Some Items from Content Update 1.3.0

Hucik wrote:
To VORTEX ---> I just cant understand you kid what you are talking about :) Think about those who has limited time to play it, but want to enjoy it. Similar to real life; if you spend lot of time on something you don't want to loose it in a minute and frankly speaking knowing this from beginning I would not spend hundreds of hours on that. I fully support the issue raised about block builds, you just cant grab it and change completely from stretch and trust me what I am saying as I am working for IT company and selling stuff... And there are already a lot of people which think this way and have same concerns ...

Exactly, I don't have time to play 20 characters like Vortex or others, which is why it is a shame. I remember when Chris said something along the lines that you could "play your character as long as you want" (even past leagues) and that was why I assumed the game was not going to change this dramatically. In my opinion, ranged builds can be reworked easier with most patches, but block builds like Aegis require block. The Forsaken Masters patch already made the AA builds less viable, GGG strengthened the attacks of 78 dominus and most other monsters. They already had nerfed Armour and life for Forsaken Masters, so why nerf all of block for PvE people? They removed block chance for spells once, now they cut it again until the block base is useless. I get that a build needs to be nerfed, but to nerf it until it can't be played as it was for a long time is very undermining to the loyal melee users. The facts are that the game has been changing, but this is the most significant change that has ever happened for melee block. I believe there were better alternatives to fixing their "balancing" needs than to just remove all the block nodes.

With the thought of playing D3, I played D3 two years ago and quit playing ARPG's for a year until PoE was released on Steam, this game was great with the variations of melee and shields actually having a use to block! Not like in D2 where shields just acted as damage reduction. The block mechanic was a true game changer.

Now it is dead, the RNG mechanics make it useless at less than max.
Last edited by Grindrix#7556 on Dec 11, 2014, 6:04:20 PM
Hucik wrote:
To VORTEX ---> I just cant understand you kid what you are talking about :) Think about those who has limited time to play it, but want to enjoy it. Similar to real life; if you spend lot of time on something you don't want to loose it in a minute and frankly speaking knowing this from beginning I would not spend hundreds of hours on that. I fully support the issue raised about block builds, you just cant grab it and change completely from stretch and trust me what I am saying as I am working for IT company and selling stuff... And there are already a lot of people which think this way and have same concerns ...

Right on the money. Vortex's way of thinking is one sided. They nerfed block life armour melee builds for Forsaken Masters and now they have just removed block. Why not just delete all of block altogether then. It is pretty pointless.
Last edited by TridentTHrowz#1616 on Aug 10, 2015, 9:34:13 AM
Last edited by TridentTHrowz#1616 on Dec 11, 2014, 6:03:18 PM
Just to add, I don't want to be mean. I love the game, enjoy it, appreciate all the great work GGG is performing, that's why we spend also our $ on items we want to have in game, what is the right way I think. However we have to raise a voice, especially if we are speaking about complete ruining of one side of playing. I played D, D2, D3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect an more, all the time supporting team fully and I really found in POE the best passive skills mechanism ever, that's why hurts me a lot. I asked many friends to come, try, play, support, now half of them are pissed at me... One more time we just want to point what is wrong in our view and I think this is all what bout this topic is right now.
With all respect but,
welcome new crap unique - rustic sash - less than an alch soon in new leagues!
dat ele dps % doe.
I can appreciate the avoid being shocked as well.
dis update tho
Xarous86 wrote:
i love the increased damage over time on the bow !
poison arrow builds anyone ?

or puncture

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