Kripparrian's Frost Pulse Maurader.

I coulda sworn kripp got eldritch battery on his stream?
IGN - TrolldAllDay

Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore
Kripp said he'd switch to staff (taryns shiver) if he gets Koams Heart

Someone verify this is true?
lvl 55 and just died on this build... meh this build is actually quite gear dependent must have enough armor to tank the nuub monsters and need high dps to sustain the life leech but once the mobs are shocked its pretty nice to see some huge damage dished off :) much funner than my la and dual totem builds
The second I linked FP with LMP and BM the build came to life. It's still weak and terrible but at least it's slightly fun now at level 47.

I hope it will get better once I get more Life nodes and Static Blows. :)
Gunny wonders why kripps stream, kripp doesnt ever lose mana?
Blood Magic gem for FP and curse. Reduced Mana for auras that use Mana.
I was not going to write this since Kripp said he will write a In-Depth guide on this build, but since a lot of people can't wait and are asking, assuming, and arguing about the build, I'll write a tiny guide on this build.

Caution! Before trying out this spec, this build is rather gear dependent compare to a lot of other OP builds (ex. Lightning Arrow Builds, Elemental Cleave Builds, Ethereal Knives Builds, etc...) I think this Freeze Pulse Marauder Tank Build is even more gear dependent compare to Kripp's Wand Templar Build

Key Talent on this Spec -> Static Blows

2 things that's absolutely required for this build are (10+ quality Freezing Pulse & 5L Chest), Astramentis is great to have while lvling but it's not needed at all. Use Dex Amulet or Rings to cover the dex requirements for the Haste & Grace Aura leveling.

10+ quality Freezing Pulse & 5L are absolutely required but obviously there are tons of other stats that's required before the spec start to shine (such as Life Regen, Projectile Speed, Crit Chance on gears)

Tips on lvling = Kripp used a Silverbranch Bow with Poison Arrow to lvl until he had 5L equipped, then he used Freezing Pulse-Faster Projectiles-LMP with Clarity to support his mana until he got enough HP to play the actual Spec. You don't have to do the exact same method, although Poison Arrow is absolutely the fastest skill to go through the early acts.

Chest 5L =
Freezing Pulse(B)-Added Lightning(B)-GMP(G)-Life Leech(R)-Blood Magic(R) (Kripp is putting Iron Will(R) on the 6th socket not linked. He might try out something on max lvl when there are no cast speed penalty)

Helm/Boots/Gloves 4L =
Purity(B)-Haste(G)-Determination(R)-Reduced Mana(R)
Grace(G)-Decoy Totem(R)-Reduced Mana(R)-Blood Magic(R)
Elemental Weakness(B)-Lightning Warp(B)-Faster Casting(B)-Blood Magic(R)

1H/Shield 3L =
Enfeeble(B)-Frost Wall(B)-Blood Magic(R)
Ice Spear(B)-Critical Damage(B)-Blood Magic(R)

Added Chaos(B), Faster Casting(B), and Frostbite(B) on 2nd set 3L. (Recently Switched out Frostbite(B) and put in Fireball(B)... Vitality(R), Bear Trap(R), and Temporal Chain(G) on 2nd set off-hand 3L.

(Maps) Swap out Added Lightning(B) with Added Chaos(B) on reflect mobs
(Maps) On Piety Swap out Freezing Pulse(B) with Fireball(B) & Swap out Added Lightning(B) with Added Chaos(B)... I personally would just use Ice Spear(B)-Added Chaos(B) or Critical Damage(B)-GMP(G)-Life Leech(R)-Blood Magic(R) for the 5 linked against Piety

Potion =
(Quicksilver) Surgeon's.....Adrenaline
(Granite) Surgeon's.....Iron Skin
(Granite) Surgeon's.....Warding

If you can't figure out what kind of gear Kripp uses with this build after watching his stream, don't even try this spec. duHhhhH... Heavy Armor, HP on every piece possible, run speed on boots or it's not so good... Kripp said so (LOL)

Defensive = HP/Resist/Life Regen
Offensive = Spell Power/% Cold Damage/Crit Chance/Projectile Speed/Cast Speed

Bandits = Help Oak (Normal), Kill All or Help Alira (Cruel), Kill All (Merciless)

The Talent Tree has been revealed many times on this thread, I don't bother linking it. The most important thing on the talent tree is to get HP->Resist nodes first, deal with the Damage/Crit nodes after lvl 60, get the 3 Aura nodes before lvl 70. The only DMG node to get early is Elementalist in the Templar area.

Okay, Damn It... I'll be nice, here is the link to the build

Playstyle... watch Kripp play on twitch, read the past thread, try it out yourself. <- Follow & Subscribe!!! Donate to Kripp's Money Pit if you love him =) A lot of valuable tips from Kripp

P.S. (Feb 22nd) Kripp likes to Min/Max/Breaking the game so He will be trying out a tweaked Freeze Pulse Marauder Spec with 2 Unique Item Taryn's Shiver + Kaom's Heart to make this spec truly OP... If you can afford those 2 Uniques... try it out! The below talent tree is linked from Kripp directly few posts back

Try not to question Kripp in game or on twitch... the questions are probobly answered million times over his past streaming period... you'll be ignored in most cases

Enough Said...
Last edited by Matcha#5720 on Feb 25, 2013, 11:56:56 AM
I guess this build is pretty popular now?.. 16% freezing pulse worth anything in default league? Pm Jossupossu ingame.
ign Ekraider / Jossupossu
Last edited by Jukis82#1376 on Feb 24, 2013, 9:53:25 AM
Jukis82 wrote:
I guess this build is pretty popular now?.. 16% freezing pulse worth anything in default league? Pm Jossupossu ingame.

In fact, more ppl try this spec in default than hardcore league... popular & forgiving excuses "I have real life friends playing default league" and because the spec is rather weak while lvling and gear dependent, either people can't afford the requirement or die easily in hardcore.

Prices of quality Freezing Pulse over 15% is going nuts & outrages reason being 1. "why not pay a gcp or more to get a bit better quality closer to 20% since each % of the quality in Freezing Pulse is out of control good." 2. So many ppl are trying out the spec... any quality freezing pulse over +10 is selling in timer these days

Astramentis / Taryn's Shiver / Kaom's Heart is even crazier... you can expect at least 4-5 exalts depending on the time of the day your selling it... set a price you want to start the bid, set a timer, put the current offer and name of the person... you can have a fortune

Enough Said...
Last edited by Matcha#5720 on Feb 24, 2013, 9:32:32 PM
Keita wrote:
Jukis82 wrote:
I guess this build is pretty popular now?.. 16% freezing pulse worth anything in default league? Pm Jossupossu ingame.

In fact, more ppl try this spec in default than hardcore league... popular & forgiving excuses "I have real life friends playing default league" and because the spec is rather weak while lvling and gear dependent, either people can't afford the requirement or die easily in hardcore.

Prices of quality Freezing Pulse over 15% is going nuts & outrages reason being 1. "why not pay a gcp or more to get a bit better quality closer to 20% since each % of the quality in Freezing Pulse is out of control good." 2. So many ppl are trying out the spec... any quality freezing pulse over +10 is selling in timer these days

Astramentis / Taryn's Shiver / Kaom's Heart is even crazier... you can expect at least 4-5 exalts depending on the time of the day your selling it... set a price you want to start the bid, set a timer, put the current offer and name of the person... you can have a fortune

Thanks a lot for your writeup Keita, very helpful.

I'm playing this spec (or planning to) on my first HC character, I levelled a leap slam marauder to 68 in Default and now I've just hit level 20 on HC. I'm not really sure how to go about levelling as I'm currently kinda stuck as melee as I obviously don't have any twink gear on HC league.

When forced to level as melee do you have any tips as to whether I should severely overlevel or anything like that to make progress less dangerous?

I would also love to know ballpark figures on a 10% freezing pulse and any old 5L so I know how much I'm going to need to transition.

Thank you :)
IGN - RNGiraffe

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