1.3.0 Patch Notes

mortal kombat hype
there is no truth, only opinions
Tyoll wrote:
Steelgrey666 wrote:
GGG....honestly....go to hell. These are the worse changes i have ever seen you guys do to the passive tree , and the worst unique nerf i have ever seen.

The nerf to items was ENTIRELY unnecessary. It was already going to be hard enough to get max block or even decent block but you then decide to massively destroy uniques as well and even base shields to make it worse?

The people with the best items will be upset for a while but then figure it out with their items. The rest have had builds destroyed and survivability nerfed. Those reactive skills won't be any help either thanks to it.

I am probably going to quit now. I just don't see the reason to play. Just the level of how bad you are at balancing is astounding.

I think we should all stop for a Moment and pause. Before you post remember you might come across as an ingorant butthurt child like this Person.

Perhaps we should actually play the game and see how the Balance changes Actually affect our builds in-game. Rather than making assumptions about the entire patch based on a few things we might dislike

And if those changes make us feel that a certain build is no longer viable, then perhaps we should re-evaluate the tree, develop new ideas for builds and test those ideas.

Personally i think thats a much better plan than crying about the fact that I wont get to Play the same CoC Max block build that i have played for the last two leagues

I think you are calling the wrong person a child, when you start throwing names around like that and butthurt you sir become the child. Firstly I agree with a lot of what he is saying. One my build which I worked on quite a bit was focused on Dual wield and block now that's shot regardless of your wait and see approach. 2 why should I be forced to abandon all my efforts into something and start from scratch every time they radically change things up. How would this inspire me to keep playing a game that has already lost most of my attention. Master are medicore and most of their mods are absolute crap and they are totally not worth the grind, so this addition to me did not keep my attention. Atziri is insanely hard unless you had an insanely expensive build. My Scion had 6.5kHP did 42K DPS and had a ton of block and I still could not do Atziri. No Sir I think the original Poster is pretty close to the truth of it. Unlike him I have already abandoned the game some months ago with the release of 2.1 for Diablo 3. I have been having a much more rewarding time and far less frustration.
Klausdawg wrote:
Yikes, I can't see how anyone looks at these patch notes, absolutely filled with negative changes for players, as something that motivates them to play.

This.... Why don't Dev's understand that the idea of RPG type games is to feel OVERPOWERED?

nerf,nerf,nerf... I finally got a Witch (max block) to L87,after almost a year,now she'll be crippled.Thanks!
Some mornings it's not worth chewing the straps off...
This is one of the best patches since long time!

Thanks a fucking lot GGG! SO HYPED!!! AND I FUCKING MEAN IT! :D
Beta Member Since 2010
Last edited by Kalidor#1039 on Dec 12, 2014, 9:05:08 AM
Tyoll wrote:
We should be looking at what opportunities the new changes bring

And what opportunities the new changes bring, and which changes, specifically. Please bring them on the table, it will be helpful.
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Last edited by torturo#7228 on Dec 12, 2014, 9:02:47 AM
Tyoll wrote:

Put simply, over powered builds will always be nerfed

Yeah, nice tornado shot and bow nerfs...

This game is really weird now, 5 exalt builds destroy the content, but god forbid me to make a 500 exalted build to faceroll shit. They only nerf it.
IGN: Ziggro
Get 7 endu charge, drop nice dps axe and win poe 1.3 as melee cycloner lol.
Those nerfs was needed badly. Thanx for the patch, GGG. Will roll HC char as usual with much more pleasure. Challenge awaits and i like it!
So, wait, puncture bleeds for 10% whether the target is moving or not? Or, was this just an oversight?

Please tell me puncture wasn't relegated to the level of shock nova.
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Last edited by Antnee#4468 on Dec 12, 2014, 9:10:26 AM
Think im just gonna stop playing this game waiting way to long now for them to fix melee (closed bata)
So sick off it.
and stop With the nurfs and buffs with archer's and casters NOT every player likes using spells and Bows.

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