Bloodlines vs Torment... Cross-league events

Lol ^
Combined leagues give the advantage to softcore, definitely.

+1 to not holding everyone to same standard.
+1 I cant even imagine how much screwed some BL players might feel without this.
Therapist1 wrote:

Currency can already be traded between challenge leagues. It is already probably more optimal to farm currency in Torment and trade it into Bloodline for Pvp. What this change does is increase the player pool and the speed that the meta can shift and evolve. If currency trading between leagues was prohibited you would have had a point, but it is not.

On the note of the HLD, there is some merit to the challenge of getting a character to those levels in hardcore leagues. But I would want to test my character against all challenges, not a smaller pool because I do not think my character is good enough.

Pvp has had nothing hardcore about it, you can instantly make a non killable character with no time. Farming efficiency can already be traded between leagues.

League specific uniques, this is the only complication, but once again you can just make a character in appropriate league, transfer currency on the league you play of preference and go.

More seems like a quick upset reaction to the players who put in the effort to play in two leagues double their odds of winning. And really this change is all around a great one.

right, there is nothing hardcore about getting a good "unkillable" character on HC leagues

So what if you can transfer currency. First of all its not a feature thats supported by GGG so its very unsafe and can not be a balancing factor in pvp. Second trying to gear up a character from scratch in a league that you haven't played at all a week before the season starts is not easy at all.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
hissnail wrote:

I support. Thanks for getting my idea out there, I am happy that people are supportive of this possible fix.


17 jan:
Grildrak wrote:
I actually even want ranked cross league matches, just keep the ladders separated.

18 dec:
Grildrak wrote:
andkamen wrote:
yep Im all for a non competitive cross league que system. It sucks to wait 15 minutes and not get a single match.

As long as the ladders are seperated competetive ladder point matches should be just fine. Lets say we have a hidden ladder of all sc and hc players used for match making and simply make the sc ladder be a list of all the sc players on the hc/sc ladder. And the hc ladder be a list of the hc characters of the hc/sc ladder.

it was my idea first(er, lol the idea is so simple that I would even guess half the pvpers already had it before) :P
Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Feb 10, 2015, 5:48:51 AM
Last edited by B3ar#1854 on Feb 10, 2015, 6:28:24 AM
So many delicious tears :3

Yes the announcement was way too late. But over all I feel this is good for the pvp participation levels. After all there are only a handful of people who farmed the gear on both leagues. Overall this will bring more people into the pvp tournaments, resulting in healthier pvp scene in poe overall.

At this point offering a demi for both Torment and Bloodlines #1 in the events would just result in same handful of people gathering even more demis on Bloodlines because of less competition. Specially after this announcement.
+1, only thing keeping me atm for the game is this pvp season 2, i decided to go with the bloodline league since it gives me more fun playing and gearing. If i have to compete against torment players its 100% unfair.

edit: im assuming that this will kill the pvp for ~1/2 of the people who especially play the game for pvp.

edit 2: also need to have the point system give you points towards spesific rewards per league, not for your rank. ex 1. player is torment, 2nd is torment, ur 3rd and bl, you should get the same amount of points towards rewards as the 1st player
pvp loooooooool
Last edited by eMbbuZomg#7098 on Feb 10, 2015, 7:37:46 AM
Last post in PvP feedback/discussion for me.

Have you thought about the combination of the 2 events making 1 character useless regardless of the system change? Because before we had HC and SC seperate, meaning you could participate in both with 2 characters. Now it's one or the other.
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I support this band-aid on an awful, short notice announcement. We'd all been joking that GGG was going to drop the ball on this season, since we'd heard virtually nothing about it. Not a joke....

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