2.0 Eva/dodge Life based Reave Minimum 95k dps in a 5l with similar gear
Hi, I'm here to show you the Reaver I've been working on recently.
So first off, my gear
Daresso's is my preferred chest where possible, due to the generation of endurance charges on kill, which gives us near constant uptime on them and gets rid of our need for Enduring cry, which given the changes to EC in 2.0, allows us to still use Immortal Call to some capacity, along with some leech, and dodge which is a nice bonus. However this is by no means the end all be all as far as chest armour goes, some other options include: If you're more concerned with Aoe, go for A bit more life than daresso's, gives us 20% extra aoe, and a bit of damage along with all res, a decent choice. If you're looking for some more solid defenses, or are concerned about being one shot due to the Abyssus, a Lightning Coil is also a solid choice. However obviously this will make your resistances much harder to cap on gear, so keep that in mind. You may want to drop your Herald of Thunder setup, and opt for using Purity of lightning instead, if you use a coil. Lastly, if all you care for is Life, and not much else, you Could always go for a Belly of the beast. Which while nice for your life and some all res, doesn't offer much else, and i tend to not use it. The Majority of my gear are just rares to cap my resists and whatnot, pretty standard, We don't use many uniques, so life and resists are pretty easy to get. All of my rares i was able to get for around 15c-1ex give or take. The only exception would be my belt, which is rather hard to beat. But for the belt slot you could replace my rustic with a phys Doryani's Invitation belt, though you'd be losing out on the life roll a rare rustic would give you. For your rings, you'll want to prioritize diamond rings, if possible. Just look for resists you need and good life rolls, phys damage is also a nice bonus. The rolls on the Abyssus are also rather important, you'll want High Crit multiplier, and Low increased damage taken. Though any roll will work, more or less. Your shield can be any base type you prefer, i just happen to have a preference towards evasion gear as opposed to armour, since evasion lets us avoid getting hit completely which, given that the Abyssus makes us take more damage, is a good thing. New: Recently i acquired a And i figured it was worth talking about. Now this thing, after a bit of testing is a godlike offhand stat stick, due to it being a reave incompatible weapon, we only attack with our bino's, so the only issue off handing Death's hand presents is, the loss of our shield results in one less life roll, and uncaps our resists. So to this end, i swapped out our Atziri's Steps for rare boots, which keeps us capped, and lessens to blow to our hp pool. In exchange for moving our gear around, we gain basically permanent uptime on Unholy Might, which is 30% of physical damage gained as Chaos, so the added damage can't even be reflected back at us. As nice as Death's hand is however, this isn't a dual wield guide, and as such, the tree isn't changed to spec into dw nodes. My Maligaro's are pretty high roll Legacy ones, But you can easily get by with non legacy ones. Next up, let's Talk about my weapon of choice: Just a regular bino's with medium to high crit roll, let's us achieve much higher crit chance than our old ambusher, and gives us crazy life regen too! Bino's costs us maybe 5ex or so for a mid roll i think. Something else of note, Since we don't use a Blood magic gem to sustain, Bino's can actually be preferable due to its lower attack speed, since lower attack speed, leads to less mana per second used when we attack. Offenses: Note: out of date for now No Charges:
![]() With Charges:
![]() Replacing increased aoe with Conc effect for bosses, No Charges
![]() Replacing increased aoe with Conc effect for bosses, With Charges
![]() Defenses:
![]() Bino's Regen: roughly 3.9k life regen a second
![]() This regen is potent as fuck, this, in addition to our 2.2% life leech, makes us rather hard to be killed, Essentially we need to be one shot from full life to die, which doesn't happen very often at all. Now for our skill tree, I am currently Level 91
Note: if you're using Death's hand like i am, you'll only have the base 30% spell dodge, but if you're planning on running a shield, you'll have the 46% mentioned elsewhere in the guide. Our tree includes Acro and phase acro like the pre 2.0 version You'll be able to achieve the 46% dodge and 44-46% spell dodge we had prior to 2.0 without any major loss of damage as far as i can see. The life total is slightly lower if you're using the old tree, but it's still around 4.3k which is fine for Softcore i think. Leveling trees
20 points: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAD6sWvyLqJIsmlVVLYeJqjG1sjDai2aZ_sNixs7VIwzrIFOjW7UH1bw==?accountName=Based_Nito&characterName=JustaCIboy We grab almost everything in the immediate shadow start, excluding the crit nodes, and start to make our way towards acro and phase acro, since they're our only real layer of defenses. 40 points: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABbUOSA-rEZYWvyLqJIsmlSoLMHE2PTpCS3hVS13yYeJirGqMbIxtbHBScNWJ04w2jb-dqqLZpn-w2LGztUjDOsgUzerUI92o6NbtQfPq9W8=?accountName=Based_Nito&characterName=JustaCIboy At this point, after grabbing acrobatics and friends, we can focus a bit on damage, and of course getting the start of our life nodes, we'll be focusing on getting life since damage from normal to cruel isn't much of a problem. 60 points: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABbUHHg5ID6sRlha_GYoajyLqJIsmlSoLMHE2PTpCSVFLV0t4VUtd8l-wYeJirGqMbIxtbG-ecFJw1XcHgwmExYcTidOMNo2_lS6btZyknaqi2aZ_sNixs7VIwOPDOsgUykrN6tQj3ajo1u1B8NXxs_Pq9W_22vsJ?accountName=Based_Nito&characterName=JustaCIboy At this point we grab written in blood, hired killer for the life, and some damage nodes that are directly on the path of travel for us, after this, we'll most likely be making a direct line for the scion life wheel. 80 points: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABbUHHg3RDkgPqxGWFr8ZihqPIuokiyaVKgsqTTBxNZI2PTpCPydHBklRSshLV0t4TeNRTFVLXfJfsGHiYqxjQ2qMbIxtbG6qb55wUnDVdwd9W4MJhMWHE4nTjDaNv5Uum7WcpJ2qotmmV6Z_pzSsR7DYsbO1SLXywOPDOsgUykrN6tQj2L3dqOjW7UHw1fGz8uHz6vVv9tr2_PsJ_gr-jw==?accountName=Based_Nito&characterName=JustaCIboy We grab most of the scion life wheel, excluding a few nodes, along with our first power charge as pathing to Mind drinker. Note: grabbing mind drinker earlier is obviously possible if you want to try to keep away from spamming mana pots while leveling, But i'm leaving it up to your preference. 100 points: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABbUHHg3RDkgPqxGWFr8ZihqPG8gi6iSLJpUqCypNMHEyATWSNj06QjrhPydHBklRSshLV0t4TeNRTFVLVYVd8l-wYeJh62KsY0NqjGyMbWxuqm-ecFJwVnDVdwd9W4MJhMWHE4nTjAuMNo2_kBuVLpoTmyabtZyknaqi2aXLplemf6c0rEew2LGzshm1SLXyuXzA48M6yBTKSs3qz3rP3dQj2L3b1N2o6NbrFOyw7UHw1fGK8bPyRfLh8-r1b_ba9vz7Cf4K_o8=?accountName=Based_Nito&characterName=JustaCIboy at around 90ish points we've picked up all of our life nodes, this could be achieved earlier by forgoing ANY damage nodes and just picking up life, though that would require leveling with another skill, which i personally dislike doing. After life nodes are all accounted for, we start to grab our major damage nodes, Nightstalker, Accuracy nodes which only become important at later levels, and our last jewel socket. Something of note, the jewel socket next to Vaal Pact, can be socketed with for a significant boost in life, if you so wish, due to our grabbing most of the dex nodes around the jewel socket. When i allocate it, i gain something to the effect of 91 strength, which is something to the effect of 45(?) flat life added to our total pool. Current build 113 points: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABX0FtQceDdEOSA-rEZYWqha_GYoajxvIIuokiyaVKgsqTSzhLVUwcTIBNZI2PTpCOuE90T8nRwZJUUrIS1dLeE3jUUxVS1WFVvVd8l-wYeJh62KsY0NqjGyMbWxuqm-ecFJwVnDVdwd9W33jgwmExYcTidOMC4w2jb-OipAblS6X0JoTmyabtZyknaqi2aXLplemf6c0rEesZrDYsbOyGbVItfK5Prl8wOPDOsgUykrN6s96z93UI9h22L3bbtvU3ajo1usU7LDtQfDV8Yrxs_JF8uHz6vVv9tr2_PsJ_gr-jw==?accountName=Based_Nito&characterName=JustaCIboy The final points can be adjusted if you require a point or two less as thus: remove the dagger damage and crit multi nodes from the From the Shadows wheel, and grab the physical damage node to get to the notable a point faster. Remove the 10 strength and dex node below coordination and replace it with the 10 dex node below Quickness for a point saved. (i may apply this to the build in general to get the bandit charge in merciless) If you can manage to get an amulet or ring with 0.4% mana leech on it, along with the resists and life we need, you can drop Mind drinker, since we only use it for the leech, which would save us two points, which at 90+ is a godsend. Bandits: Your ideal Bandits would most likely be Normal: Oak or Point Cruel: Oak or Kraityn Merciless: Kraityn Oak or Point Note: the reason i don't recommend Alira in merc is because with my gear, and Bino's, with 4 Power Charges we are Crit capped, so there's no need to stack more crit chance. Instead, take the point, kraityn's frenzy charge if you want more damage, or the Endu charge if you're concerned about defenses when our evasion and dodge checks fail. Gems in order of importance: Reave - Melee Physical Damage - Multistrike - Faster Attacks - Increased Area of Effect and Concentrated Effect if you have a 6l Fortify is also a good idea if you're concerned for defenses. Plus i like to use it so i don't have to worry about reapplying it. But Conc effect is godlike for bosses as i explain below. If you only have a 5l, use melee phys, Multistrike, faster attacks and increased aoe, but for Bosses (and Atziri) you can swap out increased aoe for Concentrated effect to kill her as quickly as possible, though our aoe takes a very noticeable hit, and i wouldn't recommend it for general mapping. Though for a 6l, you can use both for the damage boost while still having a respectable aoe radius. Cast when Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Immortal Call - (Frost wall)? Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Vaal Reave Auras: Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark Hatred - Increased Duration - Herald of Ash - Blood Rage for the much needed leech and frenzy charges Flasks: as for my flasks, i made sure i had an immunity to curse, shock and Freeze flask as i find those are the most dangerous status ailments. Also with the nerf to leech in 2.0 the atziri flask will help us survive some encounters due to the added leech, and obviously the damage isnt bad either. I'll be improving this guide over time, let me know if you have any questions. 2.0 Update So 2.0 is here, and already i'm being asked for an update for my build, so here we are. First thing to note, Our auras lost the Reduced Mana gem for support, normally this would be concerning, having to drop an aura etc. but in this case, we just take the Charisma cluster, and we have to drop ele prolif from our Herald of Ash links, but aside from that, we'll live. Next Change, i was forced to revamp the passive pathing considerably, but our life pool has stayed the same, though we did lose a bit of base damage, Blood Rage giving IAS just by being on, and the buff to Frenzy charges put us at much higher dps, not to mention Ice Golem for a bit higher crit chance and accuracy. Anyways, The Guide is up to date for 2.0 See you next time. Let me know if there's anything i missed. My current gear is below, Please note, this gear is not budget, this is just what i upgraded to since i came into a bit of money:
It's more or less the same, i'm just using a 6l Daresso's instead of a 5l. To do: Hardcore Variant? IGN- JustaCIboy Twitch.tv/BasedNito Last edited by Based_Nito#3577 on Aug 13, 2015, 5:07:29 PM
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Elaborated on Gear choice to a greater extent, Also added some preliminary thoughts about what will happen to the build come act 4.
IGN- JustaCIboy
Twitch.tv/BasedNito |
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Reworked the tree a bit, dropped profane chemistry and Defiance and instead grabbed acro and phase acro, leading to a slight dip in dps and life, but we now have all that dodge and spell dodge, which synergizes well with Daresso's Defiance's innate dodge chance, and also replaced my boots with Atziri's Steps for the spell dodge
In summery, 1-2k loss of dps, gained 46% dodge, 45% spell dodge IGN- JustaCIboy
Twitch.tv/BasedNito |
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Nice build but we need video =)
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Thank you, Videos will come up as soon as i find a replacement ammy to cap my resists. The switch from non acro to acro did a number on my resists due to the loss of our rare boots. Also our life took a hit, but i'm fairly certain our dodge will balance things out a bit.
IGN- JustaCIboy
Twitch.tv/BasedNito |
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I've decided to drop my bleed on hit ambusher, due to the fact that something that difficult to come by isn't really budget, and with the changes to the ambusher base in 2.0 it will hurt our damage alot. So instead i swapped it out for a good old Bino's. Gained alot of crit chance, lost attack speed, which makes it easier to run on mana, and gained bino's life regen, which is nice too.
IGN- JustaCIboy
Twitch.tv/BasedNito |
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Will this build still work on the upcoming update ?
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" as far as i can tell yes. The crit chance of Binos will get a slight nerf, but Reave stacks seem to have had their duration extended quite a bit, around 3-4 seconds before they go away, which doesn't change much, but is definitely nice. The only foreseeable change I've found in 2.0 is the change of the Heralds mana reserved from 25% each to 30% each, which means if you're following my exact setup, you may need to grab some reduced mana nodes off the tree to fit HoA and HoT. Aside from that though, yes, i think it'll still work, when act 4 rolls around. IGN- JustaCIboy Twitch.tv/BasedNito Last edited by Based_Nito#3577 on May 6, 2015, 1:00:29 PM
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25 to 30
IGN TylordRampage
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How do you support the mana cost/mana regen needs of the build? Just curious :)
@DudeBroDad - Level 82 Max Spell Block Arc Mjolner - Torment
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