[1.3] [NO AWAKENING] The Typhoon ♦ Bow / High Block / Close Quarters / Non-Crit ♦

(I won't be updating for 2.0.)

I present you one of my proudest creations!

The Typhoon is a highly defensive close quarters bow user.

Resolute Technique or Lioneye's Glare are used in this build to ensure consistent damage and the combination of The Bringer of Rain with Rearguard grants from 26% to 39% block ensuring resilience to attackers and reflected damage, as well as a boost to damage and easy links.

Keep in mind that despite only The Bringer of Rain being the required item for the build to work, Rearguard is extremely important for the defensive core of the build.

The weapon is flexible and must only fall within the category of being a good bow. 300 Physical DPS and above is very recommended and as such Lioneye's Glare, a staple unique, is recommended for people with smaller budgets.

The goal of this build was to make a great non-critical bow character. Since this required Resolute Technique, a mechanism against damage reflection had to be put in place, so The Bringer of Rain followed. Its added damage physical damage and free Faster Attacks support are very significant in obtaining enough damage to clear very realiably and the Blind support allows for permanently halving enemies' accuracy. Evidently, the block chance is very relevant and synergizes very well with Rearguard which also adds armour and Spell Block.

What resulted was a character with a large amount of life, resilient to attacks and reflected damage, and clear speed to boot at close to medium range. I never meant for this build to have the most DPS, however, I appreciate consistency and fast gameplay. With the addition of Point Blank, the damage superceded my expectations and I can now deal with reflect at a distance to minimize any chance of dying to it or facetank enemies I deem of low risk, thanks to my high block chance, and destroy them in close quarters combat.

The gameplay feels like a Cyclone character's when you try to go at full speed because you keep the cursor near your character to get the most damage and move at high speed with quicksilver flasks from enemy to enemy. It's a sort of melee/ranged hybrid and it's a very unique sort of gameplay, where you can use your distance as a mechanism for either defense or offense.

Despite various skills working well, Tornado Shot is the attack of choice. It reigns supreme in the bow meta-game because of all the incredible synergy. With Point Blank it goes through the roof, with the shotgunning effect. However, should a nerf be scheluded, Split Arrow and Rain of Arrows (despite some mana issues with the later) work well too.

As with every build, the Typhoon can be played in various ways. Here are some effective combinations of gear and passive skill trees I have found. They will be ordered from lowest budget to highest.

Blood Magic Keystone Typhoon

The Blood Magic Keystone Typhoon variation is the cheapest to put together and the simplest to gear for. It can clear maps in the range of 66 to 74 well. Maps level 75 and above will be cleared more slowly but are easily possible.

Tornado Shot's gem chain is:

Here's the tooltip with this setup using a Lioneye's Glare with 327 Physical DPS.

This is the version of the build with the lowest damage output, but the defense is barely inferior and it is also the cheapest.

Rain of Arrows supported by Concentrated Effect, Added Fire Damage and Physical Projectile Attack Damage is also a great option since this version has no trouble with its casting resource pool.

If you have a 5 link Lioneye's Glare, you can choose to socket your attack in there instead, for a higher level Faster Attacks. I personally value Blind over it.

If you have a 6 link Lioneye's Glare, socket it in there instead and add:

Since Tornado Shot's damage with this setup isn't very high, you need to use a skill for single target. For this purpose I chose the deceptively powerful Burning Arrow. The gem links are:

The following link would be:

If you have a 6 link Lioneye's Glare, socket Tornado Shot in there instead and Burning Arrow in The Bringer of Rain.

For dealing with reflect and sudden bursts of physical damage, a Cast When Damage Taken gem chain is used in order to generate Immortal Call uptime which grants physical damage immunity for the duration. This is a standard across all my variations of the Typhoon.

The gems trigger clock wise, as such, Enduring Cry must be placed before Immortal Call in the chain. Increased Duration is a support gem and is not limited by the trigger gem's level requirement.

As far as buffs are concerned, only one aura is used with this setup.

With the Mortal Conviction node and a level 20 Reduced Mana, only 9% of your life is reserved by Herald of Ash.

Despite not being mandatory, Vaal Haste linked to Increased Duration is a great addition, as well as Blink Arrow.

Blood Rage is also considered but not used in my personal setups because of the degeneration effect.

Example Gear Set

You can use any generation of The Bringer of Rain.
Life Leech on at least one piece gear is recommended.

And here's the Passive Skill Tree. If you use Lioneye's Glare, you don't need the Resolute Technique Keystone.

Bandits are Oak in Normal, Oak or Passive in Cruel (you may pick Kraityn if you plan to stick with this version or can sustain the high mana drain when you switch to another version) and Passive in Merciless.

Typhoon Classic

The Typhoon Classic is the medium budget variation. It forgoes the Blood Magic Keystone in order to use the Hatred aura and gain slightly more life, with the only requirement being a piece of gear with physical damage leeched as mana. It can clear maps of any level with speed and relative safety. Despite high level bosses being resistant, this variation can endure long battles and reign supreme over any boss with smart play and a cool head.

Tornado Shot's gem chain is:

Here's the tooltip with this setup using a Lioneye's Glare with 327 Physical DPS.

This version of the build has more life and damage output, and the cold damage's chill acts another layer of defense. There is, however, the added resource management in the form of a mana pool.

If you have a 5 link Lioneye's Glare, you can choose to socket it in there instead, for a higher level Faster Attacks. I personally value Blind over it.

If you have a 6 link Lioneye's Glare, socket it in there instead and add:

Tornado Shot's damage with this setup is high enough to kill most bosses, however, should you feel the need to use a skill for single target, the deceptively powerful Burning Arrow can be used to great effect. The gem links are:

The following link would be:

If you have a 6 link Lioneye's Glare, socket Tornado Shot in there instead and Burning Arrow in The Bringer of Rain.

For dealing with reflect and sudden bursts of physical damage, a Cast When Damage Taken gem chain is used in order to generate Immortal Call uptime which grants physical damage immunity for the duration. This is a standard across all my variations of the Typhoon.

The gems trigger clock wise, as such, Enduring Cry must be placed before Immortal Call in the chain. Increased Duration is a support gem and is not limited by the trigger gem's level requirement.

Two auras are used with this setup.

These two auras provide the most damage since they scale off of a percentage of your physical damage.

Despite not being mandatory, Vaal Haste linked to Increased Duration is a great addition, as well as Blink Arrow.

Blood Rage is also considered but not used in my personal setups because of the degeneration effect.

Example Gear Set

You can use any generation of The Bringer of Rain.
You need mana leech on at least one piece of gear.

And here's the Passive Skill Tree. If you use Lioneye's Glare, you don't need the Resolute Technique Keystone.

Bandits are Oak in Normal, Oak or Passive in Cruel and Passive in Merciless.


The Typhoon Extra is the high budget version of the build. It relies on the additional arrow corruption on both Rearguard and Lioneye's Glare. Since these two items are widely available, mass corruption is feasible, but not particularly cheap. Thanks to these key corruptions, the Lesser Multiple Projectiles support gem can be dropped and with it, its Less Projectile Damage modifier.

Tornado Shot's gem chain is:

These are put in The Bringer of Rain.

Here's the tooltip with this setup using a Lioneye's Glare with 327 Physical DPS.

Successfuly corrupting a 5 or 6 link Lioneye's Glare with the additional arrow implicit property will result in higher damage from the added Faster Attacks levels and the Weapon Elemental Damage support.

I personally don't use a single target skill with this setup, as there is no need.

For dealing with reflect and sudden bursts of physical damage, a Cast When Damage Taken gem chain is used in order to generate Immortal Call uptime which grants physical damage immunity for the duration. This is a standard across all my variations of the Typhoon.

The gems trigger clock wise, as such, Enduring Cry must be placed before Immortal Call in the chain. Increased Duration is a support gem and is not limited by the trigger gem's level requirement.

Two auras are used with this setup.

These two auras provide the most damage since they scale off of a percentage of your physical damage.

Despite not being mandatory, Vaal Haste linked to Increased Duration is a great addition, as well as Blink Arrow.

Blood Rage is also considered but not used in my personal setups because of the degeneration effect.

Example Gear Set

You can use any generation of The Bringer of Rain.
You need mana leech on at least one piece of gear.
This is what I can personally afford.

And here's the Passive Skill Tree. If you use Lioneye's Glare, you don't need the Resolute Technique Keystone.

Bandits are Oak in Normal, Oak or Passive in Cruel and Passive in Merciless.

Feel free to make and share your own setups! This is a very flexible foundation and can serve many playstyles.

Let's address the elephant in the room.

Chin Sol has recently been put in the spotlight. After playing with it for a while, I concluded the damage gained at close range was not worth the loss of damage at medium-to-long range.

The physical DPS on it is relatively low (especially when compared to Lioneye's Glare), and as such, the scaling is not as good. It is, however, a good weapon swap for single target and a decent option otherwise if you don't mind the loss of DPS outside close range.

Keep in mind that you will need additional passive points to reach Resolute Technique and that the knockback effect is prone to desync.

Maloney's Nightfall's turns The Bringer of Rain's Blind support into a both an offensive and defensive boon.

This is particularly true for users of the first generation The Bringer of Rain that benefit from a level 18 Blind. Despite this, newer ones still blind very consistently.

It's a possibility to consider if you're grouping or doing easier content you are confident about.

Stone of Lazhwar and Rainbowstride can be used to achieve very high spell block, especially when in combination with Rumi's Concotion. A well rolled legacy flask will reach both the Block and Spell Block cap.

Underground Sea Gameplay Demo (First map ever with this character.)

Atziri Run (If I can do it, imagine someone that can actually dodge!)

78 Palace Map Run

77 Shrine Map Run

76 Crematorium Map Run

76 Academy Map Run

69 Acton's Nightmare Map Run (Surprise drop!)

Here's the reddit post with many questions answered.

Thanks for reading!
Last edited by 7thFullMoon#2880 on Sep 3, 2015, 8:31:40 PM
1st, yea buddy
Duradil wrote:
1st, yea buddy

sherkhan wrote:
Love it.

Thanks for the replies guys. Glad you guys put up with the wait for my thread :P

What I need now is a steamy shower to clean off the hours spent staring at Photoshop
Looks like a nice build for sure!
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Enjoyed reading that very much, great guide.
typhoon aka tornado shot, k.
กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ
Wow, this build looks awesome, nice work.
DivineOregon wrote:
typhoon aka tornado shot, k.

Did you have a criticism of the build? Or just an observation as to what skill it used for damage?
Ruby light of Songbird dreaming,
Daring King of Swords deceiving,
Queen of Sirens left in grieving,
Star of Wraeclast evermore.
Very nice guide. Good to see lioneyes in a bow build again :)
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Xedralya wrote:
DivineOregon wrote:
typhoon aka tornado shot, k.

Did you have a criticism of the build? Or just an observation as to what skill it used for damage?

I think he was taking a shot at my creativity with naming :P

Pes_Planus wrote:
Very nice guide. Good to see lioneyes in a bow build again :)

Thanks, I always liked the item and am very proud to be using it! Slay without hesitation!
Last edited by 7thFullMoon#2880 on Jan 31, 2015, 7:45:46 PM

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