2.0 Eva/dodge Life based Reave Minimum 95k dps in a 5l with similar gear

Just the 2% mana leech from Mind drinker, or if you can fit 2% mana leech on your gear is fine for sustain as long as you're hitting things.
IGN- JustaCIboy
Question to Bino's:
How do you poison?

Ah Adders Touch in Skill Tree :D
Last edited by DarkerTimes#7443 on May 17, 2015, 2:38:32 PM

can you all elaborate more on auras? because i think its not possible to turn on all auras at the same time. can tell me when will be the appropriate time to turn on. And for blood rage skill only works when we wear a bino's dagger?

oh ok, thank you! im level 65 now, normally i on herald of ash and thunder together. questions is that will i be able to turn on all 3 auras included hatred at the end game for this build? or i must turn on depend on situation, because i not very sure what to use
Hey guys, i just found an vaal immortal call , it is better to use it over normal immortal call?
Hey just wanted to post my results with this build, been working on it and so far I'm really happy with my progress. Only made a few small changes, like dropping the life/dmg nodes past Master of the Arena(in favor of securing somewhat higher evasion).


thats my top tier dps with atziri/taste flasks up, and vaal haste active.

Here's the gear I'm working with.

Anyways, big ups for the build, I really dig it!
Last edited by PsiFusi#2674 on Jun 29, 2015, 8:57:16 PM
link your skill tree for this build pls :)
updated, let me know if there's anything i missed.
IGN- JustaCIboy
Your new tree doesnt have Acrobatics!?!=!=!!?!?!
im so confused
is this hc viable? I had a similar build last league that would farm dom at x4 hp is it possible to do it with this build? only difference in the tree and gems is I had iron reflexs and cwdt which is kinda bonked now and grace and hatred auras
Last edited by mf22gamer#7783 on Jul 11, 2015, 11:08:03 PM

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