Corsal8 wrote:
Personally I think this is the worse patch we've ever seen.
4-5 pages of patch notes can be summarized in one word: nerf.
There are several things that really disappointed me:
1) The only thing that has been treated with accuracy is PvP. The problem is that PoE is not Tekken. The core of the game is not PvP. Nobody starts playing PoE because he wants to do PvP.
2) The Steam Achivemente are clear: only 44.7% of the players get to kill Brutus (over 50% of players quit even before), only 37.7% of players kill Merveil and only 14.6% of the players finish the game in Normal difficutly. More of the 85% of the players who started playing PoE have never seen Cruel difficulty. I think the problems of the game are different, and i am convinced that the percentages mentioned above will not changes much after the release of 1.3. The game is dying.
3) It seems that many nerf are targeted to destroy some build particularly well managed. I can accept the fact that having 2-milion-DPS-build is not reasonable. But nerf skills just to prevent that there are some particularly strong build, means that those skills will be forgotten. The same holds true with the passive skills. Mortal Conviction means that anyone who plays with Blood Magic cannot cast auras (except for those who use life only for the auras: shavronne's / solaris lorica users). Even having Mortal conviction + level 20 reduced mana + all mana reducion nodes on the left side of the tree, what's the price of holding an aura such as Determination? The cost is 0.60 * 0.5 * 0.71 * 0.82 = 18% life reservation. So, how many auras can cast a Marauder? One or at most two, because it's a suicide play with less than 64% of life (expecially after the 1.3 where the defenses are brutally nerfed). At this point, Blood Magic becomes almost a useless Keystone since it's better to cast as much auras as you can on your mana pool and use the Blood Magic gem as a support of your main skill. Probabily DPS benefit from a similar choice.
4) Melee character are very difficult to build. They should be designed to fight in melee, but to do so they need a good defense. Unfortunately it is not there.
5) Most of the players affected by these nerf are the players who are not defined no-lifer. Who owns a full mirrored equipment will still do the deathless-uber-atziri-run in 10 min or so. No matter how many nerf will be implemented: unless you create an unkillable boss, there will always be players who destroy him smoothly. Nerf skills and passive to prevent this from happening, simply means losing the support of all the casual or semi-casual gamer (meaning those who do not invest 10h a day in PoE). Although I agree not to give anyone access to the entire contents of the game, it seems to me that now it is passing a little hand (Steam Achivement "Full clear: Apex of Sacrifice" obtained only from 0.4% of the players).
6) The nerf to all those items, in my opinion, wasn't necessary. Were removed block-chance cluster, Acrobatics got 30% less block chance and also evasion has been nerfed. Why nerf also every item that has a chance to block?
7) The crit was nerfed again. Instead of making the game more attractive to non-crit builds, have been removed or "adjusted" crit-nodes. Not to mention "Increased critical damage": level 20 ICD in 1.3 < level 6 ICD in 1.2. 20/20 ICD in 1.3 < 9/0 ICD in 1.2. I did the math on only one of my characters and considering only the nerf on the gem (so, not considering passives), I lose 17% of my damage. I'm not complaining because my ranger will make only 83% of the damage since she still allows me to kill Atziri smoothly. But I'm sorry for all those who are not in the same situation and so, if first they could barely play 74-75 maps, now they will simply play Temple Map.
8) I dedicate a point to Atziri's Acuity because reading its nerf seemed unbelievable. Many players don't even try to kill regular-Atziri. Even fewer manage to kill uber-Atziri that for the record is the strongest boss in PoE. The most rare drop of Uber-Atziri is a pair of gloves that has nothing special aside instant leech on crit. And after 1.3 the Atzri gloves can be easily comparate to Vaal Pact keystone except for mana-leech? No one will pay 200-300ex anymore for those gloves. The uber-atziri runners will drop dramatically along with the price of Mortal Hope. Regular-Atziri farming is comparable to a time-wasting.
9) No improvement of the trade-system. Trading still remain a time-wasting especially for those who do not have many stash in which store the items and sell them at the right time. Because yes, stashes&trading system are one of the most important problem of PoE in my opinion. That combo makes the game pay-to-win even if it doesn't seems. But I've seen it. When I got just 4 stashes, I was struggling to get currencies. Now I've got 52 stash and no problems at all. I mean. What's the problem of having 6 stashes for chaoses and regals recipes? No problems. What's the problem of keeping any "nice item" in my stash waiting for somone that pm me asking for it and selling it vs some chaoses? No problems again. Buying stashes is for sure a pay-to-win policy. By the way this is not the core of this point. Since stashes are for sell, the lack of a solid trading-system makes every people that don't pay for them in disadvantage compared to other people. Improve trading-system can "fix" or at least reduce the perception of the problem. As said, this patch doesn't improve this.
10) Desynch problem not mentioned. I think the engine is about the same as before. Maybe some little improvement? But don't know. It isn't mentioned.
11) Not a single buff on gems that are in the oblivion.
I hope this bad feeling is due to the fact I have not tried the 1.3. I hope that after the release I can feel an enjoyable game even if many of the problem I've mentioned above won't be fix for sure at this point.
Surely, for the first time in several years, I'm really ready to quit this game. Of course this sorry me since I've spent much time and money in this game to support you.
See you in few hours to test new leagues.
PS: Sorry for bad english. I think some errors can occurs since Google Translate has been my best friends writing this post.
great summary , completely agree
Posted byPathOfSeal#6827on Dec 12, 2014, 12:04:29 PM
All that whining makes me go mad.
It was about time block is getting adjusted, it is a defensive mechanic just like armor evasion and dodge, to lower or prevent incoming damage.
Is there capped Armor/ Evasion can you achieve it? NO, Can you keep up a "capped" dodge chance? NO, not without frenzy charges and Darkrays.
We all just got used to that way of undoing pretty much all damage and there was no real effort needed to achieve it. The new Counter skills hopefully offer a different way to play melee, we only got to see it's short describtion yet so there is no way we can judge their effect that early.
This game starts to become a challange again and this is good. I for myself love those changes though I'd have loved to see some nerfs on Flameblast and Tornado Shot ( well they got hit in some way with reduced Critmulti / lower Blockchance).
Improvements to barely/ unused skills would have been nice to see, but I for myself can wait for that since I have a couple of things to experiment with in the coming 2-3 months.
To those people crying about the lack of content added.
- We get 8 new Skillgems.
- A huge bunch of new Unique items of which some could be new build enablers / improvements.
- And for those who enjoy it PVP and a additional Master is added to the game. (I enjoy it:)! )
show me one friggin game that is free and being updated and taken care of in these short ammounts of time.
I really hope the people at GGG dont take the rant all too serious, what they offer us every three to four months is great content and constant diversity in the game and I wish more people showed them the reputation they deserve.
In these words, good job once again! I cant wait for the Update to go live:)!
PS: call me a fan-boy, couldn't care less.
Last edited by SkintickeT5#7724 on Dec 12, 2014, 12:07:33 PM
Posted bySkintickeT5#7724on Dec 12, 2014, 12:05:28 PM
Sennah25 wrote:
God look at all the QQ. XD
Did you really forget what it says about this game in the furst few lines you read about it?
It is a HARDCORE game for HARDCORE gamers, jesus your build was stupidly overpowered and one-shot everything, and you complain about it being nerfed "into the ground"?
You guys are pathetic, Chris himself said that changes in the meta are good. Why don't you just enjoy the feeling of being challenged again?! The constant adrenaline rush from the fear of running into something that just snaps your chars neck?
You do not understand this game... if you really love crit that much then find a way to make it work until the point where you can have the game be your little bitch. But if you look for a 1 click adventure wherr everything explodes into gore when you walk by.... you know what to do.
Alt QQ and go play Diablo 3, you wont be missed.
Oh, you'd miss us. The non-HC players are the ones keeping the lights on.
Time to cope with the reality that the original concept isn't viable for business and never was. HC games and PVP games cater to a niche group. Profit can only be achieved by access far and wide, and profit is the name of the game here.
Changing PoE back into a crazy hard game is going to drive casual players away in droves...and trust me, that is NOT what GGG wants to do if they want to keep getting paychecks.
Posted byjaredh#4053on Dec 12, 2014, 12:06:30 PM
Jestem hardcorem.
Posted byel_hombre_loco#3405on Dec 12, 2014, 12:06:57 PM
Corsal8 wrote:
Personally I think this is the worse patch we've ever seen.
4-5 pages of patch notes can be summarized in one word: nerf.
There are several things that really disappointed me:
1) The only thing that has been treated with accuracy is PvP. The problem is that PoE is not Tekken. The core of the game is not PvP. Nobody starts playing PoE because he wants to do PvP.
2) The Steam Achivemente are clear: only 44.7% of the players get to kill Brutus (over 50% of players quit even before), only 37.7% of players kill Merveil and only 14.6% of the players finish the game in Normal difficutly. More of the 85% of the players who started playing PoE have never seen Cruel difficulty. I think the problems of the game are different, and i am convinced that the percentages mentioned above will not changes much after the release of 1.3. The game is dying.
3) It seems that many nerf are targeted to destroy some build particularly well managed. I can accept the fact that having 2-milion-DPS-build is not reasonable. But nerf skills just to prevent that there are some particularly strong build, means that those skills will be forgotten. The same holds true with the passive skills. Mortal Conviction means that anyone who plays with Blood Magic cannot cast auras (except for those who use life only for the auras: shavronne's / solaris lorica users). Even having Mortal conviction + level 20 reduced mana + all mana reducion nodes on the left side of the tree, what's the price of holding an aura such as Determination? The cost is 0.60 * 0.5 * 0.71 * 0.82 = 18% life reservation. So, how many auras can cast a Marauder? One or at most two, because it's a suicide play with less than 64% of life (expecially after the 1.3 where the defenses are brutally nerfed). At this point, Blood Magic becomes almost a useless Keystone since it's better to cast as much auras as you can on your mana pool and use the Blood Magic gem as a support of your main skill. Probabily DPS benefit from a similar choice.
4) Melee character are very difficult to build. They should be designed to fight in melee, but to do so they need a good defense. Unfortunately it is not there.
5) Most of the players affected by these nerf are the players who are not defined no-lifer. Who owns a full mirrored equipment will still do the deathless-uber-atziri-run in 10 min or so. No matter how many nerf will be implemented: unless you create an unkillable boss, there will always be players who destroy him smoothly. Nerf skills and passive to prevent this from happening, simply means losing the support of all the casual or semi-casual gamer (meaning those who do not invest 10h a day in PoE). Although I agree not to give anyone access to the entire contents of the game, it seems to me that now it is passing a little hand (Steam Achivement "Full clear: Apex of Sacrifice" obtained only from 0.4% of the players).
6) The nerf to all those items, in my opinion, wasn't necessary. Were removed block-chance cluster, Acrobatics got 30% less block chance and also evasion has been nerfed. Why nerf also every item that has a chance to block?
7) The crit was nerfed again. Instead of making the game more attractive to non-crit builds, have been removed or "adjusted" crit-nodes. Not to mention "Increased critical damage": level 20 ICD in 1.3 < level 6 ICD in 1.2. 20/20 ICD in 1.3 < 9/0 ICD in 1.2. I did the math on only one of my characters and considering only the nerf on the gem (so, not considering passives), I lose 17% of my damage. I'm not complaining because my ranger will make only 83% of the damage since she still allows me to kill Atziri smoothly. But I'm sorry for all those who are not in the same situation and so, if first they could barely play 74-75 maps, now they will simply play Temple Map.
8) I dedicate a point to Atziri's Acuity because reading its nerf seemed unbelievable. Many players don't even try to kill regular-Atziri. Even fewer manage to kill uber-Atziri that for the record is the strongest boss in PoE. The most rare drop of Uber-Atziri is a pair of gloves that has nothing special aside instant leech on crit. And after 1.3 the Atzri gloves can be easily comparate to Vaal Pact keystone except for mana-leech? No one will pay 200-300ex anymore for those gloves. The uber-atziri runners will drop dramatically along with the price of Mortal Hope. Regular-Atziri farming is comparable to a time-wasting.
9) No improvement of the trade-system. Trading still remain a time-wasting especially for those who do not have many stash in which store the items and sell them at the right time. Because yes, stashes&trading system are one of the most important problem of PoE in my opinion. That combo makes the game pay-to-win even if it doesn't seems. But I've seen it. When I got just 4 stashes, I was struggling to get currencies. Now I've got 52 stash and no problems at all. I mean. What's the problem of having 6 stashes for chaoses and regals recipes? No problems. What's the problem of keeping any "nice item" in my stash waiting for somone that pm me asking for it and selling it vs some chaoses? No problems again. Buying stashes is for sure a pay-to-win policy. By the way this is not the core of this point. Since stashes are for sell, the lack of a solid trading-system makes every people that don't pay for them in disadvantage compared to other people. Improve trading-system can "fix" or at least reduce the perception of the problem. As said, this patch doesn't improve this.
10) Desynch problem not mentioned. I think the engine is about the same as before. Maybe some little improvement? But don't know. It isn't mentioned.
11) Not a single buff on gems that are in the oblivion.
I hope this bad feeling is due to the fact I have not tried the 1.3. I hope that after the release I can feel an enjoyable game even if many of the problem I've mentioned above won't be fix for sure at this point.
Surely, for the first time in several years, I'm really ready to quit this game. Of course this sorry me since I've spent much time and money in this game to support you.
See you in few hours to test new leagues.
PS: Sorry for bad english. I think some errors can occurs since Google Translate has been my best friends writing this post.
Posted byKaweechelchen#3716on Dec 12, 2014, 12:07:14 PM
treborfflow wrote:
Corsal8 wrote:
8) I dedicate a point to Atziri's Acuity because reading its nerf seemed unbelievable. Many players don't even try to kill regular-Atziri. Even fewer manage to kill uber-Atziri that for the record is the strongest boss in PoE. The most rare drop of Uber-Atziri is a pair of gloves that has nothing special aside instant leech on crit. And after 1.3 the Atzri gloves can be easily comparate to Vaal Pact keystone except for mana-leech? No one will pay 200-300ex anymore for those gloves. The uber-atziri runners will drop dramatically along with the price of Mortal Hope. Regular-Atziri farming is comparable to a time-wasting.
tl;dr but this point made me laugh. First world problems, sir^^ "No one will pay 200-300ex..." - you do realize that 90% of the player base don't give a shit and are happy to pay 1 to 10 exalts in an entire league? And they are still having fun...
Edit, I think something went wrong while posting the original reply.
By the I've worte that what you said is exactly the problem. Atziri's Acuity should be the most worthable item in PoE or something similar. That gloves are OP and there should be no problem if they are OP since they are the most difficult item to get. It's right that they have a mod that can't be found in a keystone.
I also agree with you that many people are happy because now they can afford Acuity with 1-10 ex. The point is that it isn't fair. That gloves aren't for any casual player.
That point has been written to underline that Acuity nerf was an unnecessary nerf.
Last edited by Corsal8#3184 on Dec 12, 2014, 12:19:57 PM
Posted byCorsal8#3184on Dec 12, 2014, 12:08:53 PM
Can we get to over 100 pages of QQs before the patch release?
Posted byuneak#0780on Dec 12, 2014, 12:10:33 PMBanned
jaredh wrote:
Oh, you'd miss us. The non-HC players are the ones keeping the lights on.
Time to cope with the reality that the original concept isn't viable for business and never was. HC games and PVP games cater to a niche group. Profit can only be achieved by access far and wide, and profit is the name of the game here.
Changing PoE back into a crazy hard game is going to drive casual players away in droves...and trust me, that is NOT what GGG wants to do if they want to keep getting paychecks.
Actually, the supporters paying money into microtransactions/paying money to create their own uniques are keeping the lights on. Without them, we'd have no game, regardless of the number of softcore players, because GGG wouldn't have the funds to operate their business. ;)
Posted byMimSiE#4118on Dec 12, 2014, 12:10:48 PM
looking forward to this update :) thx for detailed patch notes
Posted bym0nstertr4x#4106on Dec 12, 2014, 12:11:49 PM
Well Nerf Notes 1.3 make me wish never buying the grandmaster pack
Posted byPigJuicer#1523on Dec 12, 2014, 12:12:18 PM