That's a great guide for a noobie like me!
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" The equilibrium you speak of is not where supply meet demand but profit meet demand. The best example would be diamond, while it is the hardest natural occurring subject, it is not rare nor hard to mine/cut. The De Beer company controls supply, they put just enough on the market to keep the price/profit of diamonds as high as possible. Demand is also a very subjective term, nothing in PoE is essential. The demand is complex mix of need, want and affordability. When those terms are meet with the seller's profit, then the price emerges. Price chart only serves the well of the creator. He can easily change the price chart and use it to manipulate noobs to his advantage. Someone already pointed out a scandal happening in the similar situation. PoE doesnt need a price chart. IGN QTCRZ
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" Glad you like it. We all have to start somewhere. |
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I think the problem a lot of people have with this site, is they see it as an end-all/be-all type of deal, rather than just a jumping off point or one of many factors that goes into making a decision about what to buy/sell something for. If you use this as your ONLY resource; yes, it's bad. However, using this as a small piece of deciding what something is worth? Not bad at all. I don't see how getting one perspective to help you make a decision (hint, you should get many perspectives) is a bad thing. Some people are *gasp* not good with a barter based economy! I know I know, how dare they right? These people need a starting point, this helps. Again, this shouldn't be the ONLY resource you use!
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Not everyone has the frame of mind or energy to internalize market values and trends. I have been doing a google search of the trade forums to try and get a base idea of value for certain items. This will also be a nice tool for getting a baseline estimate.
Thanks for making this available; I know it's a lot of work. |
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First of all thanks a lot for your work you already saved me a chunk of loss in wealth and saved me from geting ripped of :)
Let them talk as much as they want but being honest its a good idea. I know that value can change fast but haveing a basic idea as a new player can save you a lot of trouble and a lot of loosing wealth. If i realy want something im willing to pay more than its worth for sure but people trying to pay you 2 chaos for a chain gem is realy a rip off =P. The spreadsheet is realy nice and helpfull maybe its not the dead line for what something is worth but its a guiding light in the dark deeps of the trade chat :) |
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Good job, I like your day tips. May I ask you where did you get them? :-)
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" This...this to an extreme. People are already beggining to use this chart as the end all be all for the games trades. I partied with someone who noticed I was a summoner build. (Not hard to notice when I have 10 zombies and 3 spectres) He happened to have Minion speed on him and decided to make an offer using this chart. 2 alchs? Seriously? Minion Speed for 2 alchs? I told him that was a rip, that it was a quest reward in normal at about level 20. He referred me to the forums spreadsheet. I told him go to hell, I wouldnt buy minion speed at that price or ever use a price gauge for something I wanted ever. He told me that that the price was set in stone, and I left. Yet....your graph does good things for the economy? it does not. 'It is good to contact a moderator if you feel someone is being a twat' Charan, Forum Moderator
Sometimes, we have to cross a ditch. Sometimes, we have to cross an ocean.-Rhys, GGG | |
" There will always be stupid, closed-minded people that will follow things like this to their death. And honestly, those people shouldn't be trading at all anyway. But any competent human being should be able to realize that this is a rough estimate of what people are paying for these gems, rather than a list of set prices. He is also updating it regularly to keep up with the fluctuating economy. I know personally, I do not trade much, and I'm fairly new to this game, so this along with other sources is helping my understanding of what to buy/sell a few items I want to get rid of/buy. |
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" Minion Speed is first available as a quest reward in Cruel Act 1. Is 2 alchs worth the price of not playing through normal and a bit of cruel? Maybe, maybe not. But it's not that unreasonable. |
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