1.3.0 Patch Notes

After taking some time to look at the 1.3 Passive Tree and reading the patch notes, I have to admit I was pretty aggravated and mainly so because the changes will break my 2 favorite characters from the past 2 leagues. While i feel the nerf to crit multi was a little extreme, I am however happy about the other nerfs (block chance, SRS, Arctic Armor, etc.). I feel like this 1.3 will ultimately be for the best and I'm excited to try new builds I have in mind. I wish everyone the best of luck in 1.3 and the new leagues.
I do have to ask as to why they keep nerfing defense in this game. Armor doesn't scale well with physical damage at high levels. It doesn't reduce incoming spell damage, so any monster with elemental will one shot you with out max resist. Melee builds in this game are now more of a paradox than ever given the harsh nerfs in the block and block reduction nodes. Its one thing to be buffed by all auras in a party. but play this game alone with good end game gear yellows and uniques. The average life pool for many builds is 3-4k and getting hit easily chunks 40% of your life bar. If you get hit by some bosses that do massive damage and move fast you are done....

Lets face it, lvl 60 and above you need MOM AA or massive life regen to be able to tank. the other half of the tree cannot achieve that. I think armor and evasion need to be buffed severely now. More so evasion, evasion can dodge attacks physical attacks but not spells, i think evasion should apply to all forms of attack and damage types. Either that or reduce the monster crit multiplier on all mobs. If you look at the damage pool a monster does 3k flat damage at high level. Before any map modifiers are in place. I would hate to play as a melee build in this game.

getting map modifers that give 90% increased damage as an element on top of 30% increased monster damage with -22% resist........................................... i got that once on gorge, it was retarded....

long story short stop nerfing defense.....
was hoping for totem buffs. spell totem right now is so weak, a lvl 20 gem is just instantly destroyed by anything even in low lvl maps. and you can't really grab totem nodes since they are incredibly weak (and terribly positioned) and you already have to spend every point to get enough crit/cast speed to do any damage.
vaal or no balls
wtf? so much nerf but flameblast and tornado shot untouched?

Nearly every single caster runs flameblast on low levels cos it's so much faster than every other early game spell. but seems to be intended ...
konakonakona wrote:
Desync is gunna be here and is in every ARPG for a long time until some genius figures out the ultimate code.

I'm going to respectfully disagree here. I've seen tons of arguments about ways that desync can be improved, the most sensible was something along the lines of having the game check more frequently with the servers to verify player location. I've desynced just walking around and I've got a good PC and a good internet connection. If i was Flickering all over I could see it, but not just walking. :)

I've played a lot of ARPGs and I've never experienced desync like this ever in any of them. Never in any FPS game, never in any MMO.
good patch, make more
Hahahahha someone collect all those tears and make a better game then POE.

Have you guys ever watched how end game characters one shot all monster in no time and you say thats the balance ? i never had any OP gear and I still think my character is too strong for this game .

Cant wait for New leagues to start and pvp action begin , also please 50 % discount for all effects again!
Just read the last line :
This was an awesome patch to put together and test (i.e. playing lots of PvP).

And you haven't tested all this stuff in PvE? Hope I'm wrong, or it's a big fucking mistake!
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
Last edited by Wazz72#5866 on Dec 12, 2014, 2:43:53 AM
I like the patch, feels like it was mostly needed changes.

Also, I didn't see anyone mention the one notable buff in the notes:

Chris wrote:

Increased Critical Strikes now starts at 90% critical strike chance, increasing to 147% at gem level 20. It now provides 1% critical strike chance per 1% of quality.

As far as I can see this is a buff of 20/20 gem from 125% to 167%, in a patch of otherwise nerfing crit, I think it's notable.
Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card
I once suggested in the forums for this change to cyclone.
I felt confused and a little betrayed by your unwillingness to help fix this problem.
I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you so ****ing much.
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