Latest patch (0.10.0g), new microtransactions and other news!

Sevorast wrote:
Wow. CCP took massive flak over the monocle for $70, but GGG can put in $90 pets and nobody bats an eyebrow. In fact most people seem to be coming out in overwhelming support of the prices.

The internet is a confusing place.

Cool stuff though, the acid scorpion looks really great imo.

Flak was not about monocle itself but the fact it opened a pandora box that we feared (rightfully so) will bring pay2win full scale. The leaked dev letter confirmed our suspicions and hell broke loose. That and the fact whole WiS/farmville in space was waste of time/money (our money) aimed at catering to wow kids instead of internet spaceships srs bsns that eve was. And that we wanted it to stay that way.

You are talking about fans in a game that lasted so many years before that happened. Not the game that just started OB a few weeks ago. AND different audience. We have invested too much time/money/love (?) into it and felt betrayed that the game is decaying into another pay2win flashy shop. That is entirely different.

Here, everyone knew from the beginning its gonna be microtransaction f2p AND with no pay2win options. As far as that is concerned, devs have been true to their promises, why would one complain about price of a lightning frog when it doesn't give you any advantage at all is beyond me. Something has to keep servers running, and that something is not people buying plexes. It's a matter of expectations.
Chris, will you set up the races so their start times are spread across various time zones? I'm on the East Coast of the US, for example, and it'd be great if there were some 1/2/3-hour races that start after work,.
The Patch Notes (when opening the game) says January 15 (for Valentine's Heart) instead of February 15.
Rhazmuz wrote:
NiceSewerRat wrote:
Add Moneybookers as payment option. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle I think and might make me and others support you guys a little. :)

What is the issue with PayPal (not pointing fingers or anything, just curious).

Nothing really. I don't have a cc though and no cash on PayPal as I don't ever really use it. Offering more payment options can never hurt a company I'd think though. And otherwise I should stop being lazy and put some money on my PayPal. :)

Also, let me hereby congratulate you guys on actually making the game that D3 should have been. Or... it's actually not as much the game nor the gameplay as well as the general feeling / environment and many small aspects that make this game much more interesting.

All the splashy colourful stuff that's in these games these days is just hurting your eyes and overstimulating your brain, mixed with quests/storylines/gameplay that are overly simplistic, ridiculous or boring. Playing PoE a little over a week now and completed normal with marauder HC after dying twice to wtf-you-can-die-fast-in-this-game-which-actually-is-a-good-thing.

+ Graphics. I'm not one to name that point as a major aspect of a game often as I generally care much more about gameplay but omg it's just wonderful.
+ Interesting story / characters, not overly serious but not childish either. Some characters seem a little out of line sometimes, but generally you can be emerged into the story if you want.
+ Interesting economic system, fits the general setting of the game neatly too.
+ Crafting system that actually makes sense and is useful. All resources/items in the game have a use, which is generally unheard of and something I always considered a big flaw in many games.
+ Skill / passive system which makes sense and is fun and flexible. Theorycrafting about ideal builds etc is always a fun aspect of these games for me and the passive skill tree works well for that.
+ General 'common sense' fun aspects / improvements to the genre like moving death HC characters to the Default league after death and having special races / leagues planned (ofcourse I haven't been able to participate in that yet, but the idea seems fun).

- Actual gameplay does seem a bit too grindish. There's actually not much strategy, AI seems rather dumb, etc. Though it's not like there are (m)any games like this which have ever actually solved this issue well, but still.
- Balance seems to be quite an issue on many, many fronts.
- 4 stash tabs is really too little and is slightly in conflict with the no pay-to-win mentality. Not too much of an issue to me as I plan to buy more if this game remains a keeper for me and in the end you guys need to make money somehow as well.

-/+ Many things still need improvement (trading system for example - having to use chat/fora for trading is really stone age technology by now), but as I understand you guys do plan to make improvements on many of these things, and well this is officially still a 'beta'...

Oh yeah and lastly:

+ You guys actually care about the game and its community and have a good common sense mentality (no pay-to-win even with your business approach). It's really cool to see a dev in the top 20 HC. :) Hope you guys can keep that kind of attitude up, even if/when the game eventually becomes a great success - more than that it is already. :)
Dig the heart! Is there going to be a More Gore micro?
RxOvErDoSe wrote:
Dig the heart! Is there going to be a More Gore micro?

Soon i think so...

That bloody Heart is awesome ;]
There's a typo in the client patch notes. It says "January 15" instead of "February 15" for the Valentine's Heart
Send me a message in game or on the forum if I've won a bid

In-Game Names:
DoubleSmiggins wrote:
Wait, wait, wait. I have the best idea.

Lightning scorpion + Monocle.

Say I'm wrong. I dare you.

You're wrong.
I've a better idea Lightning scorpion + Monocle + Top hat.
Chris wrote:
tomslucky7 wrote:
the 'hold alt to show item level' note doesn't work for me D: I tried having the item being held by my cursor (like when using /itemlevel) and holding alt, tried hovering over an equipped item with my mouse and holding alt, unequipped an item and hovered over it and held alt, and tried holding alt while hovering over linked items in trade chat. Nothing worked! How does this new found function.. function?

It is about items that are in the trade screen.

This doesn't work for me, or i'm doing something wrong here.
slarur wrote:
Chris wrote:
tomslucky7 wrote:
the 'hold alt to show item level' note doesn't work for me D: I tried having the item being held by my cursor (like when using /itemlevel) and holding alt, tried hovering over an equipped item with my mouse and holding alt, unequipped an item and hovered over it and held alt, and tried holding alt while hovering over linked items in trade chat. Nothing worked! How does this new found function.. function?

It is about items that are in the trade screen.

This doesn't work for me, or i'm doing something wrong here.

It's not alt for everyone. It's whatever key you press to see your loot. In the options screen, this is your key for "Highlight items and objects"

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