Vaal damage on Merciless

slipperydip wrote:
HoroBoro wrote:
Arg... 7 stacks of endurance, 80% fire resists, 2.8k hp, 1 shotted anyways. So assuming 50/50 fire physical, he does at least 3500 (if he crit me) or 7000 if he didn't.

Rocks - I could ignore, laser - I could dodge, ice - I could run around, creeps - I could kill. Vaal too big, misclick + small amount of lag = INSTANT DEATH

DAT HAMMER (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I should have listened... and farmed for a few more levels... or traded for bear traps and used those - Vaal heavy strike >>>>>> mine.

RIP Koeinzell... forgive my impatience...

ur fuckin awful if you got hit by hammer smash
no amount of gear is meant to make it tankable, you're supposed to move your character

play sc?

Dont be a moron. I can avoid his hammer every time without lag or desync. But I have still died to it a couple times before the animation even started on my screen. Infact its the only time I ever die to Vaal on a melee character and have never died to him on a ranged character.

I will never understand the L2P comments when there are clearly things in this game that should be toned down. NOTHING should be a one shot mechanic (within reason, even 50% reduction and 2.5k hp is not reasonable for a melee) in an online only game, in paticular one that suffers worse desync than any other ARPG in history. Sure, a good majority of the time its not an issue but if there is a chance of it game mechanics need to be adjusted.
devmoon wrote:
Using immortal call while getting slammed and having 75% fire res (with a 32% enfeeble) the incoming fire damage was 1k

then we can assume that the physical damage is 50% and the fire damage without any resistance and enfeeble would be around ~ 6000 fire damage.

So damage before any reductions or curses
6000 physical damage
6000 fire damage

Thanks for taking time to post the numbers. :)

And Slipperydip is trolling btw. Don't feed it.
"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
HoroBoro wrote:
Anyone have a round value or is there a site somewhere that lists damage values for bosses/monsters?

Just don't want to get 1-shot by Vaal in cause I get lagged.

Thanks :)
[ bold mine ]

If you add a record to it will calculate the average damage at your current level for average monsters. (or, white normal monsters probably)
Brutus. Do you even sync?

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