Antnee's Classy Item Filter for Distinguished Exiles - 3.0
You sound so definitive. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, though.
I don't come to the same conclusion that multiple lines of SocketGroup with one socket each would break "SocketGroup RGB". The difference would merely be that whatever you specify in a single line must be linked, whereas multiple lines that are "and"-combined don't match the *same* socket. That's just a matter of implementation on GGG's side. That would be exactly how SocketColor would need to work (implementation wise, filter wise it would be just one line). This also means that right now, we have no way to match (in the intended way) the following example: Imagine a 4S item, having two 2Ls of the same color, say B-B B-B. And another item, also 4S, say B-B R G Show SocketGroup BB SocketGroup BB would highlight them both if I'm not mistaken (based on your testing). I don't think that's intuitive, nor am I sure that's intended. " Checks are and-combined, however it seems to run all the checks on the same socket, returning true every time. One Filter to Rule Them All: Last edited by Muldini#7408 on May 11, 2015, 2:17:03 PM
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" Because you're using separate lines. Once the first line sees a BB group, the item is flagged as "true", unless there are other, non-socketgroup qualifiers to check against as well. In other words, because SocketGroup BB is true, additional socketgroup lines are ignored. " ...would return only your first example. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: Last edited by Antnee#4468 on May 11, 2015, 2:33:01 PM
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" Thanks, this is what I was missing. I didn't know you could specify them space separated. So their interpretation of the space is what I'd require as the multiple lines implementation. One Filter to Rule Them All: Last edited by Muldini#7408 on May 11, 2015, 2:37:07 PM
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" Actually, my mistake, that DOES NOT work. Even if the group is spaced, it still checks for *any of* those combinations, and returns true if even one of them exist. For example. I tested this just now with a GGB B chest. " ...highlights the item, the same as... "...because it sees the GGB, more testing... " This did NOT highlight the item. " ...but this did. So, spacing doesn't do jack, it turns out. It also DOES check each line, and if one is FALSE, the item returns false. (see the example where i used R on a separate line) postpostpostscript. Spacing DOES work, it just doesn't work on the same item if one returns true. GG B will return true on a GGB item, but it will also return true on GG items AND B items. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: Last edited by Antnee#4468 on May 11, 2015, 3:09:20 PM
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Wouldn't "SocketGroup BB BB" return BB BB item as well as BB R G? Game checks for at lest one "TRUE" value and displays the result. Say "SocketGroup B R G" would result all items being shown (well not W) as at least one condition is "TRUE".
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" No, the whole show block has to be true. So all its conditions. The "special" case here is that specifying the same condition always matches against its first occurance on an item. Which kinda makes sense, but could be changed for improvement. However, if they invest dev time, I'd recommend going with Antnee's SocketColor instead, as it's much cleaner and saves lines. However to have my example work you would probably need to use a combination of SocketGroup and SocketColor if SocketColor is to ignore links completely. Hmm ... /Edit I've messaged the support with a link, although my hope of a reply is somewhat low :) One Filter to Rule Them All: Last edited by Muldini#7408 on May 11, 2015, 2:47:51 PM
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I was fairly sure the checks done in one line say
- SocketGroup BB R G are treated as BB or R or G and checks done few lines describing search - SocketGroup BB - SocketGroup R - SocketGroup G are treated as "and" and all conditions have to be met. Your search doesn't work properly as the "TRUE" value is assigned per searched item not per socket. So it doesn't matter how many G sockets item has, game doesn't care and as long as there is at least one G in item it will be displayed. Hence no way in searching for 6 G in item. SocketGroup G SocketGroup G SocketGroup G SocketGroup G SocketGroup G just means that game checks first line and if its true (does item have a G socket?) moves to another one (and does item have a G socket). As all these conditions are true per item it will display item with at least one G. So there is no "special" case, its simply that all checks are true. SocketColor would definately made it super easy. I AM MAD ZAP!ZAP!ZAP! ME SOOO WIZZARD! Last edited by gathor#3449 on May 11, 2015, 3:13:09 PM
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Here's how it works. My base item is GGB B
"TRUE "TRUE "FALSE "TRUE - will also be true of GG items AND B items A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: Last edited by Antnee#4468 on May 11, 2015, 3:12:02 PM
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You know what, I just thought of something.
You *could* do a check for items with all offcolors in less lines... by hiding items with even one normal color. " ...but actually squeezing this into a functional script without stepping on any toes would be a monumental task. A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter: Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us: Last edited by Antnee#4468 on May 11, 2015, 3:26:38 PM
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" Exactly. This is however different to "Game checks for at lest one "TRUE" value and displays the result." This is further confirmed by Antnee's tests. My mail got forwarded to the devs and I'll post their answer if they decide to answer by mail rather than directly in this thread. One Filter to Rule Them All:
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