[1.3.x] The Arctic GroundCoC

This build is Groundslam Cast on Crit with Scepters.

You play Cyclone CoC with Daggers.

Its a whole different build.
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All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Yes, but after it was posted in the first post about cyclone I tried it out and it is amazing. Same skill tree.

Disregard the mention of scepters! Most likely I will completely switch to daggers due to Cyclone now being usable without running out of mana after 2-3 spins.
If you have a crafted scepter it will obviously still work, but a dagger will be an optimal replacement.
Last edited by Uzzerzen#6314 on Jul 21, 2015, 1:25:00 PM
Uzzerzen wrote:
Yes, but after it was posted in the first post about cyclone I tried it out and it is amazing. Same skill tree.

Disregard the mention of scepters! Most likely I will completely switch to daggers due to Cyclone now being usable without running out of mana after 2-3 spins.
If you have a crafted scepter it will obviously still work, but a dagger will be an optimal replacement.

Uh, sry then, did not read that part of the OP, was only checking for replies.

Guess i go and make CoC Slam build now if Araycan really wants to switch to Daggers + Cyclone here O.o

Question for you: If you allready use Cyclone with daggers... why not just use a Volls Protector and Discharge? Its much stronger than 2x Novas...

I´d also say you should better use only one Dagger for Cyclone because it hits with both weapons.
So if you Dualwield you need 2 good CoC Daggers, if you use a shield you can get life + resists, Spelldamage and spellcrit there and only need one good dagger.
You also get some more block compared to dual wield, even with Acro penalty.

I´d say check out Mathils Fakener if you don´t know that build allready. imho the best CoC Cyclone build atm.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
I am using the same philosophy as the original build.

1 Vagan dagger to increase my hit chance as I have no accuracy. (replaces the Vagan scepter I was using with ground slam.)

The other is the offhand dagger that was being used before.

Things are melting even in 78 maps.
Uzzerzen wrote:
I am using the same philosophy as the original build.

1 Vagan dagger to increase my hit chance as I have no accuracy. (replaces the Vagan scepter I was using with ground slam.)

The other is the offhand dagger that was being used before.

Things are melting even in 78 maps.

Cyclone alternates weapons so you only hit 50% of your hits because of the other dagger.

Jsut use a shield and you hit 100%...
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Jul 22, 2015, 1:34:54 PM
switching to Mathis build isnt really an option atm since I am a lvl 86 shadow in Warbands.

I may try switching to a shield if I was try try Atziri but right now I am not really having any issues with the current state of my build.
i got this if anyone wants to buy for 10ex let me know ign LeinSensation
why are you specced into frenzy charges? You don't generate any of them at all.
Last edited by Caridor#1821 on Aug 28, 2015, 5:33:43 AM
~b/o 2.5 exa

if anyone interested

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