colour Groups" in comments after SetBackgroundColor, SetBorderColor and SetTextColor BlockItems like this (which some scripts already have):

SetBackgroundColor 255 0 255 # Rare Maps Background

The parser would collect all unique "Color Groups" which could then be modified through a Theme Editor page. This would also add the ability for people other than the script creator to create "Theme Files" for a particular script, which could be distributed to other users of that script to apply in Filtration. This Theme Editor could also have the ability to disable or enable any block items with that Color Group assigned to them.

Apologies that this is contrary to some of my previous comments it's just due to fact that my confidence in the robustness of my object model is growing the more I work with it :)

So back to you, thoughts?
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
The theme idea sounds really good. I'm sure Antnee gave some decent input there. I'm also using his comment style for the few visual modifiers that support comments.

I hope Jonathan will add the ability for comments to the other modifiers as well. That would allow some sweet functions.
One Filter to Rule Them All:
Last edited by Muldini#7408 on Jun 12, 2015, 1:44:25 PM
Muldini wrote:
The theme idea sounds really good. I'm sure Antnee gave some decent input there. I'm also using his comment style for the few visual modifiers that support comments.

I hope Jonathan will add the ability for comments to the other modifiers as well. That would allow some sweet functions.

Can you not use comments after all lines in a Block? I wasn't aware of that limitation (I strip them out and ignore them in Filtration currently anyway).
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Ye I think Antnee told me that you can add comments to Show/Hide and modifiers that take RGB values only.

If every line could have comments that would make for some sweet editing features in regards to conditions.
One Filter to Rule Them All:
Updated to v0.3 - the new version is now available on the GitHub page here:

14/06/2015 - 0.3
♦ Implemented the AvalonDock window manager allowing for vastly superior layout options - the Section Browser and Block Group Browser tool windows can now be set to Auto Hide, dragged around, etc.
♦ Added support for Block Groups.
♦ Added the new Block Group Browser.
♦ Added support for "Advanced" Block Groups - see Notes for Script Creators for more detail
♦ Changed default value for Font Size BlockItems to 35, as per suggestion from lalib.
♦ Removed the ridiculous amount of default colors in the ColorPicker controls and replaced them with the standard Path of Exile colors as per namedcolours.txt extracted from Content.ggpk, as per suggestion from lalib.
♦ Added Start Page tab
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Free bump for this highly useful tool! I updated my filter to further support for filtration. A little animated preview below:

Click to enlarge!
A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

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Sweet tool, cheerio!
This looks super useful! Just started playing with it, will likely adapt my filter to take advantage of some of the really neat features.

One thing I'd like to be able to do: preview the raw script for a given block within the tool. It's not that I don't trust you, I just really like to quickly double-check my whitespace and quotes and such are in order.
"Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch

Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) -
SayyadinaAtreides wrote:
This looks super useful! Just started playing with it, will likely adapt my filter to take advantage of some of the really neat features.

One thing I'd like to be able to do: preview the raw script for a given block within the tool. It's not that I don't trust you, I just really like to quickly double-check my whitespace and quotes and such are in order.

I'll have a think about how best to implement that - for now you can right click > Copy and it'll run it through the same translation module that's called when the script is saved and put it on the clipboard (which you can then paste into Notepad++ or whatever your chosen text editor is).

Of course, you could always load up your script, Save As, and then run a diff against the original and the newly saved script. Even when you make no changes doing a Save As causes the script in memory to be completely re-translated back to a script file.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Last edited by AtomYcX#4601 on Jun 16, 2015, 2:32:22 AM
AtomYcX wrote:
I'll have a think about how best to implement that - for now you can right click > Copy and it'll run it through the same translation module that's called when the script is saved and put it on the clipboard (which you can then paste into Notepad++ or whatever your chosen text editor is).

Of course, you could always load up your script, Save As, and then run a diff against the original and the newly saved script. Even when you make no changes doing a Save As causes the script in memory to be completely re-translated back to a script file.

Yeah, I know, it would just be handy to not have to do that. An optional display panel like the Block Group Browser which displays the script text for the selected block is how I'd imagined it, though that might clutter the UI a bit much. Maybe a footer like Firebug when you're inspecting webpages?

It would also be handy if double-clicking on a block would expand it instead of just selecting it.
"Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch

Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) -

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