HoGji's Lvl98 Bloodlines RighteousFire Marauder | 10,000 Life, 60k Burn with EE. Atziri farmable
Im not really sure about OP. But ive now done atziri 7 times (4 times deathless (first atziri on this char was my very first atziri EVER) and i didnt change any auras. I use a different pot setup as well.
I have also put life on hit on my cyclone for extra survivability because i use the DPS version. My life is currently only at 7.6k (level 83) |
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" Okay, gonna be a long read, but here is how I did it step-by-step IN Bloodlines, Specifically. Equip one Bright Beak, and do NOT turn on RF, then keep immortal call up, while leaping towards double Vaal. I used Purity of Fire, Vitality, and a lvl 17 Purity of lightning for 3% extra lightning res, this is not needed, as it's only a small boost to survival.. I used 3 Instant flasks with remove shock, and 2 rubies one with remove freeze, Using them accordingly. As for the fight, Curse him if you have to, Keep Elemental Equilibrium active and try to kill both at the same time. I normally got them both to almost dead, as one was casting something other than Ball lightning, I killed the other one and went for the one casting, making it really safe. Keeping it simple.. Ball lightning = RUN/EVADE. Smash = Don't get hit?(It's really slow, you can run out of it easily) Icestorm: This can be dangerous, and why you want one the rubies with remove freeze, just in case. Boss dead, take of Rise of the Pheonix so you can get rid of RF Degen, to equip Bright Beak again, and leap to second fight! The Trio: Easiest Boss EVER. Go in the room, kill the cycloner, Then Dual striker, then Titty bitch... All of this while keeping Immortal call active.. (Using Enduring cry with Spell echo helps a ton!) I don't think i've ever taken damage in this fight. If the titty bitch dies last, she makes a rain of arrows? that last for like 20seconds... just stay to the side while it vanishes.. this can probably kill you. Flasks: What ever you feel.. but a granite if you feel like it. Same thing again, take of Pheonix so you dont have RF active, Bright Beak leap slam immortal call towards atziri. This one is tricky, and might require practice.. Flask: 4x Ruby 1x Topaz. Roll them with either movespeed or curse removal if you wanna use curses. Auras: Purity of Fire, Vitality, Determination.. you want the armour becuase of her spears will make you bleed for a lot of damage, and we want to move around a lot. Normal Phase: Yellow stormcall; Go to the walls, and dont get hit.. Red storm call, try if you can damage her, unless one spawns under her, then move away. Double Flameblast: Can be tanked with a Ruby, but just move from it, and save the ruby charge. Split Phase: Find one and damage it, have a ruby active when you are damaging her, because flameblasts will spawn under you, but they do like 400damage with our Fire res(with ruby active) Keep damaging the same target, and if there is a stormcall under you.. move! if you can't move use your Emergency topaz. Adds: try and kill most of them, i don't see this phase as a "oh shit she is healing" but more of a "Hey Free pots :D" |
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" Atziri takes practice to kill, all in the mechanics, but good job man. |
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" Great read thanks a lot of the tips, as you might have figured I am prepping for this on hardcore. Is it too risky to kill the monsters in between bosses for flask charges etc ? ign: PhaseCharge
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" Only in Bloodlines, becuase of the mods the blue mobs have.. if you want to kill the adds, keep immortal call up at all times while fighting the Vaal Soldiers. |
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" Thanks for the prompt response! I am getting slowly there, gonna test on soft core first though! ign: PhaseCharge
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Would love to see a Atziri video with this build.
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hi HOGJI, thanks for guide, this very terminator guide build for mara.My gear on BL and passives
Passive skill tree build have 9700 life (take Inner force) 760 strenght on Kaom and 8900 life and dual curse on Belly of the beast and dual curse and windscreams finished on 94 level in the bloodlines League no problem Terminator build Abadohs on 78 maps 3 sec kill, thanks Vaal molten shell. Belly of the beast this armor is not worse than Kaom, in Kaom in easy to sacrifice some of the nodes in life to take Inner force. and Belli gives Temporal q20/lvl 20 on bosses and Abadohs 18-20 % slowers. and generally more control in battle. Good for party game add curses. Last edited by PainandGain#0864 on Mar 23, 2015, 7:41:33 PM
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" Sure is worth it to go with auras in a party, but i've mostly played solo or with 1-2 freinds, so i found it really overkill to go with curses, and decided to skip them. Glad you enjoyed the build :)! |
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nice build man
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