1.3.0 Patch Notes

Thx for the long needed rebalancing of stupid Block/Evasion/Acrobatics Combo!

I really look forward rolling a dual-wielded templar first this league!

Everyone who is crying about "nerfs only" should check out the Skilltree!
What about monster golf? Hit it HARD - go find it - Hit it hard again :D
edgewood wrote:
I am truly hoping that this really isn't going to be as bad as it sounds.
I just recently finished grinding the shit out of my masters to get 8 so I can actually start crafting some stuff to use in game. Now that is no longer possible. The economy is soo fucked up that it is impossible to make any cash to buy top tier items. I have Never even seen an eternal orb drop and I have multiple lvl 90+ characters run 78 maps and NOT one has ever dropped for me, now i need 5! for mutliple crafted mods? Not to mention that Everything I did purchase or grind for hours/days to find is now totally worthless as they were nerfed into the ground. This is getting ridiculous with the amount of nerfs and the rift you are causing between the have's and the have nots. I have no problem with not having every top tier item as I play 20-30 hours a week and not 10 hours a day like a lot of ppl do, that being said 20 hours a week is a HUGE time investment to have it screwed over like this. How bout instead of making it so the ppl who take longer to reach the goal don't get fucked over every time they get close and just make the goals farther away. How hard would it really be to just make some higher level instances of current zones to challenge the ppl who are walking through all the content now instead of fucking over those of us who take a LOT longer to reach that level?

Signed One incredibily frustrated and pissed off supporter

i cant understand how you want ggg to make the game more casual
probably the first comment i read where youre sad about the nerfes w/o massive QQ but you have to understand there is a big variety of people who want challange in a game / and im not talking about 8/8
Dam I was looking forward to playing this new league, NOT NOW !
Guess I'll being going out and picking up Dragon Age Inquisition.
And put POE on the shelf till GGG gets their head's out of each others asses.
Sup with all defense nerfs? Arctic Armor have been insanely difficult to support on high lvls, yet they nerfed it still. One must sacrifice many thing to get that AA up and running, and now it isn't even worth it anymore. OK, I'll just go block then. No you won't. That's also being nerfed to the ground. Dodge also. Why is this necessary? Every single person I invited to the Path Of Exile have quitted because its ridiculously hard to build up defenses for high level content, and yet keep reasonable dps. The other half I tried to invite won't even give it a try because of this. And that was before 1.3 patch. I think that you will definitely see some old player leak to other games (*cough Diablo3 cough*). The new players will just try, realize it's insanely difficult, and run away. In my opinion 1.3 should buff the defenses to compensate the insane desync that is happening all the time. I can't imagine how Hardcore players will play this game now with all desync and defense nerf. It's ridiculous. I know you guys won't even read this, but I guess you will come to senses when you start loosing players.
ed_hunter wrote:
I can't imagine how Hardcore players will play this game now with all desync and defense nerf.

Disconect macro and City of Sarn all day long.
Yeah nerf acuity and leave bow destroying content, nice logic, 5 ex builds faceroll stuff while a 500 ex builds are getting nerfed non stop... I was gonna play standard to continue my progression, ill just stay in gw2 this time.
IGN: Ziggro
Silverthorn90 wrote:

All the balance changes and they overlooked this one?
Was so keen on being able to make use of it, but now its pointless...

+1 another silent victim under the great murder...
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers
One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin
One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror
Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap

welcome to PoE 2.0 , another game with same graphics though

all your chars on standard are trash
Check our recruitment thread if curious

Twitch: PoE_Vincam
Last edited by baumpaul#7488 on Dec 12, 2014, 8:39:22 AM
Steelgrey666 wrote:
GGG....honestly....go to hell. These are the worse changes i have ever seen you guys do to the passive tree , and the worst unique nerf i have ever seen.

The nerf to items was ENTIRELY unnecessary. It was already going to be hard enough to get max block or even decent block but you then decide to massively destroy uniques as well and even base shields to make it worse?

The people with the best items will be upset for a while but then figure it out with their items. The rest have had builds destroyed and survivability nerfed. Those reactive skills won't be any help either thanks to it.

I am probably going to quit now. I just don't see the reason to play. Just the level of how bad you are at balancing is astounding.

I think we should all stop for a Moment and pause. Before you post remember you might come across as an ingorant butthurt child like this Person.

Perhaps we should actually play the game and see how the Balance changes Actually affect our builds in-game. Rather than making assumptions about the entire patch based on a few things we might dislike

And if those changes make us feel that a certain build is no longer viable, then perhaps we should re-evaluate the tree, develop new ideas for builds and test those ideas.

Personally i think thats a much better plan than crying about the fact that I wont get to Play the same CoC Max block build that i have played for the last two leagues
Well my only issue with all these defensive nerfs is : where are the alternatives? Maybe I'm blind I don't see any. I know it's pretty early to judge, but I doubt the new skills and support skills will add defense.

I like playing evasion mostly, why? Because I'm having a hard time finding suitable defense for armor based characters. Now that AA has been nerfed (which needed a lot of sacrifices to be able to run on lvl 20 or higher, especially with inner force), where will I get my defenses? I thought they wanted to lower the interest of uniques like Cloak of Defiance and Lightning Coil, but even them being nerfed as well they will even be more popular because of the lack of alternatives. I don't want to wear a specific unique in most builds just for defensive reasons. Please illuminate me, do they want us to immortal call us through the game or something? I can't follow anymore. Defenses shouldn't be this hard to solve. All I see is extra damage nodes on the tree, but if you go for them you will be a glass cannon. And please don't go 'armour nodes' on me.

Last edited by leto2626#2588 on Dec 12, 2014, 8:38:29 AM

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