Welcome to the Path of Exile Beta!
We've been working on Path of Exile for four years now, and are incredibly excited (and a little nervous) to be finally sharing it with people, especially other fans of action RPGs.
This is a genuine product testing beta, not a 'marketing beta'. We're a small indie team that wants your honest feedback. The game will continue to change regularly based on your opinions.
Path of Exile is currently unfinished. We have many months of changes planned, including revamps of almost every major system in the game. Some large features are not enabled yet and will be added early in the Closed Beta. We intend to openly discuss our plans for these systems so that we can get quality feedback. Please visit the Beta forums to read our plans for these areas.
Like any other Beta test, ours contains some content that is not announced or not finished yet. This email outlines the rules of what you can and can't talk about publicly regarding the Beta.
- You can tell people that you are in the Beta. Your account is marked as "Beta Member" on the forums.
- You can discuss any publicly available information that you would normally have discussed before you were in the Beta test.
- You're welcome to post your general opinions on the game. Please do not go into detail about unannounced specifics or unfinished systems.
- Please do not reveal unannounced information or comment on how things in the Beta work. For example, you should not post about some skill that hasn't been announced yet, or some unannounced looting system we are testing out.
- Please do not post balance values from the game or update public websites or wikis with this information. For example, if someone is gathering a list of item names in the Beta, you should not tell them new names. This information will change very frequently and we don't want to confuse people.
- Please do not post screenshots or videos without permission. However, if you ask you are likely to be granted permission.
- Please do not share your account. In the future, we'll periodically allow you to invite some friends to play with.
If you abuse these rules we reserve the right to remove your access.
If in doubt, please ask for permission. We'll probably say yes if the request is reasonable. We're not trying to stop word from getting out (we'd love you to spread the word!), we just want to avoid misinformation about things that are not finalised.
You should now be able to see the Closed Beta forums on the Path of Exile site. Please post bug reports, feedback and suggestions for improvement to these forums rather than the public ones - otherwise we'll miss them and other Beta testers won't be able to add their views.
We believe the quality of your feedback and suggestions during this Beta will be one of the biggest contributors to the success of the final game. So, please don't lurk and do give specific feedback and constructive suggestions not just complaints. We're listening to everything you say.
The game is approximately 2.3gb and can be installed with the following installer: [removed]
To log in, use the email address and password that you signed up for your www.pathofexile.com account with.
Enjoy the Beta!