Some Items from Content Update 1.3.0
Last edited by Grindrix#7556 on May 2, 2015, 1:43:15 PM
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" If you think I have a hard time reading then I dont know what it is you have. I cant make this any more simple for you. Block is OP period has been, has been since closed beta. I Have played SEVERAL mid range block builds to 90+ and they have all worked on HC and didnt die until I personally killed them off. If you think block is not viable then I am sorry you dont get it. As far as making people play what they want? GGG is going with the majority and the majority of people want the changes they have. I am sorry you want to play nothing else but pure 75/75 block. Thats on you. And no one is crying that it is too strong. It was stated that it was too strong ages ago. As was crit! If you cant find a way to change your build to be good enough with the way block is now then 1 of 3 things will happen. Either GGG will knowtice this and change it back or make it different OR you will get over it and move on or quit. But coming on here telling me I dont know what I am talking about with the amount of experience and builds I have is plain insulting lol. If you read what I wrote I clearly said I use to play RF summoner. I was heart broken when the nerf came in. I had a choice. Change or quit. Simple! Sadly there are far MORE players who dont mind than who do so for you that sucks I guess. But as far as your block build goes id love to see it because I cant see how you cant still do it nearly as well. Like I said I have several high end game block builds that dont require 75/75 Id also like to know what is so crippling about this patch for block other than the lower %. Can still get over 50% |
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Last edited by Grindrix#7556 on May 2, 2015, 1:41:34 PM
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" Then yes that does suck and it is nerfed very hard but that is the reason for the block nerf> There are versions of that build with that shield that can literally face tank bosses if built correctly. There are videos all over the place of that since closed beta. But this is where my point comes to play and I mean no disrespect but that is 1 of very many builds that was nerfed hard enough to not maybe be playable. Many other block builds still work. Many even melee ones. They might need help from other mechanics but they work still. So yes if that is the only build you like then you might want to wait and see after patch and if it is nerfed too hard then maybe hang it up till next patch or something. One of my builds is going to be staff block(50%ish) crit this patch. So I dont know what to tell you BUT what do you except them to do? everything cant be OP lol. Look at bringer of rain, Koams heart, RF summoner..ect |
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hi mom
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I'm reading all that stuff and i cant believe it.
"...get over it" "...try something else" Respec a char that is ruined cos of his passive tree is out of point also making new char and deleting old one which is 90+ only bcos someone think that its so easy to throw your spent time in to trash makes me feel bad, besides its not only a passives but also gear you will need to change, so its not like I or anyone else have full warehouse of awesome stuff for every single build, and if someone said it takes 2 days to farm 5 EX... nice joke man, I play this game a while and from my entire life I droped only 2 exalts (bad luck?), Ofc every update is a nice change cos it means games evolving and it isn't dead but before any change GGG should hear/read ALL players not only those who whine that some of builds that they never play are OP or game for THEM is too easy so please nerf it cos they already have everything that games offer (so new players probably too eh?), and they wont understand ofc that we will need farm and invest in new stuff that isn't for free with cracked builds :) But yeah... what I, noob that played this game for a pretty long time and tested many build know anything? If i would know that those conversation will change anything i would even start fight but you know what? its too late patch is coming tomorrow and all HYPED guys will bury our negative and constructive opinions deep deep in to the forum ground. Oh and one more thing, if this update is actually a PvP update why not make for it specially new passive tree for PvP monkeys? then i would understand that 75% block is OP on PvP OK I ADMIT or Crits are OP ok ok on PvP it may cause problems but on PvE?! for me block/armor/dodge dmg and spell is the only thing that will keep you for sure quite long on the battlefield cos evasion works nice IF THEY WONT HIT YOU so actually it doesn't work on end game content. BEST LUCK TO ALL THAT WILL NEED TO START ENTIRELY FROM THE VERY BEGINNING WITH THEIR NEW BUILDS! Last edited by WronaPGABP#5026 on Dec 11, 2014, 3:11:23 AM
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Static Strike sounds awesome!
Great to see new item mods! After nerding D2 for some weeks again, I really noticed the lack of "exciting mods" in Poe (which I somehow understand because of balance issues). Though Dotdmg and Alldmg is not "exciting", it is... new. :D +1 to vortex315. People seem to go crazy because they can't reach the cap anymore. But that' the point. It's way more interesting when there is room for more. And yes, 50/50 is still a great survival increase vs. investment. IGN: Scordalia_
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" +1000 | |
" First off, 5ex in 2 days is very simple if you know what items people need/want(not talking about farming pure ex drops...come on?) If you cant figure this out youtube it there is easily over 20 videos of people doing this and many streamers and non streamers have shown it. Not that hard to do. That is the end of that. The nerf to block was not just a pvp nerf it was a pve nerf for a reason. There is VERY few builds that rely ONLY on block chance and that is aegis which to be honest you should have more than just that. Let me show you why they nerfed the build Take a look. This is one of hundreds of videos of people face tanking with only block. THE SIMPLEST WAY I CAN PUT THIS: NERFING A FEW BUILDS TO MAKE THE REST NOT OP! It is very simple. The shield is still very useable just less amazing and not unkillable. SOOOOOO many block builds still work. So stop acting as if I dont know. I have had over 20 block characters alone, ive tested them including this shield and they all needed to be nerfed PERIOD!!!! That goes for crit as well. Crit ST for example is super strong! Still will be after nerf and that is only 1 build! Also how do you act as if this hasnt happened before? So many builds have been nerfed before this yet people find ways to make them work, almost all of them. RF summoner got nerfed people went to different types of summoners(summoners as a whole still work) But the 1 op thing they fixed. There are several examples of this I dont feel like pointing out. Your evasion comment was just dumb so ill hit that real quick. If you dont think evasion builds work endgame feel free to pm me and ill send you a guide showing people face tanking bosses with it. So ya dont comment on something you dont know anything about. And lastly your last comment, The point of the game is to tryout new builds constantly and have things change. If it wasnt this way then you would be playing fucking diablo 3 basically! Where everyone has the same items the same builds and do the same things. Look im not telling you your wrong for being upset that your build was nerfed but I am telling you that your wrong about it not needing to be nerfed then crying about it when everyone and their brother's uncles know damn well that block in its current state was too strong! Last edited by vortex315#3642 on Dec 11, 2014, 2:44:17 PM
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To VORTEX ---> I just cant understand you kid what you are talking about :) Think about those who has limited time to play it, but want to enjoy it. Similar to real life; if you spend lot of time on something you don't want to loose it in a minute and frankly speaking knowing this from beginning I would not spend hundreds of hours on that. I fully support the issue raised about block builds, you just cant grab it and change completely from stretch and trust me what I am saying as I am working for IT company and selling stuff... And there are already a lot of people which think this way and have same concerns ...
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