HoGji's Lvl98 Bloodlines RighteousFire Marauder | 10,000 Life, 60k Burn with EE. Atziri farmable

Hi Welcome to my guide on how I've done Righteos Fire.
There's a lot of build guides about it, but here is mine!

I'm playing in the bloodlines league, and i've achieved, 25 Atziri kills to get my sceptre, and with 10.000 Life, ~40k burn damage (60k with Elemental Equilibrium, which has a 100% uptime) this makes maps extremely easy to do. Combining this with high armour and life regen, makes you an unstoppable Tank.


Before you read any further, I think it's important to know how Righteos Fire works.
By stacking Maximum fire res with


Additionally, getting lots of life regenaration, you can sustain the constant degen, and use it as offence!

A bare minimal before doing RF, is a lvl 17 Purity of fire, and Rise of the Phoenix. this will net you around 87% Fire res, then with 11,7% Life regen, you can sustain it.


Map mods NOT to do.
Half Regen, No regen, -max res, Bloodmagic and partially Vulnerability maps.


http://poeurl.com/zbRpbPN <--- My current tree at lvl 95.
http://poeurl.com/zbRquvE <--- DPS Veriant, around 72k dps, less life and armour.

Why? We don't need accuracy for our RF do we?.. No of course not! We use it to apply Elemental Equilibrium, through having either Cold, or ligtning damage in our jewelery, so that our cyclone can apply it always.

Kill, Kill, Kill.

If not, Oak, Kill, Oak. The extra life is alright, but any 4% node on the tree is more life than the flat 40, at higher levels. And the Endurance Charge, is really nice for keeping a better uptime, on our Immortal call.
HOWEVER, I prefer having the extra skill points to move around with!


Most of this is subject to change, some of it has low armour or resistence.

VERY IMPORTANT: The 1-2 Cold damage on my amulet, is really important becuase it allows me to have a 100% uptime on my Elemental Equilibrium, for extra -50% Fire resistence on monsters!

My gems, and why?
WEAPON: RRB; Vaal MoltenShell, Conc, Bloodmagic. The damage from this is insane on some bosses. Just watch out for reflect!

HELM: RRRR; EnduringCry, Immortalcall, Inc.Duration, Bloodmagic. We use against high hitting physical mobs, like Rhoas, and Frogs. Using Enduring cry, and then Immortal call, will give me approx, 7.5secs of immunity to physical.

Shield BBR; Cyclone, LeapSlam, Bloodmagic. Our mobility, use cyclone all you want, and LeapSlam to get over ledges and what not, if you prefer Life Gain on Hit, instead of LeapSlam, feel free to change it.

Boots RRRR; Vitality, Determination, Purity of Fire, Reduced Mana. Our Aura set-up. You can use Purity of lightning instead of Vitality, or Determination.

Gloves BBB(B/R): Righteos Fire, Increased AoE, Concentrated Effect, (Increased Item Rarity/ Increased Burning Damage). The skill we will be using to actually deal damage to anything. You can choose what ever you want between BurnDmg, or IIR.


Don't really need explaining i feel, just your average flask set-up.


Here i'll list the builds you can use to Level up. Use them until Lvl 17 Purity of Fire, and you get your Rise of the Pheonix, and Preferably level 19 reduced mana, if you want to use all the three auras. Determination, Purity of Fire, and vitality.

DISCLAIMER: None of these builds are optimized perfectly, they are just stockholders untill you can respec for RF.

This is the one with the lowest amount of respec needed. But you cant use Searing Bond before 24.
http://poeurl.com/zb1C7mp <--- For level 30.
http://poeurl.com/zb1EbIA <--- For level 65-ish. (around maps)
Links: Searing Bond, Increased Burn damage, Blood magic.
And using Ice nova, trap, Blood magic, Increased AoE, for Elemental Equilibrium, to get that extra dmg.


This is the one I personally used to level with. Becuase I like Ground Slam :)
This will also require a bit more Regret orbs to respec.
http://poeurl.com/zb1FxRh <--- For around level 35.
http://poeurl.com/zb1GmDU <--- for around level 67. (maps)
Links: Groundslam, Meleephys, Added Fire, Multistrike, faster attacks.
Auras: Hatred, and either Vitality or Herald of Ash.
If you're using Vitality, use Blood rage aswell.
Get mana leech somewhere in Rings, Amulet or Gloves.


Personally, haven't done this. But i'm sure it could work.
http://poeurl.com/zb1LBUM <--- For around maps.
Links: Flameblast, Conc effect, Chance to ignite, Elemental prolif.


This skill tree is the bare minimal, for RF.
http://poeurl.com/zb1HFjr <-- for level 65ish. You will need lvl 17 Purity of fire, and RoTP
Also, running vitality, and when you get lvl 19 Reduced mana, use determination.

Weapon: Doon Cuebiyari, as with only 400 Str (which we get from tree alone) you will have 50% increased damage, no other weapon, besides Doriyani's will give you this much!

Chest: A rare chest with 1200+ Armour. Belly? Carcass Jack? not needed. both really low on armour, i prefer having the armour. But either is fine if it suits you!

Jewelery: Life, Str, Res. and NO #-# Fire dmg.. this WILL ruin your Elemental Equilibrium.


http://youtu.be/Am6VmamPqpw <--- Oba's Cursed Trove, Audio is not in sync, and i apoligize.
http://youtu.be/NeIZuMZ53Ho <--- Academy Map boss killed in 0.2 secs with Vaal Molten Shell.





Right now, i'm doing MF for the fun of it, just running through what ever map I find. This is around 300% IIR, and I have 109% Movement speed, and I kill everything I touch in 66-72 maps, depending on their Fire res.

Thanks for reading, or just passing by! My in-game name is HoGji, if there is a question you want to ask me.

Last edited by HoGji#5795 on Feb 13, 2015, 1:42:16 AM


how did you deal with physical damage as you progressed?

how did you level before you got RF running?

what was your main hand before acquiring the doryani's?

thank you for sharing
glazn wrote:


how did you deal with physical damage as you progressed?

how did you level before you got RF running?

what was your main hand before acquiring the doryani's?

thank you for sharing

I'll be updating the guide, with how i leveled, and what level i respecced to RF, as for physical damage, i think Immortal call and use of Granite flask, is enough to not have a problem with most of physical damage encounters, like Rhoas.
dem boooooots
Last edited by tinx9#3135 on Jan 27, 2015, 9:20:25 PM
IM not too familiar with RF, but would Inc.Bruning Damage as support also burn yourself more?

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Vincendra wrote:
IM not too familiar with RF, but would Inc.Bruning Damage as support also burn yourself more?

You will never burn for more than 90% of your maximum life as fire damage/sec. if you take inner force this will increase the 90% burn on you.
Extra fire damage, burn damage, and what not will not increase this. The only reason im not running increased burning damage for the moment, is becuase I have enough damage, so i want a little extra rarity.
Last edited by HoGji#5795 on Jan 21, 2015, 2:55:23 PM
Did you consider Belly of the beast with curse on hit setup? I wan to do a new character and i cant decide whats better.
Vindarfael wrote:
Did you consider Belly of the beast with curse on hit setup? I wan to do a new character and i cant decide whats better.

Curse on hit setup is really nice, and can work. But... Curses only have 35% effectiveness on Boss targets, and I think 50% on rares?, so even with a 20/20 ele weakness, its only 14/20%, which is a significant amount, yet not needed for soloing.

If you want to do Curse on hit set-up. you would want Dual-curse for it to be really effective.

Updated, with a small video.
I'm leveling an alt and plan on trying out this build.

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