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URGENT REQUEST FOR GGG: Dad died in HC, need toon to be restored, special circumstances, EMERGENCY!

Thomas wrote:
ivqancorp wrote:
Hello GGG,

I know that when you create a character on HC it tells you that your character will not be restored, but this is a special circumstance. Let me start from the beginning:

My dad and I have never been close, because he suspects that I am not really his kid, but a few years ago we were invited to the Steve Wilkos Show and a paternity test was given which proved I was my father's son. Even after traveling to Stamford, CT and meeting Steve Wilkos, my dad refused to admit I was his. A few weeks later he accused me of being in cahoots with Steve Wilkos.

So all of this and more was going on, until one day I saw my dad playing D3 on XBOX. I was like oh cool dad I play a similar game called Path of Exiles. He asked me about it and I explained a little. Well a few days later I came home from school and as I was doing my homework I saw someone slip a envelope under the door. Inside it said "Hey, add me on POE XxBadtotheBonexX." and it also had $40 in it. My first thoughts were: Dad? Well later at dinner I confront my dad about the note and he denied it, while calling me a noob.

Slightly confused I just added the name to my friend list. After that I started playing with XxBadtotheBonexX every day after school. We would try out new builds and theory-craft, and just talk about the lore and the world of POE. Like what it would be like to live inside of it, just killing monsters and never dying...etc. Later on when I thought about all of this, it was weird that during this time my dad was also being nice to me again and calling me "son", and he would spend a lot more time in his "Happy Room" (just a room he picked in the house that no one could go inside except him, not even my mom). All of these should have been signs but I guess I was happy my dad was being nice to me.

Well one day while I was doing a map with XxBadtotheBonexX, a really good 400 dps bow dropped, perfect for my Tornado shot build. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was so happy. However, I didn't have a lot of fusings to try to 6L it. So XxBadetotheBonexX offered to 6L it for me because he had a lot more fusings. Happily I agreed, and traded him the bow. Then he disconnected. At first I thought Ha Ha, yeah that's really funny Bone, but after a few hours I started to think maybe there was a power outage where he lived. Then after a few days I started to think I got scammed.

I got so depressed. I would come home and just start crying for no reason. I stopped eating and sleeping, and my school work started to suffer. Finally my principal called a parent teacher conference. After school my parents showed up and it was a really awkward conference. There were a lot of awkward moments of silence. My dad wouldn't make eye contact with me, and his eyes were red like he had been crying. Well basically the conference ended with the principal telling my parents that I may have to repeat the 7th grade.

When we got home my mom suggested I go talk to my dad, even though he was in his Happy Room and we were never supposed to go in there, but she said failing the 7th grade was more important. So I went to the Happy Room and knocked, no answer. I knocked again, and nothing, but I could see the lights on in there, and I always wondered what happened in there. I opened the door, and my dad has his headphones, explains why he didn't come to the door, and what I saw next shocked me. He was playing Path of Exiles, leveling a Tornado Shot build. All of a sudden a lot of questions rushed to my head. Was my dad really XxBadetotheBonexX? Was he the person I had been playing POE with for months? Why did he steal my bow? How could he do this to his own son? Does he even believe I am his son or was he just nice to me to get close enough to steal the bow?

Completely shocked I yelled as loud as I could, "DAAAAAD!" Alarmed, my dad turned around and yelled at me for being in his Happy Room and then uppercut me. Hearing all of the commotion my mom came up running wondering whats going on. I told my mom that dad had stolen my bow, but because she didn't know anything about gaming she didn't understand and didn't believe me. My dad lied to her and told her that Path of Exile was a 6-month program the Navy Seals used to quit smoking. I guess now I realize that my mom had just heard my principal bad mouth me and why she would believe my dad and not me.

I was determined now to let my dad get away with this. Over the course of the next few months, I exhausted all options. I tried taking Brazilian Jui Jitsu classes to fight my dad, but I learned I am not a fighter. I tried to call my dad's HR department at his job but they just told my dad, and then he came home and beat me. I even tried to go on the Deep Web using the TOR browser, to find a hacker who would hack my dad's computer and get me my bow back. He agreed and I gave him the $40 my dad gave me, but he just ran away with it.

Completely depressed and broken, and thinking about cutting my self as I walked down the hall one day after school, I noticed my dad's Happy Room was left unlocked, and heard my dad in the bathroom. I peaked into the room and my dad's toon was in his Hideout. This was my chance I thought. I am going to teach him a lesson. I went inside, opened up a map, and ran him into monsters, and then quickly ran out to my room. About 30 minutes later I heard a loud yell from down the hall, "NOOOOO!" He quickly ran to my room, and started choking me. However, this time I was prepared and I had called the police. I kicked him in his balls and quickly jumped out of the window where the cops had the house surrounded.

Well in the end my dad got arrested, and after my mom found out the truth she almost divorced him. To keep my mom he had to give up his Happy Room. My wounds healed but our relationship did not. Last week was the tipping point. My dad came home from work and my sister and I went to greet him, but he basically palmed my sister's face and said "Get out of the way C-word", then as I tried to go in for a hug he kicked me and stepped on my face. Surprisingly I wasn't badly hurt but there was a shoe mark left on my face. Furthermore my dad is completely depressed.

I know you guys don't restore toons, but this is a special circumstance. Please consider it, things are bad at home. Thanks.

Hello ivqancorp,

I am sorry to hear of your trouble.

In investigating your case I have been unable to find any trace of a character named XxBadtotheBonexX prior to your post, are you sure you got the name right?

I am also unable to find any other accounts which have an IP address in common with your account, do you know if your dad has a separate internet connection?

Unfortunately our policy of never restoring HC characters is still in effect, but I really want to know what the stats were on that bow.

Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha love you guys :-)
RIP Diablo franchise

RIP Bird Lovers of Wraeclast <BLÔW>

Congrats Chris & others for cashing out! I don't blame you. I'll be saving money now... unless I start making a lot more. Can't wait to see if you guys start a new studio in six years! RIP GGG
You should write story books! I loved the story about Skyion, your mom and your new dad.
StDrakeX wrote:
Kinda looks like the one you left on our guild recruitment page...

ivqancorp wrote:
Hello Recruits,

I'd like to share my story about how I had a run in with [UMBRA], and maybe this will shed some light on the types of people in [UMBRA]:

I randomly joined a group for a map not knowing who they were, but one person was from [UMBRA]. Well during the map. one of the guys was whispering me naughty messages. Nothing dangerous or threatening, but it just made me uncomfortable; like, "...did you see how we destroyed that elite? I'd like to destroy your hole like that if you give me a chance. :D" But, I figured I've already used my map so let's just finish.

Well midway through the map my mom had a stroke and I heard her fall, so I ran to go see what happened. After realizing what happened to her I ran back to my room and I told everyone in the group, "omg guys my mom just had a stroke or something I have to go! I am sorry!" Well one of the guys in the group responded, "Well if you leave then you lose your loot." I thought to myself, "What an AHOLE! My mom had a stroke and this guy is trying to steal my loot!" So we started arguing. I don't remember exactly what was said, but it got heated and the N-word was thrown around a lot.

Well after arguing for 10-15 minutes and calling each other names, one guy stepped in, Skyion, and he said, "Guys STFU his mom had a stroke can't you see? Look, you go to your mom I will save your spot and make sure no one takes anything." I thanked him and ran to call 911 for my mom.

Well after spending the night and all of the next day at the hospital, the doctors told me my mom was out of danger, but that she needed brain surgery, and also that our current insurance didn't cover it. Well at that point I really didn't know what to do. My mom was unconscious so I had no one to talk to about what to do next, and having spent 36+ hours at the hospital I decided to go back home.

I got home exhausted and sat down at my desk just feeling like crap. I noticed POE was still up, so I expanded it and I was still in the group. Everyone had left except for Skyion. I guess I moved my character because he typed, "You back?" Apparently Skyion was true to his word. Everyone had left except for him and he made sure they left all the loot on the ground. That morning we talked about everything, girls, school, things that people think are gay but technically are not, POE and of course my mom.

While picking up all of my loot off the ground, I started to cry because it reminded me of my mom cleaning my room; picking up my cloths (irl loot) off the floor in my room. Skyion tried to console me, "Chill man it will be okay." I replied back with a snap, "You're really cool Skyion, but you aren't psychic like Professor Charles Xavier and you don't know if my mom will be okay, so don't say that!"

That's when Skyion said something that changed my life, "Do you believe in angels?" "Angels? WTF are you talking about? Angels like wings and stuff?", I asked. "No man, real angels don't have wings. Look, check out this youtube video, it will explain everything."

He then linked this:

It made a lot of sense. Everything I had ever known about Angels was fake. Angels didn't have wings, or any of that common BS I learned about in church or Sunday School. I finally understood so much more about life and why certain things happen to you. Like how Gandalf defeated the Balrog. When I originally saw that scene in Lord of the Rings I was like this BS. How can an old man with a stick defeat a giant Balrog with a whip? And like why did this have to happen to my mom? How come I never got a mirror drop?

Well the next thing I remember is waking up on my desk. I was still in the map but alone in my group. I realized I had overslept, I was supposed to meet the doctor at the hospital in 30-minutes. Hurried myself, took a shower, got dressed and ran to the hospital. When I got there the nurse told me mom had been moved. I figured it was probably because we couldn't pay for the surgery so they moved her out of the ICU ward, so I gave her the finger and yelled at her, "I am not going to let you kill my mom you Fing B!". I started running all over looking for her, and then I spotted the doctor whom I was supposed to meet.

I ran up to him to uppercut him for kicking my mom out, but before I could say anything he says to me, "Relax, she went into surgery early this morning, it went well, and she is recovering. You can't see her right now, go home but tomorrow you can visit." I just shook my head in disbelief and didn't say anything, but my mind was spinning asking a thousand different questions. Our insurance didn't cover it so who paid for the surgery? Ganadlf? Angels? Was that video Skyion linked true? What the hell was going on? I fell to the ground and started crying, and the doctor knelt next to me and held me until I stopped.

I quickly ran home and got on POE. I tried to get answers but I never saw Skyion again. I shouted in General chat, I tried to talk to other [UMBRA] members, but nothing came up. Could he have been the Angel the video was talking about? I don't know to this day. I tried to Google more stuff on Angels, but most of the information was about Angels with wings which was BS. I even tried to visit the Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt for answers but I couldn't afford the plane ticket.

Well a few months later, my mom made a full recovery, and I now have a new dad. Sometimes I catch him looking at me in a peculiar manner, like we have some connection, like he wants me to do something to him, and I can't help but wonder if that's Skyion.

Well I don't want to keep ranting on, but the point that I am trying to get across with this story is that you don't need Health Insurance to join [UMBRA] or to live. If this story helps even one person make a decision not to support Obamacare then it was worth it. Thank you.

OMG thank you StDrakeX!!!!
you made this topic even better then it already was.
Punica1980 wrote:
StDrakeX wrote:
Kinda looks like the one you left on our guild recruitment page...

ivqancorp wrote:
Hello Recruits,

I'd like to share my story about how I had a run in with [UMBRA], and maybe this will shed some light on the types of people in [UMBRA]:

I randomly joined a group for a map not knowing who they were, but one person was from [UMBRA]. Well during the map. one of the guys was whispering me naughty messages. Nothing dangerous or threatening, but it just made me uncomfortable; like, "...did you see how we destroyed that elite? I'd like to destroy your hole like that if you give me a chance. :D" But, I figured I've already used my map so let's just finish.

Well midway through the map my mom had a stroke and I heard her fall, so I ran to go see what happened. After realizing what happened to her I ran back to my room and I told everyone in the group, "omg guys my mom just had a stroke or something I have to go! I am sorry!" Well one of the guys in the group responded, "Well if you leave then you lose your loot." I thought to myself, "What an AHOLE! My mom had a stroke and this guy is trying to steal my loot!" So we started arguing. I don't remember exactly what was said, but it got heated and the N-word was thrown around a lot.

Well after arguing for 10-15 minutes and calling each other names, one guy stepped in, Skyion, and he said, "Guys STFU his mom had a stroke can't you see? Look, you go to your mom I will save your spot and make sure no one takes anything." I thanked him and ran to call 911 for my mom.

Well after spending the night and all of the next day at the hospital, the doctors told me my mom was out of danger, but that she needed brain surgery, and also that our current insurance didn't cover it. Well at that point I really didn't know what to do. My mom was unconscious so I had no one to talk to about what to do next, and having spent 36+ hours at the hospital I decided to go back home.

I got home exhausted and sat down at my desk just feeling like crap. I noticed POE was still up, so I expanded it and I was still in the group. Everyone had left except for Skyion. I guess I moved my character because he typed, "You back?" Apparently Skyion was true to his word. Everyone had left except for him and he made sure they left all the loot on the ground. That morning we talked about everything, girls, school, things that people think are gay but technically are not, POE and of course my mom.

While picking up all of my loot off the ground, I started to cry because it reminded me of my mom cleaning my room; picking up my cloths (irl loot) off the floor in my room. Skyion tried to console me, "Chill man it will be okay." I replied back with a snap, "You're really cool Skyion, but you aren't psychic like Professor Charles Xavier and you don't know if my mom will be okay, so don't say that!"

That's when Skyion said something that changed my life, "Do you believe in angels?" "Angels? WTF are you talking about? Angels like wings and stuff?", I asked. "No man, real angels don't have wings. Look, check out this youtube video, it will explain everything."

He then linked this:

It made a lot of sense. Everything I had ever known about Angels was fake. Angels didn't have wings, or any of that common BS I learned about in church or Sunday School. I finally understood so much more about life and why certain things happen to you. Like how Gandalf defeated the Balrog. When I originally saw that scene in Lord of the Rings I was like this BS. How can an old man with a stick defeat a giant Balrog with a whip? And like why did this have to happen to my mom? How come I never got a mirror drop?

Well the next thing I remember is waking up on my desk. I was still in the map but alone in my group. I realized I had overslept, I was supposed to meet the doctor at the hospital in 30-minutes. Hurried myself, took a shower, got dressed and ran to the hospital. When I got there the nurse told me mom had been moved. I figured it was probably because we couldn't pay for the surgery so they moved her out of the ICU ward, so I gave her the finger and yelled at her, "I am not going to let you kill my mom you Fing B!". I started running all over looking for her, and then I spotted the doctor whom I was supposed to meet.

I ran up to him to uppercut him for kicking my mom out, but before I could say anything he says to me, "Relax, she went into surgery early this morning, it went well, and she is recovering. You can't see her right now, go home but tomorrow you can visit." I just shook my head in disbelief and didn't say anything, but my mind was spinning asking a thousand different questions. Our insurance didn't cover it so who paid for the surgery? Ganadlf? Angels? Was that video Skyion linked true? What the hell was going on? I fell to the ground and started crying, and the doctor knelt next to me and held me until I stopped.

I quickly ran home and got on POE. I tried to get answers but I never saw Skyion again. I shouted in General chat, I tried to talk to other [UMBRA] members, but nothing came up. Could he have been the Angel the video was talking about? I don't know to this day. I tried to Google more stuff on Angels, but most of the information was about Angels with wings which was BS. I even tried to visit the Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt for answers but I couldn't afford the plane ticket.

Well a few months later, my mom made a full recovery, and I now have a new dad. Sometimes I catch him looking at me in a peculiar manner, like we have some connection, like he wants me to do something to him, and I can't help but wonder if that's Skyion.

Well I don't want to keep ranting on, but the point that I am trying to get across with this story is that you don't need Health Insurance to join [UMBRA] or to live. If this story helps even one person make a decision not to support Obamacare then it was worth it. Thank you.

OMG thank you StDrakeX!!!!
you made this topic even better then it already was.

I'm Pretty sure Thomas from GGG did that :)
Recruiting for Archnemesis League/Siege of the Atlas!
Umbra Exiles:
The Official Path of Exile Guild Directory:
First, I must apologize for my daughters rant in the OP. She has always had a propensity to lie -- unfortunately it is to the point of being pathological. There is a some truth inside her long rant. Let me guide you through her web of lies to provide clarity. It is the least I can do considering I am responsible for Her actions, at least through association.

Let me start with the "Happy Room". Although this is not the names I coined, the room does exist. Despite the "Adam Sandler" movies inspired name, it is real and serves a medically relevant need. I suffer from an acute case of social anxiety that is effectively paralyzingly at times and have to make time away from everyone to recharge my batteries. As for why the family calls it "Happy Room", I will confess it is exactly what it sounds like. I dare anyone to identify a better stress relief. Obviously I keep the door locked to keep my kids from walking in on daddy's no pants party.

I suppose everyone wants to know about the HC char that died and the bow. Well, that was/is my daughters character. I do play HC and die constantly, but fully accept that is because I'm not very good. And besides, this game has served its purpose which was to help me stop smoking. Although I was a Navy Seal, it was not the Navy Seals who recommended gaming to stop smoking. It was my psychiatrist, since smoking actually causes my social anxiety to amplify.

As for my daughter, as you can tell, she is not a 7th grader. She is a 36 year old that has lived in my basement since getting out of jail for stalking Steve Wilkos and holding him hostage in his basement until he admitted he was her dad. As you can see, she still has issues with him.

Lastly, the domestic abuse. I must apologize to anyone this offended. Obviously this is not a joking matter and should not be invoked over a stupid game. It is categorically false in all aspects. Although she has pushed me to the edge of insanity with her antics, I have never raised a hand at her. To be quite honest, she is the one that verbally abuses me and I think this might be the last straw.

Again. I'm sorry for her actions and ask that she not be enabled by giving back any characters.
With all due respect to GGG support, I have to say I'm really disappointed to see this thread moved here, almost 48 hours after it was posted and hours after a GGG staff member already posted in it without moving it.

It was funny. One of the best threads I've read in ages, and now a bunch of people aren't going to see it, seemingly because there are one or two support staff who don't share the good sense of humor that the others have.

a paternity test was given which proved I was my father's son.
I must apologize for my daughters rant in the OP. She...

Explanation pls. >.>
Last edited by MonstaMunch#6519 on Apr 1, 2015, 7:46:03 AM
MonstaMunch wrote:
With all due respect to GGG support, I have to say I'm really disappointed to see this thread moved here, almost 48 hours after it was posted and hours after a GGG staff member already posted in it without moving it.

It was funny. One of the best threads I've read in ages, and now a bunch of people aren't going to see it, seemingly because there are one or two support staff who don't share the good sense of humor that the others have.

a paternity test was given which proved I was my father's son.
I must apologize for my daughters rant in the OP. She...

Explanation pls. >.>

It's really quite simple. This is one of her 'stretches' of the truth. Although she was born with both male and female external organs, she is genetically female and identifies as a female in real life. The reasons she poses as an underage boy online is unknown to me other than it just follows the same trends of pathological lying....although I suspect the worst motivations are at fault here based upon some of her recent travels.

1 April 2015

nice try! still entertaining story, thanks for the laughs
xXxBadToTheBonexXx wrote:
First, I must apologize for my daughters rant in the OP. She has always had a propensity to lie -- unfortunately it is to the point of being pathological. There is a some truth inside her long rant. Let me guide you through her web of lies to provide clarity. It is the least I can do considering I am responsible for Her actions, at least through association.

Let me start with the "Happy Room". Although this is not the names I coined, the room does exist. Despite the "Adam Sandler" movies inspired name, it is real and serves a medically relevant need. I suffer from an acute case of social anxiety that is effectively paralyzingly at times and have to make time away from everyone to recharge my batteries. As for why the family calls it "Happy Room", I will confess it is exactly what it sounds like. I dare anyone to identify a better stress relief. Obviously I keep the door locked to keep my kids from walking in on daddy's no pants party.

I suppose everyone wants to know about the HC char that died and the bow. Well, that was/is my daughters character. I do play HC and die constantly, but fully accept that is because I'm not very good. And besides, this game has served its purpose which was to help me stop smoking. Although I was a Navy Seal, it was not the Navy Seals who recommended gaming to stop smoking. It was my psychiatrist, since smoking actually causes my social anxiety to amplify.

As for my daughter, as you can tell, she is not a 7th grader. She is a 36 year old that has lived in my basement since getting out of jail for stalking Steve Wilkos and holding him hostage in his basement until he admitted he was her dad. As you can see, she still has issues with him.

Lastly, the domestic abuse. I must apologize to anyone this offended. Obviously this is not a joking matter and should not be invoked over a stupid game. It is categorically false in all aspects. Although she has pushed me to the edge of insanity with her antics, I have never raised a hand at her. To be quite honest, she is the one that verbally abuses me and I think this might be the last straw.

Again. I'm sorry for her actions and ask that she not be enabled by giving back any characters.

No characters? Account made today? BOOO!!!!!
RIP Diablo franchise

RIP Bird Lovers of Wraeclast <BLÔW>

Congrats Chris & others for cashing out! I don't blame you. I'll be saving money now... unless I start making a lot more. Can't wait to see if you guys start a new studio in six years! RIP GGG
Excellent schtuff!!

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