[1.3] [Torment] Unbridled (4xCWDT pawnage)

Cwdt has a global cooldown, regardless of gem. All linked sockets cast when the cwdt goes off, and during that time no other cwdt will go off. The type of spells being cast are irrelevant, the only thing that matters is the cwdt gem itself and its global cooldown.

I've been meaning to socket duration over aoe, the leech is just so helpful for ridiculous facetanks (don't think torture chamber would be possible otherwise right now). I do socket a ton of leech and want to cut that down, but I think the mid-high cwdts do enough damage I want leech in both. And incinerate is consistent healing, it has nearly a 3k tooltip with gmp so I should be getting plenty off just casting my activator. I take a ton of damage and still have to use hybrid flasks to keep mana up, so I kinda doubt I'm overdoing the leech tbh.

Edit: nevermind, cutting even 1 cwdt cost too much damage, noticeable drops in clear speed
ign - Zilead
Last edited by Nicol on Jan 11, 2015, 9:29:36 PM
Nicol wrote:
Cwdt has a global cooldown, regardless of gem. All linked sockets cast when the cwdt goes off, and during that time no other cwdt will go off. The type of spells being cast are irrelevant, the only thing that matters is the cwdt gem itself and its global cooldown.

Not according to what i've seen. My 11 spells do trigger without 250ms between each other.
I can test again after work but from what i've seen what goes on cooldown (sweep on skillbar) is:
- all the gems from the CWDT that triggered (cause they just got cast)
- all the gems that share the same spell in other CWDT

But again, all I know is that they are on cooldown from skillbar. I don't really know if damage still gets accumulated for the second gem. At best you just get a delay randomly, at worst you always get a delay.
I've socketed arc into my high level cwdt, I just don't think there are enough decent spells to use different ones in every setup. Skillshots will just fly off and maybe hit a mob, aoes are definitely preferable but lacking in many good options (firestorm, shock nova both are pretty disappointing).

I'm at a point where I need hp and outside of my amulet have very few upgrades that will add life/resists, assuming I'm keeping all these uniques. Incinerate moved to the 4L due to socket colors, getting 4-off on it would be extremely painful. I still want to try a mostly-lightning variant stacking pen, and several of the weapon options. Here is my tree, if anyone wants to offer advice on it, next nodes I'm taking are life/mana regen, maybe the life/chaosres wheel by templar:

updated gear:
ign - Zilead
Last edited by Nicol on Jan 12, 2015, 9:45:00 AM
Nicol wrote:
I've socketed arc into my high level cwdt, I just don't think there are enough decent spells to use different ones in every setup. Skillshots will just fly off and maybe hit a mob, aoes are definitely preferable but lacking in many good options (firestorm, shock nova both are pretty disappointing).]

Spark, detonate dead, ball lightning, firestorm, arc, discharge, and ice nova all seem much better than 'decent'. Glacial cascade and flame surge will often fly out in random directions, but when they hit, they really do hit hard.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Little suggestion based on your tree.

Passive skill tree build

Try cyclone as trigger (+lgoh, then you can either go curse on hit or if someone's cursing for you increase aoe? or put it in a 2/3 link, or maybe go cyclone lgoh herald herald and free a 3 link).
1) it fills a green socket
2) you don't need unwavering (even if bloodless is decent it's still far) as you get stun immune
3) you can ditch cast speed which is really only useful for the trigger
4) you get in exchange 35% life and 30% spell damage
I removed 8% aoe, better spent elsewhere imho.

Not sure it's better as i didn't try incinerate but might be worth trying.

Do you manage to make detonate dead work?
I couldn't make it proc last time i tried or at least i couldn't see it at all. It doesn't have the "spell" tag so i thought that might have been the issue.
Last edited by Squirrel_of_doom on Jan 12, 2015, 11:01:08 AM
Iv respeced again to grab Vaal Pact.

I wasnt really all that impressed, hardly a noticeable difference in most circumstances. But... shortly after the respec i got trapped in a corner in a mid sized room completely packed with mobs that included 4(yes 4!) of those immortal totems AND a divine shrine. My fps dropped to 2 for a solid 3 minutes before i finally managed to get away. I doubt that would have been possible without vaal pact as my passive damage was enough to keep me at full life against 40 level 78+ mobs for several minutes while my GPU was busy frying eggs.

I also bought the cheapest Doryani's Invitation i could find, i lose some hps out of the deal but i think its worth the leech.

I also tried to run a spell crit shield with 90 life and extra block. The difference was slight, but i did find myself using pots a bit more so i changed back to my dual paws.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it

Do you manage to make detonate dead work?
I couldn't make it proc last time i tried or at least i couldn't see it at all. It doesn't have the "spell" tag so i thought that might have been the issue.

DD does indeed work with CWDT.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Little suggestion based on your tree.

Passive skill tree build

That tree is pretty awesome. But you save 1 passive if you are committed to Sovereignty by taking the outside path when compared to approaching from Retribution to Elemental Dominion. Sovereignty is pretty damn nice if you want to link your heralds to supports.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Great suggestion on the tree, I'll have to try this out. Cyclone can crit though, which means I could lose my power charges, but I'm definitely interested in trying it out. As for spells, I already socketed ice nova, discharge, those are givens, arc seems pretty decent for the high level one, Detonate dead has potential, ball lightning maybe as well. I don't really think I like the idea of the other skills, but I'm open to trying them. Any suggestions on which skills to use low level (detonate?) which for medium and high?

Edit: cyclone is fantastic, love it. The sustain is incredible. I put curse on hit-poacher's mark, since I'm running cyclone I get the mana sustain from it and don't even need blood dance anymore! I can try some other boots, likely just solid rares. Just need to get the cwdt spells right now, on the tree I haven't changed unwavering yet because I'm not 100% sure i won't need VMS, and unwavering is required to cast it.
ign - Zilead
Last edited by Nicol on Jan 12, 2015, 1:19:19 PM
VMS is still a no brainer. No reason to take it off ever. Procs so hard and so often...

Get armor boots if you wanna cast VMS, and eventually armor on belt. Although with support it might be harder, I got like 300 armor, an elreon ring, 3.8k life and i manage to cast 90% of the time without interruption (need to change the ring soon, was there to avoid snowball damage at the start but it's not needed). At worst, pick interruption nodes, would avoid 6 points to get to unwavering, with 3 you get 60% stun avoidance and 20str + 20 dex.

Armor is a tiny bit bad for scold's purpose, but really hurting myself never was a problem since i tried cyclone.

For spells:
- low level ~5 i'd say for enduring cry, then you want stuff with utility, detonate dead seems good as it scales more by mob level than by spell level. Or some cold spell for the freezes, i use cold snap but it's not huge. Maybe firestorm if you have some surgeon but doesn't seem to work really good for me.
- then for me it's levels as high as possible for the rest i think ideal would be like level 20/18/16/14 or something like that so that you get a good flow of spells. Spells do really much more damage once you get rid of the CWDT malus so leveling is important it seems. Less lag, less damage taken lost during cooldowns, better ratio damage done vs hp lost.
- Put the most efficient ones higher, discharge, arc, nova? I also have a setup of gmp spells in chest, i think it does very decent damage when it doesn't go backwards ^^. I have like 5-10-14-15-16 CWDT so testing is required.

For the tree the upper side might be very good too.
Mine is quite different, so i was just making suggestions.
Passive skill tree build

I did a full level (83->84) without dying, the build might get stronger in the 90s. Quite a nice session cause i already died maybe 350 times with this toon lol. Maybe because i leveled my spells a bit more.

I don't like doryani because i have every element, but if you're into lightning it might be very good. Or maybe pyre + fire doryani would be nice too.

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