Account Security and Theft Policy - READ THIS
also to all people saying its always the fault of the person getting hacked. plz realize we arent the ones hacking. Its someone ELSE doing the wrong.
bye greedy people |
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Super simple safety list:
If its an email with a link, don't click it, unless when logging in the game tells you your going to get an email. If its someone asking in game for any account info, ignore them. If you're getting "banned" for hacking or "in danger" of account hacking, GGG isn't going to tell you via the game. You'd be locked out and they'd send you an email, and the game will let you know that. If its software you can't find a link to on the PoE forums, its going to rob you blind. You really don't need anything else to play this game enjoyably, and if your that desperate for an advantage you might want to check yourself before you wreck yourself. @Jerom222; You aren't thinking much more ahead. What about the guy who gets the item you lost by trading legit with the guy who stole your stuff? He loses an item that he traded for. What if he traded it off? And that person also traded it? Its really confusing and near impossible to undo. The simple truth is, Jerom, is your both right and wrong. It isn't your "fault" but its something you did, not knowingly, that enabled the bad people to take your stuff. This is the real world and people don't magically get passwords from thin air. If you are going to blame GGG and walk away like you are, the next game you play is going to end up the same way. You have to figure out what happened, accept it happened, and protect yourself from that happening again in the future; wether you continue to play or not. I am sorry though, to hear about your loss. I know that pain from many games in the past, but alls you can do is move on. Just a video game right? |
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Some of you guys are total douchebags. Like, realistically, you truly are. Opening my post with that might sound harsh, but after reading 20 pages of this holier-than-thou crap, I've got to let you know you're clearly on the internet for the wrong reasons.
Starting there, I would like to move on to the point of my post. Recently, I logged on, and found my char completely stripped. Now, I know what you're thinking, OMGOSH U DUMB U GAVE UR INFO OUT LOL!!! No. 1. I use an email for gaming that automatically forwards to my real email (for friends/family/co-workers), after being told that the "hackers" unlocked my account after failing to get on, they used the notification that was emailed, I contacted the provider and was told that; A. No one had logged on that email in 519 days (that was yesterday, so 520 now.) B. Emails that are forwarded from that account are automatically deleted. 2. I run online games from a seperate partition and OS than online browsing, and reformat this partition (the one I'm using to browse with right now) at least once a month. Besides browsing and playing games, I don't use my computer at all. I have a separate PC for downloading stuff (super old dell from ~2002 with an external HD to download shows and attach to my xbox to watch on my TV). So, unless League of Legends, any sony games, PoE, or any steam games, are suddenly malicious software, I didn't download a keylogger. Not to mention the daily scans that happen with two separate malware/virus checkers(I really don't trust flash or java). 3. I've never used my email outside of large gaming companies until I signed up for PoE. It's literally only there for me to get information and updates from games into a specific folder of my real email. I have a spam email for spam sites, and I commonly use it for everything that I sign up with that I know won't ever send me a message about anything I'll need to know(even my facebook was signed up that way). This has worked well for me for 15 years now. 15 years. Never had a single account hacked, stolen, even played by anyone outside of me. I play this game for a month, and all my time is wasted because it happens here. Silver lining to GGG is though that I was notified that someone else had tried to log on my account, had limited time to play and simply forgot to change my password. Now, yes, that was dumb of me, but it also should've locked out again when I unlocked it if someone else tried to log on, right? But apparently someone accessed one of two emails and got the unlocking code to unlock my account again to strip it. Keep in mind, the email I actually access and use has only ever been accessed through my phone. Is verizon in the business of selling my data now? Their policy is absolutely horrendous in terms of not replacing or helping track down gear. You literally have to start from scratch again, these sites will not only strip your highest level character of all it's gear (regardless if it's junk or not), it's gems, but also all of your currency, any valuable rares in storage, any valuable gems in storage, and any uniques in storage. It can happen to anyone. Don't pretend it won't happen to you at some point and dog on people that have had it happen to them. That's beyond rude even for the internet. Too many people are growing up entitled these days and dragging their entitlement to the internet; just because someone gave you a medal for participation doesn't mean you're special. Drop the entitled act. edit: And the defense of "Well what if someone traded for it blah blah blah". The first person to get the item from the farm site is the person who BOUGHT IT. Those people should also be punished. Kill both ends of the problem. Don't just go after the losers in China ripping people off, go after the losers playing the game that are basically cheating and breaking your terms of service. Last edited by steven_mcburn#0891 on Mar 7, 2013, 5:06:15 PM
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I havent played in like a month but i just logged on and my account was hacked. I scan my computer every week and have never found any viruses. On top of that I reformatted in January so there could have been no viruses on my computer. I used a unique password which does not share the same password for anything else. Still got hacked, and I've never had this problem before. Oh well don't really care but thought i would share.
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This is a load of bullocks. I have been hacked, but I really don't care about what I lost. What I do care about is that GGG a company I once had hope for has gone all corporate on me. I gave you money to help make the game but you betray me by spouting this anti-consumerism bs? If there is no protection for the customer then there is no reason to make a purchase. I am all for protecting your own data, but telling people out right we won't help you because it is your fault is the act of a faceless corporation like EA not GGG. Not the people I gave my money to just for a kiwi.
I don't know when this type of thinking begun, but it should be on a short boat to shore soon I pray. This isn't the same company that I remember being for the people. If this is the direction you are going I then I will take my money and go another direction. |
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why is it the unlock code didnt send to my email?? done it 6 times already.
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hmmmm...can lock in,it says i locked in from another!
and i dont get the unlock-code,hope this will soon be fixed,cause i wanna play man. |
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me too.. locked from another location.. and i dont get the unlock code. pls. help
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mine was in my spam folder-- did u check?
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" Email support, it is what I had to do. They were very prompt about getting it back to me, but this new practice is a load of male cow feces if you ask me. |
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