Codename AKFlubby: Results of pushing Ripper up to +1 arrow, .. 140k gmp ts and still room ..
" havent tested it tbh but sinc eim allready getting 55k on a life based ripper with not a single l21 aura or anything id call decent dps jewleryquiver and no +1+1 i doubt that a ot has changed ... Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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" option one allthough i'd love to know what rigns your referring to .. call me biased but foe eye is stillt he best dps wise for this kind of specc especially the new fire res es version pair it with decent 30 ms res es boots and a storng dual or trires belt and resis are fixed don'T see a problem there Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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" this never wa areally good uber specc since tornao is simply a bad spell there (it is fun though and the 30 runs i did last league for proof of concept were enjoyable if u discount some of the atziri rips from hitting the mirror :! Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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" Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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" i'm sorry but im rleuctant to post a skill thread since m speccs are usually very very fine tuned especially mana and reserve wise and im currently not mooded to do a full test setup and invest the 5-8 hours it takes to balance gear, mana def and aura links on corrupted items. sry Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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@Flubby 55k on life based (non +1+1)? With all due respect but I can't see that unless you're running with LMP and possibly atziri flask or I'm missing something. I even had such setup with optimal gear, having 45k with charges up but it was before crit nerf (mainly crit dmg gem). I just can't see it now, having 55k dps.
@Mutatne seriously OP? why everbody is saying OP everywhere each time, wtf? This OP that OP bla bla OP, really? It looks like now most kids are used to say OP instead of just 'having fun'? Would you play a game where there wouldn't be any fun i.e. clearing map in h'n's for about 1 hour? In h'n's killing mobs fast is the fundamental thing that brings the fun, so again wtf is going on with OP? BTW you're not having WED optimized and +life gain on hit... Last edited by ojejku#1220 on Jan 26, 2015, 11:00:22 AM
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" its 50k gmp gem atm with 21 thunder ,20 anger wrath ice, and charges via assa mark 4,4k life lvl 93 (sorry for the 55k smb ing rp had vh up when i looked). Its semi cheat only in the way that i have to run bloodrage if i want frenzy charges when running solo (which i tend to dislike on a life build) but i generally run with at least one charge sharer so whats generally up is 50ish k atm. Just switched from 300/20 mfing on it to dps and still gathering a bit of jewlery , fine tuning tree and hunting 21 auras and such but guess i'll release a little writeup on that life thingy as well since i dont use bloodmagic which for some seems to be somethign unusual somehow (and is probably the reason u cant go higher on the defualt specc since it blocks a socket doing bloodmagic). I am actually pretty sure that u can go close to 100k on life with 4,5k ish life on lvl 100 and before the +1 shenagians allthough i am not sure if i can reach that before double foe eye in std. also when talking with other life based ripper users they are not very far away form that mark either even when running bloodmagic. Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) Last edited by Flubby#5422 on Jan 26, 2015, 1:38:31 PM
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Nice, waiting for your write up then ;) would be great if you can pm me your current tree, I'm curious whether you got some unique choices since I can only see two options (what I already tried) - either templar direction or shadow (I mean ele dmg/crit multi).
I didn't even consider taking out bm gem on a life based ripper but I can see now your 50k dmg if you take faster attack for example. I just couldn't play without volls or at least PCoC, assasin mark from curse on hit generated by herald of thunder was just IMHO not reliable. I guess that you're spaming mana flask now instead of life flask as LL ;) Anyway anxiously waiting for your write up :) Last edited by ojejku#1220 on Jan 26, 2015, 2:37:40 PM
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I get about 38k GMP dps without blood rage and only lvl 20 auras on life version with focus on mf gear. About 31k GMP with rarity gem. Here is gear:
Skill tree: Passive skill tree build i Do wonder how you plan to roll life based ripper specc without BM gem? Care to elaborate? My ultimate goal is to run pure MF without the BM gem as well utilizing the -8 reduced mana jewellry if i can ever roll some good ones. WIth a +1 arrow quiver i reckon i can afford running LMP for less mana multiplier. item rarity, item quantity, LMP, TS, WED, LL translates to about 27 mana per cast, and with good jewellry i could go down to 3 mana per cast with good DPS and very good MF. |
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gear used still work in progress etc but for you to draw your own conclusions: i removed king of the hilll since my melee mate had issues with it and i got the feeling that it made me loose kilspeed on rares (cant place ts in the shotgun position). Critcap wise Thats not a problem with dual crit rings quiver with crit and ammy with crit + malis you can still rach 95% it allthough currently its obviously sub par. Another sidenote is that not having king of the hill reduces desyncs significantly. the only difference to the straight forward way from lanfear (u took 20 crit over 16crit and 8 multi btw bad choice :)) is basically the 3 nodes to eb and the life nodes to get enough mana out of the chest. i tried a lot around and basically you need like 8 nodes in good mana circles or eb to get the combination of high pool (for leech) and some basic regen from jewlery. WIth wahts left on the current tree its close to not possible to beat a free gemslot with those free points. if u want influence mana reserve then its basically 3 points for eb, 40% life from belly, a suffix for regen and a prefix for basic leech and open a gem slot in return for that. i like the gem slot atm allthough not having bellys hp boost is definelty a hit on defense. Also i feel like i need 5-600 more mana buffer or anothe r70 regen piece on low regen maps (or smb running clarity). THe duelist mana nodes are currently basically only in to easen low regen maps. normal ones work fine even without them. with regards to coh assa: i was very surprised how good it keeps charges up tbh i only have issues when running in a grp when smb uses ele weakness gloves (something id eventually do myself) so im not so sure how to do powercharges then but since i usually run 6 mans when mapping i would probably just skip them and play dmg slot machine (put charges into me -> as reward get carried) and put up pcoc instead of inc crit when soloing. One last note: i tested faster attacks vs added cold (added cold is worse tooltip dps wise but not that much like 2% overall) and have grown to love it. You basically freeze everything up to map piety first form and meagara. Only dominus can withstand it and that's a really really strong surviability boost. I would currently only change it back when getting wed and multi on ammy and 1 or 2 jewlery pieces with cold to compensate. Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) Last edited by Flubby#5422 on Jan 26, 2015, 6:24:04 PM
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