URGENT REQUEST FOR GGG: Dad died in HC, need toon to be restored, special circumstances, EMERGENCY!
Hello GGG,
I know that when you create a character on HC it tells you that your character will not be restored, but this is a special circumstance. Let me start from the beginning: My dad and I have never been close, because he suspects that I am not really his kid, but a few years ago we were invited to the Steve Wilkos Show and a paternity test was given which proved I was my father's son. Even after traveling to Stamford, CT and meeting Steve Wilkos, my dad refused to admit I was his. A few weeks later he accused me of being in cahoots with Steve Wilkos. So all of this and more was going on, until one day I saw my dad playing D3 on XBOX. I was like oh cool dad I play a similar game called Path of Exiles. He asked me about it and I explained a little. Well a few days later I came home from school and as I was doing my homework I saw someone slip a envelope under the door. Inside it said "Hey, add me on POE XxBadtotheBonexX." and it also had $40 in it. My first thoughts were: Dad? Well later at dinner I confront my dad about the note and he denied it, while calling me a noob. Slightly confused I just added the name to my friend list. After that I started playing with XxBadtotheBonexX every day after school. We would try out new builds and theory-craft, and just talk about the lore and the world of POE. Like what it would be like to live inside of it, just killing monsters and never dying...etc. Later on when I thought about all of this, it was weird that during this time my dad was also being nice to me again and calling me "son", and he would spend a lot more time in his "Happy Room" (just a room he picked in the house that no one could go inside except him, not even my mom). All of these should have been signs but I guess I was happy my dad was being nice to me. Well one day while I was doing a map with XxBadtotheBonexX, a really good 400 dps bow dropped, perfect for my Tornado shot build. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was so happy. However, I didn't have a lot of fusings to try to 6L it. So XxBadetotheBonexX offered to 6L it for me because he had a lot more fusings. Happily I agreed, and traded him the bow. Then he disconnected. At first I thought Ha Ha, yeah that's really funny Bone, but after a few hours I started to think maybe there was a power outage where he lived. Then after a few days I started to think I got scammed. I got so depressed. I would come home and just start crying for no reason. I stopped eating and sleeping, and my school work started to suffer. Finally my principal called a parent teacher conference. After school my parents showed up and it was a really awkward conference. There were a lot of awkward moments of silence. My dad wouldn't make eye contact with me, and his eyes were red like he had been crying. Well basically the conference ended with the principal telling my parents that I may have to repeat the 7th grade. When we got home my mom suggested I go talk to my dad, even though he was in his Happy Room and we were never supposed to go in there, but she said failing the 7th grade was more important. So I went to the Happy Room and knocked, no answer. I knocked again, and nothing, but I could see the lights on in there, and I always wondered what happened in there. I opened the door, and my dad has his headphones, explains why he didn't come to the door, and what I saw next shocked me. He was playing Path of Exiles, leveling a Tornado Shot build. All of a sudden a lot of questions rushed to my head. Was my dad really XxBadetotheBonexX? Was he the person I had been playing POE with for months? Why did he steal my bow? How could he do this to his own son? Does he even believe I am his son or was he just nice to me to get close enough to steal the bow? Completely shocked I yelled as loud as I could, "DAAAAAD!" Alarmed, my dad turned around and yelled at me for being in his Happy Room and then uppercut me. Hearing all of the commotion my mom came up running wondering whats going on. I told my mom that dad had stolen my bow, but because she didn't know anything about gaming she didn't understand and didn't believe me. My dad lied to her and told her that Path of Exile was a 6-month program the Navy Seals used to quit smoking. I guess now I realize that my mom had just heard my principal bad mouth me and why she would believe my dad and not me. I was determined now to let my dad get away with this. Over the course of the next few months, I exhausted all options. I tried taking Brazilian Jui Jitsu classes to fight my dad, but I learned I am not a fighter. I tried to call my dad's HR department at his job but they just told my dad, and then he came home and beat me. I even tried to go on the Deep Web using the TOR browser, to find a hacker who would hack my dad's computer and get me my bow back. He agreed and I gave him the $40 my dad gave me, but he just ran away with it. Completely depressed and broken, and thinking about cutting my self as I walked down the hall one day after school, I noticed my dad's Happy Room was left unlocked, and heard my dad in the bathroom. I peaked into the room and my dad's toon was in his Hideout. This was my chance I thought. I am going to teach him a lesson. I went inside, opened up a map, and ran him into monsters, and then quickly ran out to my room. About 30 minutes later I heard a loud yell from down the hall, "NOOOOO!" He quickly ran to my room, and started choking me. However, this time I was prepared and I had called the police. I kicked him in his balls and quickly jumped out of the window where the cops had the house surrounded. Well in the end my dad got arrested, and after my mom found out the truth she almost divorced him. To keep my mom he had to give up his Happy Room. My wounds healed but our relationship did not. Last week was the tipping point. My dad came home from work and my sister and I went to greet him, but he basically palmed my sister's face and said "Get out of the way C-word", then as I tried to go in for a hug he kicked me and stepped on my face. Surprisingly I wasn't badly hurt but there was a shoe mark left on my face. Furthermore my dad is completely depressed. I know you guys don't restore toons, but this is a special circumstance. Please consider it, things are bad at home. Thanks. [Edit by Support: locked to prevent further necro-posts] Last edited by Rachel#0000 on Nov 17, 2015, 11:35:54 PM
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just read the title ( the wall of text is kinda a joke ) and answer is "no toon will be restored".
IGN TylordRampage Last edited by Malone#6946 on Mar 30, 2015, 9:35:05 AM
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You fell into depression over a video game?
You used POE to get your dad arrested? How about studying instead of playing games. If not Nice story you can hand in for your english class. **Iv said it once ill say it again if someone doesnt have a peice of gear that went legacy you _____________________________clearly didnt want to play the build at the time it was OP.**__________________
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9/10 because the beatings thing strained my suspension of disbelief.
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So much drama.
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That... escalated quickly. But shouldn't fan-fiction go to Off-topic, or similar forum section?
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman |
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I think this case is hands down more deserving of a restore than OpieOP Carrion Queens.
Signed. Casually casual.
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Awesome storytelling. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
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