Beta Invite Email

I didnt get how works beta invite timer ?
Its just picks acount rendomly every 20 min?
and if iam not login the web it can picks me or just those who loged in ?
Yo everyone. I have a question. How much time will this Beta be on. Till the official launch date or?
klinok23 wrote:
I didnt get how works beta invite timer ?
Its just picks acount rendomly every 20 min?
and if iam not login the web it can picks me or just those who loged in ?

No it doesnt matter whether youre logged in or not.
Last edited by Cannon#1696 on Sep 10, 2011, 5:10:37 PM
i've been a member since about when this game first got announced and still i did not get a key, i have been following this game closely since it first got publicized i hope i get a chance to test it ^^
I want a key so bad:(
Dedicated players should have a priority over random people, period, even tho I'm not a dedicated player. I've started following the game daily after DiabloFans posted about it.

Anyways, I just think its sad. A lot of the dedicated people out there that could be producin' some valuable feedback are just sittin' on their hands watchin' lucky bastards tryin' to sell/trade keys for other stuff.
“We must become the change we want to see.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Curious -- is forum participation mandatory for a beta invite, or is it possible to get having only signed up for the beta invite, and not participating in the forums? I know myself (along with others) follow most news of the game elsewhere, like on Reddit or twitter and the like.
Uhgii wrote:
Curious -- is forum participation mandatory for a beta invite, or is it possible to get having only signed up for the beta invite, and not participating in the forums? I know myself (along with others) follow most news of the game elsewhere, like on Reddit or twitter and the like.

Forum participation is not mandatory, although it supposedly increases your chances of receiving a key.
lf a beta key!
Up ^)
We need more keys given out! :D

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