[1.3] Aegis Aurora BoR 30k dps Super-Tank with 2-3 Counter Attacks +Molten/Static/Lightning Strike

negusmaster wrote:
Hmm... leveled to 76 but can't level conc effect because I need 103 int.


How do I get more, I also already got the +30 node near IR?

Need int on rings.
Standard Forever
sighlight wrote:
hypernegus wrote:
sighlight wrote:
hyper, can i see ur tree? how u getting 50% phys damage reduction?i can only hit 50 with grace and determination up

I'm running a Facebreaker variant of the build, meaning I don't really have to pick up too many additional damage clusters. I have the following passive tree at 82 (I only run grace):

thanks man! tree looks great! but you really need those resist nodes? if u get them through gear...you could save a lot of points!

If you decide to run Facebreakers as your main weapon, keep in mind that you basically have two pieces of gear (your rings) to get all your resists on. My gear isn't super godly, so I pretty much need the resist nodes to max out on resistances - however, if you have very good flat phys + tri res rings you might be able to respec out of those nodes.
[2.1] Harvest Blade Vortex - 70% phys mitigation perma flask build
[1.2] Naked Marauder Build - end game build with no clothes!
At level 84 I did Necropolis (75) and killed Merveil, Reflection, using a non-legacy Soul Taker. No deaths, she was easy. My party members all died so I killed her alone.

After farming with this character and trading on xyz, I saved enough to buy my dream weapon, a legacy Soul Taker. It's got bad rolls but I got it for cheap and it was fun working towards. I went all out on this build because it works and I love rarely dying. DPS isn't so hot since I use life leech gem but my survivability is great. 85 is where I am now and I am giving my status report.

I've had toons that cleared a lot faster but of course they died a lot more. However, that's not why I love this character. The best reason is that this character really helped me learn more about the game and engage myself in it more. This is because you really need to watch your numbers and understand what you are hacking at and what the enemy can do to kill you. With my ranger, I rarely cared and just 1 click kill the entire room and move on. It was mindless. But with melee, you gotta be a lot more careful and you can really take advantage of weapon switching since we can use stuff like Saffell's Frame and destroy Piety and Merveil. This is now my highest level character.

As long as I do not die too often, I will keep playing this character and mapping. My gems are Vengeance and Reckoning, and I use the Auras Hatred and Vitality and the Ash Herald. For my defensive setup if I need it, I go to Saffell's Frame and use Grace and Determination. If the boss is a big physical hitter (which is rare) I use Aegis Aurora with Grace and Determination along with Rumi's. I use two Legacy Rumi's to keep my block and spell block at 75% whenever I go into a big battle. It is overkill, let me say again, a Legacy ST and Legacy Rumi is overkill but I got sweet deals on them so I use them.

The best part about this build is definitely how I rarely have to pot. The Aegis keeps me safe. I can afk in a 75 map and let a big mob pound me and I can take it forever. I rarely have to use my health potion.

The only downside to this build is that big hits will just rape you if they connect and you will die. But this applies to everyone character! So my tree now that I am working for is 190% life and that's it. I should have 5k life around level 92 (if I ever have the patience to get there) and that should keep me safe I hope.

My tree at level 85:

My gear:

Thanks to Assassin for the build and answering so many questions!
Last edited by sighlight#4723 on Jan 11, 2015, 1:43:23 AM
sighlight wrote:
getting the final life nodes atm. I have a crucial question however. I can get the life nodes from the Ranger tree and that gives me 34% more evasion. does that directly translate into 34% more armor since we have IR? That would mean that the ranger life nodes are better than the Marauder ones.

double checking with you guys, can you guys check?

just checked on my own! Ranger life nodes are better if you have IR! gogogo! gives you more armor and same amount of life!

The way I thought of it was this:
- If you have Grace running, BOR and some evasion gear = go for evasion nodes.
- If you have Grace running and only BOR = I think either one would work.
- If you have no Grace and only BOR = I think armour would be better.
Assassin2000 wrote:
sighlight wrote:
getting the final life nodes atm. I have a crucial question however. I can get the life nodes from the Ranger tree and that gives me 34% more evasion. does that directly translate into 34% more armor since we have IR? That would mean that the ranger life nodes are better than the Marauder ones.

double checking with you guys, can you guys check?

just checked on my own! Ranger life nodes are better if you have IR! gogogo! gives you more armor and same amount of life!

The way I thought of it was this:
- If you have Grace running, BOR and some evasion gear = go for evasion nodes.
- If you have Grace running and only BOR = I think either one would work.
- If you have no Grace and only BOR = I think armour would be better.

with or without grace, even with or without BoR, if you have Iron Reflexes, taking the evasion nodes that give more evasion % than the armor nodes is always better. I just checked on my other toons. Your armor will rise with evasion % nodes, so if those nodes give a higher number than the armor, then evasion is the way to go. Or am I missing something crucial?
sighlight wrote:

My gear:

Thanks to Assassin for the build and answering so many questions!

Invest in a 4% block stone amulet to save some nodes
Standard Forever
I do 5 thousand dps with this build
Last edited by shifted1119#3293 on Jan 11, 2015, 8:44:58 PM
iamstryker wrote:
sighlight wrote:

My gear:

Thanks to Assassin for the build and answering so many questions!

Invest in a 4% block stone amulet to save some nodes

just looked at the prices, they are selling for 15 ex! that is not a good investment since we use rumi's a lot. that caps us =P You could buy two rumi's for 15 ex and keep yourself safe from block and spell block! careful folks when buying a stone for 15 ex! Also, I like the int on the ammy since we desperately need int. so it would not save me that many points since we would be forced to get int on the tree or find a ring with 30 int and other good stats.

Yeah this build is sure as hell not just for rich folks. I started with a normal bor and only legacy Aegis. but i really feel like the legacy aegis is just luxury and not needed but the Legacy Legacy Bor is needed in the end game for higher dps!
Last edited by sighlight#4723 on Jan 11, 2015, 8:40:05 PM
sighlight wrote:

just looked at the prices, they are selling for 15 ex! that is not a good investment since we use rumi's a lot. that caps us =P You could buy two rumi's for 15 ex and keep yourself safe from block and spell block! careful folks when buying a stone for 15 ex! Also, I like the int on the ammy since desperately need the ammy. so it would not save me that many points since we would be forced to get int on the tree or find a ring with 30 int and other good stats.

To each his own. I didn't have one either until recently. I got lucky and a guy traded me his for an old death rush ring that I had laying around unused. Pretty happy!
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 11, 2015, 8:21:02 PM
iamstryker wrote:
sighlight wrote:

just looked at the prices, they are selling for 15 ex! that is not a good investment since we use rumi's a lot. that caps us =P You could buy two rumi's for 15 ex and keep yourself safe from block and spell block! careful folks when buying a stone for 15 ex! Also, I like the int on the ammy since desperately need the ammy. so it would not save me that many points since we would be forced to get int on the tree or find a ring with 30 int and other good stats.

To each his own. I didn't have one either until recently. I got lucky and a guy traded me his for an old death rush ring that I had laying around unused. Pretty happy!

that's hitting the jackpot my friend =)

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