How the Closed Beta is going so far

On a serious note, it seems the larger percentage of PoE's playerbase dont play alot meaning that by nature the selection process is biased towards selecting more casual players rather than veterans. This is a simple but unfortunate fact that some veteran players have to accept with regards to the beta invite timer. Then again odds can be beaten. I guess this was overlooked though.
Make Things For Smile!
Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Apr 22, 2015, 6:44:55 PM
I've been staring at the invite timer, since it started.. i want to play so bad 'cries in corner'

December 14, 2012

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Surely you have to visit the site to sign up for The Awakening? I really don't understand how an account like that gets beta access.
Make Things For Smile!
Cosma wrote:
Serleth wrote:
Cosma wrote:
Sorry Chris but you should run for politics.

Please explain to me how you expect totally new players to give you constructive feedback regarding game balance?

And please explain to me why you think a player that NEVER posted one single post on the forum nor played through the game with ANY character on even normal would ever care to put countless hours and input to the beta.

Cause that is what you need - ACTIVE players that give you FEEDBACK. There is a reason why you normally apply for a beta and get selected.

Sorry, but this is nothing more than just a hype trick. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to see through it.

There's this thing called metrics, data that they pull off the servers that cover a multitude of areas (active playtime, deaths, deaths by zone, deaths by level, skill usage, item usage, etc.) that requires literally 0 verbal feedback.

To be clear, I'm not disagreeing with you, but there's a lot of information that GGG can pull passively as well.

Sure there is metrics, you are right. But how useful is metrics for GGG? They need to adress:
1. bugs
2. crashes
3. skill issues
4. and mob/boss/skill balance

If you have 12 people fucking dying on the beach - that means you have 12 people who shouldnt even be in the beta tbh.

If this was Closed beta for PoE release I would be more understanding. But where I come from (after years of playing) this makes no sense.

Unless you can legitimately tell who these 12 players were and what got them killed, your argument is invalid.

Also, you need to make sure that the game still is/remains accessible for newer players, so the community can grow in size, which is beneficial for all of us, so feedback from newer players is just as valid and valuable. Not to mention there has to be some form of detection regarding spikes within the difficulty ramp.

And guess what, this is my third post on this forum, but I played poe for +400 hours in the last two-three months alone.

Also, they have taken care of inviting popular streamers and skilled players, so there is a healthy mixed population on its way. And it is needed the way it appears to be.

From what I read between the lines, you figured, that these 12 people "that don't belong" from your point of view, mean 12 less chances for you to get in, or may have taken the spot you feel you deserved so much. And that is pure arrogance and egomania.
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
Last edited by Sure_K4y#1656 on Apr 22, 2015, 6:55:04 PM
I see that in poe is alot of negotiations if you have a relationship with someone from ggg u can easily get beta access,i'ma relentless i know from timer i never would like to get beta key, so i will write everywhere i can just to get in,I do not care how much it will take me a month i will spam, i'm stubborn
for you it's just a game, for me all my life,i'll struggle for closed beta!
Last edited by zoverer1993#5616 on Apr 22, 2015, 6:59:28 PM
Birthday is tomorrow, maybe I'll get a key as a present.
Ya'll know what i'm dreaming about get acess i see many other ppl getting beta acess i just want start play it put on system of a down on the max volume and rock dat cb for 20 hours a day to search for all important things :DD do you feeeel me? ;d
Last edited by saniol19993#6803 on Apr 22, 2015, 7:08:22 PM
This beta system is more frustrating than hyping
Gemini666 wrote:
This beta system is more frustrating than hyping

Exactly,exactly espacially you are a big fan of this game then it's hurts the most, and the worst part is the bosses has it in the nose
Did anybody get an invite that also received a warning for using 3rd party programs a while ago?

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