[Torment]1.3 Static Mosher-Detailed Pure Lightning Crit Staff Static Striker w/ video
" The estimated chance to hit will go down as you level since mobs of higher lvl have higher evasion. 90% chance to hit is decent in my opinion. Around lvl 80, to get around 90% chance to hit you need 1500 accuracy. Grab both big accuracy nodes (they give dex as well)on the Templar and Mara area, and get at least 300 accuracy from gloves and jewelry. They will pretty much do. 2.0 ain't no melee patch.
" Highly recommend staff with 30%+ inherent local increased crit chance instead of crafted. It's better to look for a high %physical staff with 8%+ crit chance where you have one prefix open, so that you can craft flat physical on it. Aside from high %physical, attack speed and crit multi are also fine. But not as essential as crit chance and physical damage. 2.0 ain't no melee patch.
" I do agree that it's not a very easy to play build. But with good positioning in fights and investment on gear, survivability is much less of an issue. 2.0 ain't no melee patch.
" maybe I say this because I'm on early merciless, but I didn't find it harder than other builds I have tried. Also is meginortd girdle worth using for the 10% extra life or should I stick with rare belts? |
" Meginord belt is great to level up with, especially at very low lvl when the 10-20 flat phys is sometimes more than than your weapon's. It lacks resists so you probably need to swap it with rare belts in merciless. If you don't resist issue then use it. 2.0 ain't no melee patch.
I'd like to start off by staying this is my first real character, and I am lacking any end game experience.
So I am 66, killed Piety on merc (with lots of running back after dying... don't really think it counts) and am now stuck, unable to really farm any 66-67 area without getting wrecked really hard (I die before I can get 10% exp, or if I do I get wrecked multiple times over by a rare pack.) I am sitting at 2096 hp with fire and lightning cap/near cap by just a percent or two but cold is at 41%, trying to fix that, no luck yet. I also have no chaos res, is this important to gear for? Another problem I feel like I have is my armor on my character page says I only have 15% "estimated dmg reduction," I have 944 armor and 420 ES, this feels very low. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAaPI87xhd8B-iAOFz7SCCmwSzwGaUXMxmSpiLjPndn9_vfDwFV-J35ew4njyMdicvkFUaOMAacYVXKfMRsUJG11nznz4t0u1EvJpBcslnRUcy0biTpwiPRhNxXqVYrkWO-4uboXgvGGp85VgH99esmBEPfq-NGeAS2V_djDpYVcaD26yqcqn3MpJ93COYb-XP6hh2rM9--Ou77ZHOFHHZfIIHxPY8LXfj I know its a bit of a mess, I transitioned from a similar build mid-way (this build more closely relates to what I had in mind originally, but this was really close.) I have a few fixes in mind for my tree, mainly to get purity of flesh and cut out the 4 above Retribution. Aside from that though I have really bad accuracy with only 66% chance to hit, is this something I can only remedy with jewelry? My current gear is a bit behind the curve averaging 52-53 ilvl and I only got 4L at the most. This is my own lack of knowledge but a few questions if you will. For SS I don't got a 5L yet and I know you said in your guide to replace Multistrike for Light Pen with 4L, but I lose easily like a third of my tool-tip dps (3k to 2k roughly), should I not worry about it at all and go with the change? Another problem is due to my bad hit rate I think; Multistrike seems to be really bad if you miss your first hit, as everything else afterwards seems to be guaranteed miss as well. Is this correct, cause I feel like I'm locked in place more often than not, just swinging at the air. I apologize for the wall of text but any tips would be much appreciated because at the moment I feel like I kind of have to shelve this character until I find some crazy good gear upgrades. Last edited by Traison#2509 on Jan 11, 2015, 12:41:55 AM
" My 2 cents: I'd respec my path to witch area so its like the OPs. You're wasting too much points the way you've taken. Get some life; grab Heart of the Warrior and Constitution (if necessary respec some of the crit points for that, you can grab those later), that will make hell of a difference, should get you near 2.5K. And get as much life on gear as possible. And max your resists; they're important! Don't sweat the chaos res though. If you can get some, that's nice, but don't focus on that. But your armor is WAY to low, you should upgrade that. You REALLY need to focus on survivability before crit chance, can't do those crits if youre DOA. At the point you're at, you should have all your res capped (and more), and be @ 2.5 K hp, I had that when I went for Piety at 66, and I didn't die once (also facerolled everything before (except Kole :)). Still haven't put a single point into crit chance yet. Also potions are important, mainly HP and Granite. EDIT: To answer your questions: Lightning penetration is important, certainly go with that if you only have a 4L. I'm only having 4L and am not using MS, with a 5L I might use melee phys before MS, since most stuff dies after one hit anyway. TL;DR: Get more HP, more armor, better resists and flask up. I've been playing this build, currently 68, just started out with mapping, and its very fun. And just dropped a Belly yesterday :D Am running with a classic cwdt set up for IC and EC, though. "Imagining GGG as a cranky hormonal pregnant woman suddenly explains a lot." - CliveHowlitzer Last edited by unsane69#0907 on Jan 12, 2015, 8:19:46 AM
" How's your gear btw? "Imagining GGG as a cranky hormonal pregnant woman suddenly explains a lot." - CliveHowlitzer
" My current gear:
I managed to hit full res cap with some experimentation with Elreon. I can only assume that I need a ton more armor and catch it up the 10 or so ilvls that its lacking. Should I get 1 Heal over Time flask and 2 instant recoveries? I've found my instant to save my life more times than I can count lol. Last edited by Traison#2509 on Jan 12, 2015, 1:32:12 PM
Yeah, you really should upgrade your armor. Classic HP + tri-res pieces are what your looking for. As, for the flasks, I dunno; I guess your right. I run with 3 HP and 2 granite, and I play that potion piano all the time :D
Hows your deeps with that staff? It seems a little low... "Imagining GGG as a cranky hormonal pregnant woman suddenly explains a lot." - CliveHowlitzer