1.3.0 Patch Notes

So many whiners and over exaggerated posts on this thread....

My god its NOWHERE even close to how bad most of you think it is...
I'm not questioning if melee will be palyable.
But again ... you stated:
"Every patch is made to upgrade and balance the game for our own good."

How nerfing melee in general is balancing the game ?
Maybe buffing something that was already weak compared to the rest would've been a better balance decision?
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Heartsease wrote:
Some of my feelings -

- The Acrobatics change is a disaster. Moreover it makes Rearguard a ridiculous unique
- The widespread block recovery nodes are near useless given player can achieve ~40-50% maximum block in this patch
- Duelist start is worse than Ranger start
- No buff to Storm Shield with such low block chance...
- Puncture is changed into a weird skill...basically counters the mechanism of itself

I totally agree with you
Love the notes, only ever made it to 79 in beyond and that was facebreaker. Still planning to play one in bloodlines however this time I feel like the damage will scale super well with shield charge! Looks like the investment to block nodes will be even more worth it however I am really miffed about the reduction you did to the big beautiful bringer of rain I was planning on using.

Love it, really glad about a lot of changes to uniques however I am saddened the most that you didn't even let us keep our crest of +10 block. The other stats (barring life-steal) were pretty lackluster and I think you could have let us keep that at the least, it is only ever really kept for leveling and I think that given the radical hit to block in the tree and on other gear it would have served it purpose as an early boost to block chance while leveling as the disparity for melee builds is pretty bad without any block chance.

Overall beauty patch notes and I cant wait to run facebreaker utilizing the new retaliatory gems!


So ready for Leo's PVPness

sidenote: Thank god you are making it more difficult and screw all the QQ going on here

I'm glad to see GGG is doing something against the ongoing power creep. Comparing the current game to the early open beta or even closed beta days, the game has become a lot easier.
Personally I am very pleased with the changes.
Dheim wrote:
PersyTelamon wrote:
Everyone is not supposed to be level 100

I've seen this statement a few times before and I'm curious as to the reasoning on this. Why can't it be easier for people to hit 100? It's not like at 100 you get an extra 20 passive points. Nothing amazing happens, you just get that sense of accomplishment. Also, this entire game is based around making a ton of different builds - that's what we all love about it. What's the reasoning behind making it so impossible to hit 100 when everyone is going to roll multiple characters anyways?

Because it is like just clicking on "Make me level 100."

This is the pathetic mentality that blizzard listens to, and has since WotLK to ruin the game. Why don't we get epics? QQ. Why can't I kill LK? QQ.

You know what you love about the game, and are just to obtuse to realize? The challenge, the fact that no, you are not as good as most of the people that play it. The fact that you aspire to be the people that are better then you. You want to be the "elite gamer." Guess what, you aren't. By that attitude alone. That's fine. Just remember something....When games get to friendly with people like you crying and getting their way to make everything easy...and the elite players leave, you just go on to the next game and cry there. Rinse and repeat the process, get on the forums, wondering why you aren't them, and always come up short...Why they can't hand you everything, while the player you "want to be," is out grinding it, becoming better, learning, and adapting.

Hope this helps you inside and you learn something from it at least...if not, I'll try to throw you a few gems before you quit this league.
Reizoko wrote:
I'm glad to see GGG is doing something against the ongoing power creep. Comparing the current game to the early open beta or even closed beta days, the game has become a lot easier.
Personally I am very pleased with the changes.

Another quality ZAP! post.
Last edited by chimpanzee#7852 on Dec 12, 2014, 2:23:01 AM
Chris wrote:
Thanks for your ongoing support!

No, I must thank you that you finally gave me a reason to stop supporting you.

In other words. I see no reason to support a company that balances the game based on the top 100 players and does not care about the remaining hundreds of thousands of others.

In this patch I see many things I don't like but mostly quite simply I don't understand why nerf block this way.

In the game you already have buff and debuff mechanics. So when you hate characters with 75/75 block which uses spells (selfcast or CoC) why don't simply apply a debuff for each cast of spell which would cause 50% less block chance for 1 second or something like that.

You have many ways how to balance this game and I feel that everytime when you see something OP you choose the simplest way to "balance it": you grab big overpowered nerfhammer and smash that thing without thinking about other options how to solve it.
Hmm...quite a sour taste after reading the patch notes. GGG I think you came on too strong with the nerfs without giving the community enough options to go to.

-Things you did well :
*Reduce the dmg on Crits (a little too far, but the thought was there)
*Create a situation where players cant have max dmg + survivability (Acro nerf)
*Give viable nodes to armor users (Soul of Steel / Unyielding)
*...and give me a couple minutes I need to think.

-Things you dropped the ball with...:
*Atziri's Acuity, I don't own them and probably never will...but this really hurt a lot of people be it in financial investments or because this was really the only option to deal with reflect in a crit build. A nerf was necessary, but I believe creating a legacy version would have been more fair. It's not like the gear/tree manipulation error that CoE was taking advantage of...This is literally just flat number manipulation, which is totally uncalled for to do without fore warning considering how valuable these are. In a pod cast Chris said they weren't going to hurt crit...so much for that.
*CoC, when trying to balance something there is a difference between "nerfing" and making something "useless"...80% reduced effectiveness? What's the point of having this gem around if you could do more casting the spells yourself.
*Block, along with CoC you guys REALLY murdered this. Cutting the tree up made sense as it did provide way too many outs to get high block, but come on... nerfing items and SHIELDS? Why take a shield if you can dual wield and get twice the dmg and use stronger abilities like dual strike/cyclone? (cyclone is stronger on dw) This was just too far, especially nerfing the few items that could soften the blow to this nerf. If you really wanted to balance this for PvP then make reduced block gems and create a node where reduced block isn't just on swords if this is such a problem.
*Taking off the hybrid stats of Master's, while I agree some what with this...it also irritates me. Pretty much you now have to have a butt load of currency to start crafting again because using the flat max 69% IED is useless on any form of late-to-end game items. Come on GGG I understand we have to burn currency..but the people who took advantage of that mod the most were people that didn't have much currency to begin with! If this is to balance the LLD PvP then stay tuned as I have suggestions on how to "balance" that with the meta of PvE.
*Okay good job on trying to balance abilities...but I believe you chose the wrong ones. Puncture makes some sense after the bleed ring nodes, but nerf dual strike and keep arc/tornado shot/flame blast completely fine and in a sense BUFF the already over powered skills? (Templar ele circle) As if dual wielding wasn't hurt enough by having practically 0 block nodes now, but you also reduce its damage? The proper way to balance skills shouldn't be about turning good stuff into shit. It should be about polishing the lack luster stuff to make it a viable choice against the current Meta skills.

There are probably a few others I didn't mention, but all in all...there isn't much to be excited about, all this patch did was take away fun viable options that were some what guaranteed to work in the late stretch of the game and replaced with...NOTHING.

PvP Balance : For particular events give standard issued gear that people can use so it doesn't become a fight of the wallets and more so a person's dexterity and build path. (As a side note, I did volunteer to help with the PvP of the game..)

***Sorry for the long post, but I feel as though it's a good representation for everyone's frustration***
Guys... lay of the QQ until you try the patch for yourselves. I take it as a challenge to find the new OP builds, not whine over old ones that has gone the way of the dodo

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