Codename AKFlubby: Results of pushing Ripper up to +1 arrow, .. 140k gmp ts and still room ..
Videos are currently beeing uploaded i have a horrible upstream though so wont finish before tommorrow...
DISCLAIMER: - this is not really a specc thread but more of a "What can be done with a windripper in the very highs (Currency and level wise)" - Stop reading if any of the following are unknown to you low life, shavs, windripper, corrupting, empower, aura stacking, mortal conviction, crit scaling, bloodrage+enhance+bloodmagic, exalts - After all the stress i had with my last spectral build i don't really want to talk much about this but if you really, really want to know something try to hit me up in our guild teamspeak (see guild description for connection) if i have to explain stuff i prefer to do so in person .. typing smells - I apologize for the german accent and the background noises in the vids my mic sucks as does my voice can't help it ... also i seemingly lisp when speaking english and werent in the best mood when recording so lotsa cursing :D " General Okay so here's the current result on the path of maxing that kinky WIndripper thingy. I allways wanted to test a windripper build and surprise surprise on a high aps crit weapon with elemental damage u want to go low life and stack auras again. So nothing new and fancy just oldschoool low life, crit and aura stacking. ( i promise to be more creative next league :D). In case you are new: the oldschool approach = stack elemental auras (now+ heralds) push em in lvl, then slap the bloodrage low life aps bonus on top, then get high crit and multi values to multiply that again = boom. The specc does pack quite a ton of punch and a very nice screen coverage but it lacks severe in defense. Nevertheless dead things can't hurt you and it is definetly able to lvl to 100, just havent been mapping much this league. To Verify that claim i did lvl 93-96 (5 rips to chests on 93, 2 to random one shot from bubble whores .. horrible level .. u shouldnt open chests without stun immunity or smokemine ..) , 95 went a lot better till 90% ... then 1 rip to a 2 screen desync clone guy in courtyard ,, 1 by running into -25 max piety and gettign storm one shot ... i should read map mods ... and just added a xandro stunlock .. :D. I guess if one is serious about mapping one would adjust to 6k maybe even 7k es enjoy. Full buildout with mirror jewlery and better es boots it should go beyond 200k lmp+2 but i will not push it that far anymore since league is going to an end. Maybe somebody else in standard feels like doing that :) Screens and Defense and trees
My current mapping dps be aware i have extremely low hit chance at the moment so despite 90+ crit a crit shrine still pushes me by another 40k ...: ![]() my current defense on map setup: ![]() Defense: We dont have any but vaal pact and ondars versus reflect so not much to discuss here but to state that its reflect safe .... Skill Tree: Video explaining the Tree a bit and giving some alternatives:
tree links
lvl 96: lvl 95: Suggestion in case u want to use acuity: Vids done on the 95 so dont be confused that screen says 140 while vids show 130
random scaling discussion: lmp+2 vs gmp +2 vs chain +2: lmp - gmp - chain - Uber atziri for the lols: 4 random maps lmp +2: Gear Discussion:
Wall of text inc
My Current gear Setup
->YES MY ACCURACY IS TO LOW <- get at least 400 more. I cba anymore leagues almost over and tripper was very expensive :D. Helmet: I tried around with crown but handling crowns -res is a pain in the ass. Also crown lacks in energy shield. And the worst part is you have to little spell dmg opportunities to make the dmg loss worth the resistance and es loss. Crown just aint a good helmet if you can not supply it with the 75 spell form shield and weapon and aren't a witch with acces to two 16% nodes right from the start. Ideal would be a max es, 400 accu , dualres or 1 res and 50 int if the other pieces fit Chest: Shavs hands down. Lorica not an option this time since we do not have a shield to compensate. Does not have to be 6linked (you only need that if u have a +1 shavs to put auras in) Boots: i used rainbows since i wanted a +1 pair and they are at the lowest treshhold of boots you would use. THe perfect boots have max es, 30 MS Dualres 45 and 50 int. If u can manage to get something in between those two in rare from : gratz, if not the rainbows work well enough. THe +1 imho is a must have (if u don'T have a +1 shavs which is out of the question for all but maybe 5-6 ppl in the game atm). Belt: ideal rustic or chain belt. 36wed 5%ms trires 45 40es or 95 life for more mana (playability vs defense) gloves: For mapping without a curser get ele weakness,if you have a curser or drop the vaalhaste for curse on hit herald then the +1 is a very nice push to dps. I usually am able to find myself a curse minion (or make someone realize how comparavly useless using his main skill is and then make him curse ^^). Leaves us with a choice of malis vs acuities. I am skipping a rare pair since we have plenty of spots for accuracy and we allready dropped crown so want kinda want some dps. THe opness of acuties comes from the instnat mana leech, the 100% life leech instead of vp's 40%, the regen depsite having vp and the points not having to pick vaal pact. On this specc not having to pick vaal pact would only save us 1 point which could give us 5 ias or some projectile dmg but has to be directly invested into a dex node since else we lack the 212 ripper requires . We don'T need the 100% leech since we allready leech back 50% per hit and are reflect safe. THe mana leech is irrellevant since we don'T have any. So the only real advantage before stat comparison left is the regen. THat part would probably enable us to dorp the lgoh but we will have to specc shaper and through rangerfor 2% regen and probably have to activate vitality instead of a herald. On a stat comparison dps wise malis are winning allthough acuitites give a nice boost to es and a better mana pool. I aimed for dps so i went malis if you want better playability and can drop some dmg then going for acuities is a viable option but not needed and dps wise weaker than malis especially with legacy ones and if u factor in +1 or ele weakness on hit. Quiver: Perfect would be one of the legacy mirrors with +1 arrow. I'll just discuss drillneck ehre though since the wed multi crit accu ias flat dmg or res as needed should be ovious. Drillneck on a pure tooltip viewpoint looses to any nice rare quiver and you alos have to invest into pierce chance to even get it anywhere close to comparable to a rare one. The only reason to do drillneck is if you are going for pierce anyways. While pierce would be nice on really, really big packs like around shrines, i have not felt the need for it with ts. I would leave that to personal preference, but basically recommend against that piece of gear and say "go rare" ! Weapon: Ripper, as good as u can get. Have an eye for high crit chance foremost since the base crit chance influence your endgame dps values significantly, everything is scaled around that value. Obivously a + arrow is golden. Power charge good as wlel. No corrupt fine as well (see comparison vid). Jewlery: diamond rings must have. Dex on ammy should have safes a point. I balanced in the following order: 4lgoh, max multi, as much wed as u can get the rest as much %es, accuracy, flat dmg and resists you can obtain. YOu have to use those slots to tailor the gear to capped res and an es value which you feel comfortable with based on what you got in the other slots (belt helmet boots). In STd i would probably try to get a +4 ammy and use one foeeye with 20% and the fire res %es mirror one avail (or 2 foe's if the other gear allows it). Unfortunately there is currently no (and probably never will be) a perfect mirror ammy for this specc avail (wed 70 light 20%es, 4 lgoh 70 multi, 400 accu or crit chance). Mana management: I use a life pot and 4 lgoh. YOu can do pure flask (have to use a higher one then me then) as well. YOu can do 6+ lgoh where you almost dont need a flask anymore, can also do just 2 lgoh. But for me the ideal combo is what i currently use. YOu really have to adjust this to your open mana and preference though. If you want a sweet sail then drop one herald and get a high regen life flask. With 300 open it plays very smooth, though i am used to very little open mana play and don'T find it bothersome. Divinations regen is a nice fallback if you pushed your life flask to often or run out due to solo mob map on the final clear sweep. I got used to it rather well if you watch the vids you'll almost allways hear the potsound 1-2 arrows after i start attacking. Kinda became muscle memory instead of sentient thinking. Also its a lot easier to handle no regen from vaalpact on a build that does not rely on whirling blades for movement. Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) Last edited by Flubby#5422 on Dec 18, 2014, 11:59:57 AM
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Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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nice quiver +1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159 #1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745 The Tale of Foe Bite --->>> |
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" dat bis gear |
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Two +1 Empowers... Waawaawwiiwaaa
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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" not everyone goes for the +1 shavs bis i guess :D Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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Goddamn beautiful gear, Flub. Especially impressive considering Rampage is a temporary league.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
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Hype <3
No Fun Allowed
“Seek not greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; not higher fortune, but deeper felicity.” |
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must. see. the uber vid...lowlife windripper was one of the most fun builds ive ever played, this takes it up quite a few notches ;d
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" have to farm a quick hope first .. couldnt record any of the previous runs (old pc) ... gonna do today ... Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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