[2.2 WIP] Grocery's 400k+ DPS Frenzy Tornado Shot Physical Bow Build!
" You don't want to keep leveling CWDT. I do it because I wantwed to level it to 20. Ideally you keep it at just enough to run 10 or 11 immortal call/enduring cry. This allows you to use Immo call a decent amount and not need a bunch of STR. you would kill yourself if it surpassed your hp pool. You do want a decent amount of health though. I am to the point where phys or ele reflect won't one shot me, even with god tier gear. Currency wise you need to not spend it on frivolous stuff or waste it alching gear on standard. Keep mapping and farming sac sets, which are decently easy now that they increased rates a while back. I also make most of my currency flipping uniques. Find a decent priced unique. Know the price and buy it when it is undervalued in trade chat. You can find some great deals this way. Let me know if you have any other questions. I'd be glad to help. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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Ended up getting a new chest piece. Are any of the two considered "end game" and worth 6 Linking?
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" I'd check poe.trade to see if it is worth 6 linking. I haven't bought a top a end bow on standard in a while so I am out of the loop with regard to that. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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Grocery, what's your take on running Tab as a cheap 6L?
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" If you can afford the cost of not using a good chest then it is not a bad option. I mean, there are uses for it but pretty much any eva base with life will beat a tabula if it is 6linked. It isn't terrible, just situational. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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Hi grocery, nice guide here, I'm following it and enjoying how strong the build is but I have a question about that part
If you could change the bow socket color would you keep those 2 red socket for weapon elemental damage and added fire damage on frenzy ? or would you change for something else that match puncture and frenzy ? Thanks IGN : InfaM Last edited by Infa_M#3493 on Jan 16, 2015, 12:02:17 AM
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" I'd change to puncture colors most likely because it has mor eutility and the damage is insane for me anyways. GGGGBB or GGGGGB. 2 B's would be ICD and ICS and 1B1G would be increased accuracy or something. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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" took me 1 chromatic so think ill give it a try. also bought a new belt, took your advice and dropped the legendary. |
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" The only downside to puncture is if you are mapping 78 maps and doing a lot of Palace Dominus runs. Frenzy, etc. works much better where puncture will decrease your kill time on Dominus by about 30% or more which, if you are able to burst him down with frenzy and you go to puncture, may get you close to not getting him down before the big hits come in general. At least that is my take on the two skills in general and I farm the 78 maps a lot since I am 99 and trying to reach that 100 marker. Overall for the rest of the game I think puncture is a great skill all the way especially if you do atziri runs a lot in which its the go to skill. I am going to try and spec into bloodletting and run a few tests yet I do not think the 5 points will be worth it, unless doing atziri farming, yet I still want to test that out with puncture after this last nerf. I tried Puncture/trap/point blank yet boy that took a lot of getting used to for the skill mechanics of trap and I found myself wanting to shoot rather then trap mechanics. Another option for puncture on dominus on Palace map may be to go with point blank gem (if you are using GGGGBB, etc. and sub out increased accuracy with point blank - I am sure that would bring it to the speed of the frenzy burst speed yet I have not tested yet, since you are standing toe to toe. The thing about puncture is that you only need a 5 link in general if you are capped in accuracy in the high range (88ish to 95 cap) yet if you need additional accuracy then the 6 link works by adding the 4th green Additional Accuracy gem. If you are using a drillneck then the 6th link is an easy choice with pierce. That's why a lot of players left the 6th gem as red and kept Added Fire Damage in the 6th link even though its sorta a fake DPS tooltip in general. For Non Drillneck users, however, the gem choices for puncture are limited: Puncture>PPAD>Faster Attacks>ICD>ICS which is GGGBB and 5 links. The sixth link is where no more Physical damage can really be added and you have a choice where with a drillneck quiver you would want pierce. A rare quiver user has options: Red Added Fire Damage yet useless for puncture and pretty useless even though it boosts your tooltip DPS its doing virtually nothing IMO. The only gem sorta usefull is additional accuracy yet for those that have high accuracy already I am not sure its helpful - yet its a gem spot where as I listed above can be subbed with point blank for like dominus (or kept as a red socket like many have done) yet I have not tested that yet since I am unsure the distance mechanics where for a trap version it would always be 50% increased damage what if you are slightly next to a target like standing next to dominius, whats the decrease from the 50% going to be unlike traps where its under the target in general so it has the full 50% benefit. Also I would think the red gem slot, if you had your socket as red, could be used with increased duration yet I am also unsure if that would really benefit puncture mechanics in overall gameplay. I am thinking in order to even get close to where puncture used to be you are going to have to invest in bloodletting and the 5 points to get there. Just some thoughts to push around yet if you have a very good DPS Harbinger I think puncture for Atziri is the only time I would sub in puncture now with the nerf to puncture over frenzy or fire arrow, etc. Yet with things like fire arrow I.E. single target - you better not shoot an elemental reflect rare, etc. - or you might splat on the ground real fast and as was stated by Grocery somewhere your TS is your main killing skill even vs most of the bosses in general. Other then that the frenzy and GGGRRB works out super well. Last edited by NewbieDOTcom#6239 on Jan 16, 2015, 6:17:31 PM
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Can you explain the mechanics on the Curse on Hit setup which is becoming widely used? 1) I see that you replace HOI and use HOT yet are you casting the HOT aura normally on the pre-buffs then the idea of HOT is the lightning strikes which I would assume is like another attack to auto fill mana, etc. on the lightning strike part? 2) Do linked gem levels matter at all like they do for CWDT. I see no info on the info page so I am assuming there are no issues with linked gem levels? 3) Does the curse on hit linked to assassin's mark have to be linked into the HOT in order to generate the power charges? I am assuming it does since the HOT is what is generating the power charges on the attack side? 4) Do you notice a big difference losing the increased duration on vaal haste? Thanks, I want to play around with this yet I am cheap when it comes to having to use lots of chroms to get 3 off colors all the time as I test certain things, etc. so I wanted to understand the mechanics a little bit before jumping in since HOI had a nice synergy with hatred and dropping it was not an intention of mine yet a lot of people I play with tell me that cast on crit since the new buff a while back to 100% makes this setup real nice. Thanks for any info you can share :P |
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